kirassss 发表于 2014-6-20 12:11 PM 
我看了你的Xbox One新闻听说9月发售是吗?
亚洲区日本最早9月4号号、新加坡香港9月23号。日版 Xbox One 主机将有 30 个首发游戏,其中有两个是首先在日本上市的新作。这次公布的新作有:
- 秘密基地建设 | Azito
- 真三国无双 7:帝国 | Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires
- Natsuki 编年史 | Natsuki chronicles | ナツキクロニクル
- 鬼斩 | Onigiri | おにぎり(免费网游)
- 雷电 | Raiden
- 热爱射击三部曲 | Shooting Love Trilogy
- 无双大蛇 2:终极版 | Warriors Oroch 3: Ultimate
将在 9 月 4 日和主机一起发售的游戏有:
TitanFall (Electronic Arts)
Need for Speed Rivals (Electronic Arts)
Battlefield 4 (Electronic Arts)
FIFA 14 (Electronic Arts)
Plant vs. Zombie Garden Warfare (Electronic Arts)
Strider Hiryu (Capcom)
Musou OROCHI2 Ultimate (Ultimate) (Koei Tecmo Games)
Metal Gear Solid V ground Zerozu (KONAMI)
Oniki (cyber step)
Call of Duty Ghost ( 字幕版 ) (Square Enix)
Thief (Square Enix)
Tomb Raider-definition active Edition (Square Enix)
Cry of MURDERED (Madado) soul (Square Enix)
Zumba Fitness World Party (hamster)
Wolfenstein: The New Order (Wolfenstein: Zanyu order) (Bethesda Softworks)
Dead Rising 3 (Microsoft Japan)
Kinect Sports Rivals (Microsoft Japan)
Killer Instinct (Microsoft Japan)
Crimson Dragon (Microsoft Japan)
Zoo Tycoon (Microsoft Japan)
Powerstar Golf (Microsoft Japan)
Forza Motorsport 5 ( Microsoft Japan)
Halo: Spartan Assault (Microsoft Japan)
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood (Microsoft Japan)
Ryse: Son of Rome (Microsoft Japan)
LocoCycle (Microsoft Japan)
Assassin's Creed 4 black flag (Ubisoft)
Child of Light (Ubisoft)
Trail Fusions(Ubisoft)