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【Xbox One】Phantom Dust

2014-6-12 06:55 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-6-14 06:52 PM 编辑

Phantom Dust Reboot Announced for Xbox One
《幻影沙尘》登陆XBOX One 游戏宣传影像公开

  此前微软公司曾经注册了XBOX主机旧作《幻影沙尘(Phantom Dust)》的新商标,而在该公司的E3 2014展前发布会中,官方正式确认本作的重制版将登陆XBOX One平台。根据官方的说法,本作将拥有全新的游戏方式以及比原作更加优秀美丽的画面。而现在官方也放出了本作的宣传片,下面就请大家一起来看一看。

2015-1-17 07:04 AM
Xbox One《幻影沙尘》将会是一款长约 30 小时的 JRPG

  微软游戏工作室创意总监肯‧罗伯(Ken Lobb)日前在「The Inner Circle Podcast」中透露,以 2005 年 Xbox 牌组对战动作游戏为基础重制的同名 Xbox One 游戏《幻影沙尘(Phantom Dust)》的单机模式将会是一款「游戏长度约 30 小时的日式角色扮演游戏(JRPG)」。

  罗伯在节目中表示,他将试图确保本作的战役模式质量,以更好的方式来重新展现原作的剧情故事,相信「故事是本作的一大卖点」,希望能藉由本作让这个故事被更多的人看见,而不是只有大概 6 万左右的玩家(指前作销量)。

  罗伯强调,这次的重制将会改正先前的错误,让本作不再只是少数狂热分子的最爱:「前作最大的缺点之一,就是你必须在开始游戏后的 3~6 小时之后才会发现这是一款竞技游戏。」原因就在于游戏本身太过于强调剧情,玩家一开始根本就不晓得「原来我是接下来要用这些牌组来进行对战」。

  为了改善这点,罗伯打算先让玩家在这 6 小时之前先进行 PvP 对战,另外也会在游戏时数达 15 小时之前就让玩家能够拥有一些 “可使用的牌组”。

  《幻影沙尘》的重制消息在去年的 E3 游戏展中公开,由于原作的销售成绩并不亮眼,许多玩家都对此感到讶异。罗伯却仍独排众议,表示前作 “生不逢时”,认为「太少人注意到这款作品,游戏在当时完全被低估了。」

  根据罗伯的发言,微软到现在还是没能为《幻影沙尘》的销售方针拿定主意,因为他们认为 “玩家未必愿意以 60 美元的代价冒险购入这款游戏”。罗伯自己则表示《杀手本能(Killer Instinct)》的付费模式(部分内容以收费下载的方式发行)也许会适用在《幻影沙尘》上。

  问到《幻影沙尘》的发售时间,罗伯的回答则是:「可能、也可能不会在 2015 年发行」,详细的游戏信息还有待官方正式发布。
2015-2-20 04:47 PM
Phantom Dust reboot developer shut down, game still in development

Studio Behind Phantom Dust Reboot Shuts Down

Independent development studio Darkside Games, which was working on the planned reboot of the cult classic Phantom Dust, shut down this afternoon in the wake of news that Microsoft had cancelled their version of the game, Kotaku has learned.

Microsoft, however, says they're still working on the upcoming Xbox One reboot.

"Microsoft partnered with Darkside Game Studios in the development of 'Phantom Dust,' but our working relationship has now ended," a Microsoft spokesperson said. "We have great respect for their studio and their work in the industry. While we do not have anything new to share on 'Phantom Dust' at this time, we can confirm that development of the title continues. We look forward to sharing more details on the game as we get closer to release."

Darkside, a small independent studio in Florida that has mostly done contract work on games like Borderlands and Sunset Overdrive, had been helming Phantom Dust as its first solo project, we've learned today. But when the studio's heads today heard that Microsoft had axed their game, they were forced to let everyone go, according to two people who worked there. The studio employed around 50 people.

"The executives who saw it were impressed and as late as this morning gave our team every indication that the project was on solid ground," said one of those people, who requested anonymity while speaking with Kotaku because they were not authorized to speak publicly on the situation. "Yet we got the phone call today that someone up on high who in all likelihood wasn't even aware of the game in detail shut it down."

Phantom Dust originally came out in 2004 for the first Xbox. Microsoft announced plans to remake the game for Xbox One at E3 of 2014.
2017-4-1 07:13 AM
First screenshot of Phantom Dust remaster

Xbox boss Phil Spencer shared the first screenshot of the E3 2016-announced Phantom Dust remaster on Twitter.

The game will feature remastered graphics, cloud-save support, cross-device play between Xbox One and PC, and support for “Looking for Group” and “Looking for Arena” on Xbox Live. New gameplay features include multiplayer starter decks that let you jump straight into multiplayer, improved frame rate, and game balance adjustments.

According a tweet from Spencer in January, the game is planned for release “before E3” in June. It will be available for Xbox One and Windows 10 PC.
2017-5-4 07:31 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-4 06:49 PM 编辑

19 minutes of Phantom Dust remaster gameplay, details

Polygon has gone up with 19 minutes of footage and first details on the upcoming Phantom Dust remaster for Xbox One and PC.

The Phantom Dust remaster moves from a 4:3 aspect ratio to 16:9. On Xbox One, the game renders at 1080p, and on PC, it renders at 4K resolution.

Card data for every single one of the game’s skills is now stored on Microsoft’s server, allowing the company to rapidly push out patches and tweak the game balance in real-time.

Microsoft also made changes to the game’s single-player story progression, no longer preventing players from getting into the game’s core deck-building mechanic in the first few hours of the game. Additionally, if you fail any mission three times, you can skip it. You’ll still get rewards, but there are some achievements that are tied to not skipping and doing challenging things.

There will also be free and paid downloadable content. One of the first free downloadable add-ons will give you “a whole bunch of skills and an arsenal case” so you can jump straight into multiplayer with an assortment of cards to build decks from. There are also “a whole bunch of accelerants” for multiplayer, “so if you want all of the skills immediately, for a couple bucks, you can get all of the skills.”

Microsoft said it hasn’t changed anything about the way the original game works, and that downloadable content was just added for convenience.

Watch the gameplay below.


《幻影沙尘》重制版首曝演示 卡关可跳过奖励照拿

  2004年的Xbox游戏《幻影沙尘》,其立意可谓十分超前,这是一款卡牌+第三人称格斗游戏,游戏在当时展现了迷人的画面,以及其他在线多人游戏无法媲美的独特游戏世界,微软曾经在2014年公布了一个《幻影沙尘》重启的项目,然后一直无甚消息放出,直到2016年E3微软确认项目为重制版《幻影沙尘》并且将登录Xbox One和PC,时至今日我们终于可以见到重制版的真面目了,polygon带来了一段独家游戏演示。

  polygon对游戏的创意总监Adam Isgreen进行了一次采访,谈到了重制版到底哪里不一样了,Adam表示“最大的不同就是重复版游戏画面改成了16:9以适应现今的主流分辨率,所以这意味着,玩家如果在Xbox One玩,游戏就可以渲染出1080P的画面,如果在PC上玩,也可以渲染出4K画质,如果你切到窗口模式,分辨率也可以随之变化,所以我们就是考虑到玩家的各种游玩情况,并作出适应性改动。”







2017-5-16 07:08 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-16 11:18 PM 编辑

Phantom Dust Remaster Available Tomorrow for Free
《幻影沙尘》重制版明日免费登陆Xbox One与PC

  微软Xbox的Aaron Greenberg通过Twitter宣布,微软经典游戏《幻影沙尘》重制版预定明日登陆Xbox One以及PC平台的Windows 10系统,而且免费发布。

  《幻影沙尘》原作2004年登陆Xbox平台,微软E3 2014表示将会打造《幻影沙尘》重启版新作,不过随后该项目被取消转由微软打造这部算作“加强版”的重制版。

  据悉,《幻影沙尘》重制版采用16:9画面比例,Xbox One版支持1080p画质,PC版支持4K画质。游戏支持双平台存档共享,所有DLC,联机游戏模式以及升级版游戏画质。

2017-5-17 07:32 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-22 06:24 PM 编辑

Xbox Live 竞技场正式启动 打造专属「杀手本能」社群比赛

  微软发表,Xbox Live 竞技场即(22)日起正式启动。 将带来多项功能,给予玩家 Xbox Live 社群、游戏新的体验。 以下为官方释出介绍,供有兴趣的玩家参考。

  玩家引颈期盼的 Xbox Live 竞技场即日起正式启动! 充满动作美学的格斗游戏「杀手本能」率先登场,开放玩家们自由组建竞技场,邀请各路好手前来挑战! 此外,寻找团队通知功能和派对语音提示功能同步上线,玩家还可在游戏中体验杜比全景声(Dolby Atmos)带来的震撼音效,由玩家自定义规则的 Xbox One、Windows 10 跨平台赛事一触即发,现在就登入 Xbox Live,体验前所未有的游戏乐趣!

「杀手本能」打头阵 Xbox Live「比赛」功能正式启动

  此次更新正式推出「比赛」功能,让玩家浏览并自由加入正在举行的「杀手本能」比赛。 当比赛开始时,系统会透过 Xbox One 主机、Windows 10 的 Xbox app 或是 iOS/Android 装置推送通知,让参赛选手在 Xbox One 或 Windows 10 计算机上皆可立即加入战局,为荣耀和奖励而战!

自由创建比赛 打造专属 Xbox Live 竞技场

  Xbox Live 的俱乐部功能让玩家可自由建立或加入俱乐部,互相交流和分享游戏影片和画面。 随着本次更新,更开放创建比赛的功能,俱乐部的所有人或具备管理资格的玩家,皆可自行建立比赛,邀请同在俱乐部中的好友们进行在线公开比赛。 除此之外,比赛的主办人也可透过俱乐部公告比赛细节,自定义竞赛类型、时间表及开始的日期与时间,打造专属的游戏规则与赛事。

通知功能新登场 寻找团队更快速

  寻找团队(LFG)功能自推出后广受玩家好评,推出后共有超过 1500 万笔寻找团队贴文,令玩家组队对战更加便利。 此次更新更加入通知功能,只要张贴组队需求,系统便会自动通知追踪该玩家的用户,大幅提升配对效率。

派对语音提示功能 对话窗口一目了然

  全新推出的派对语音提示功能,将在画面上显示正在说话的玩家名称,让玩家在游戏时对话沟通更加顺畅。 玩家还可在不同的接口中随意调整聊天显示的位置和透明度,自由调整最适合自己游玩的屏幕配置。 而平时无人语音对话时,聊天接口则会自动消失,保持简洁的游戏画面。

杜比全景声(Dolby Atmos)登上 Xbox 享受震撼磅礡的游戏音效

  日前已于 Windows 10 平台所推出的 Dolby Access app,即将开放于 Xbox One 及 Xbox One S 主机上。 拥有支持 Dolby Atmos 音响设备的玩家可透过 app 开启功能,营造出磅礡震撼的环绕音效。 除此之外,Dolby Atmos for Headphones 功能让玩家无论是配戴任何款式的耳机,皆能享有同等的音效体验。

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