除此之外,在网页版中并不会发生敌方舰队「深海栖舰」侵攻我方的事件,本作在战力薄弱的海域,或是敌方战力增强的海域中,会有可能发生敌方启动反攻作战的事件。 根据不同状况提督本土的镇守府海域可能遭到攻击,甚至陷入 Game Over 的窘境。 PS Vita 版也可一次运用四个以上舰队,和原生版以不同的形式来运用复数的舰队。
Kadokawa Games Announces Root Letter and God Wars for PS4, PS Vita
角川 Games 发表新作悬疑冒险游戏《√letter》 由箕星太朗担任企划及角色设计
KADOKAWA GAMES 今日(11 / 10)在日本举办的媒体发表会「KADOKAWA GAMES MEDIA BRIEFING 2015 AUTUMN」中,发表将于 PS4 / PS Vita 推出新作冒险游戏《√letter》,预定在 2016 年春季上市。 配合发表,官方也公开了首部预告影片。
The first title of the series “Kadokawa Game Mystery.” A collection of adventure games that explore human drama, featuring local Japanese culture and history.
√Letter is set in the Shimane prefecture, a land with a rich history and beautiful nature.
The player will engage an adventure to solve the mystery of Fumino Aya, a pen pal friend from high school who disappeared after leaving a mysterious letter. A letter delivered 15 years later…
A tactical RPG that depicts the conflict and surge of young heroes in ancient Japan. An adventure that merges the world of Kojiki, Japan’s oldest history book, and the fairy-tales of Japanese folklore.
The amazing saga of mighty heroes who fought bravely against their fate and the wrath of the Gods, has now been revealed.
(Releasing worldwide in 2016)
融合日本「古事记」及「童话」角川新作战略 RPG《GOD WARS ~跨越时空~》曝光
KADOKAWA GAMES 今日(11 / 10)在日本举办的媒体发表会「KADOKAWA GAMES MEDIA BRIEFING 2015 AUTUMN」中,发表将于 PS4 / PS Vita 推出新作仿真角色扮演游戏《GOD WARS ~跨越时空~(GOD WARS ~时をこえて~)》,预定在 2016 年上市。 官方也公开了首部预告影片。
KADOKAWA GAMES 角川游戏预定在 2016 年春季上市 PS4 / PS Vita 新作冒险游戏《√letter》。公开了一段女主角文野亚弥(AYA)的问候视频。本作是“角川游戏悬疑系列”的第一部作品,该系列会有“游戏中的登场角色是由女演员饰演”这样设定,其中的登场角色将由共通的“悬疑女演员”来演绎。