《Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom》公布角色介绍影片
Focus Home Interactive 出品,法国 Enigami 开发,预定于 2017 年 4 月 18 日在欧美地区上市的 PC/PS4/Xbox One 版动作 RPG《Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom》,日前公布登场角色介绍影片。
本作主角为一名将狸拟人化的少年查德,驾驶的空中帆船在漂浮在大陆的 Celestial Islands 航行途中失事,并被卷入各国所引发的动乱中,幸好受到大地精灵「Shiness」(シャイネス)的护持,最后成长为一名擅长魔法的格斗家。 旅途中并将加入弟弟波奇,长得像猫的巨人凯恩以及人族的罗萨路亚与艾斯基尔等新伙伴,以各自擅长的技能与敌人战斗。
游戏以无论是攻击、防御或是COMBO技等均可流畅操作,具有格斗游戏风格的「Hyper-dynamic Fight」战斗系统为最大特色,让查德与其他4名伙伴能各自施展符合自己属性的魔法,过程中也可随时更换角色以确保任务能成功执行。
离开了生长的金帕欧村展开冒险旅程的少年,不知不觉成为唯一一个能与大地精灵「Shiness」沟通的实体。 能操控"地"之力以背后出现的大岩石攻击对手。
查德的小时玩伴,擅长修缮机械,以自己打造的空中帆船与查德一起展开旅行。 除了"水"之力以外,还能利用电磁波战斗并操控机器人系的敌手。
很少提及自己的过去,离开出生地与凯恩一起旅行。 个性虽然沈静,但一旦被激怒就无法停止,能使用"火"之力攻击对手,还可能以火烤逼出隐藏的敌人。
原为找寻失踪的罗萨路亚,不知不觉成为大家的伙伴。 擅长使用玫瑰鞭夺取对手的道具,再以"木"之力加以强化改进。
异常冷静沉着,歇尔克族的重要领袖,使命是护送罗萨路亚抵达目的地,2 米长的身高加上与生俱来的超能力,能操控"风"之力与敌人战斗。
Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom - Meet your party in the Characters Trailer!
Indie studio Enigami's upcoming Action-RPG Shiness arrives 18 April for download on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC! In today's Characters Trailer, meet the eclectic band of fighters you'll take control of as you explore, quest and battle across the magical world of Mahera.
Shiness' characters and story were first birthed over 20 years ago from the pen strokes of a young Samir Rebib, co-founder of Enigami. Now, after a successful Kickstarter campaign and with the help of publisher Focus Home Interactive, this young team is close to releasing their first game - featuring 5 playable characters with distinct playstyles and personalities:
• Chado - This daring young Waki dreams of travelling far beyond his home town Kimpao - and this desire quickly lands him in big trouble!
• Poky - A faithful friend to Chado, Poky has an incredible talent for engineering that makes up for his lack of courage.
• Rosalya - Shy but loyal to the party, Rosalya has a powerful affinity with fire and is on the search for a mysterious truth.
• Askel - A formidable young mercenary, the enigmatic Askel already has a far-reaching reputation in Mahera.
• Kayenne - A strong, natural born leader, Kayenne remains calm in even the most difficult situations.
Directly control your party members in hyper-dynamic combat - each character has powerful magical abilities and their own devastating Hyper Combos! Though battles are 1v1 in classic fighting game tradition, party members can cast spells from the sidelines and be swapped out through the tag team system.
Outside battle, the open, puzzle-filled environments give party members plenty of opportunities to shine. From Kayenne's telekinetic talents to Rosalya's use of fire to reveal hidden entrances, use potent abilities to overcome any obstacle that stands in your way.
Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom arrives for download on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on 18 April 2017. Pre-orders for PC are open on Steam, and include the Official Shiness Manga, the Original Soundtrack and 15% off the game's price. Pre-orders on Xbox One are now available as well.