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【PC/PS4】Killing Floor 2

2014-5-10 07:28 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-12-7 06:20 AM 编辑

Killing Floor 2 Official Announcement, 'Transformation' Teaser Trailer & Screens


Over the Top Zed Killing Action Returns as Tripware Interactive Announces Killing Floor 2 for the PC

Tripwire Interactive is pleased to announce that Killing Floor 2, the follow-up to 2009′s multi-million unit selling Sci-Fi Horror, First Person Shooter game Killing Floor, is currently in development for PC and SteamOS. After months of speculation and rumors around Killing Floor 2, the good folks at Tripwire are thrilled to treatfans to an in-depth first look at the moment to moment combat experience that awaits them in the next phase of the “Horzine Outbreak” at the game’s official website, killingfloor2.com.

“We’ve all had a huge amount of fun over the last 5 years with Killing Floor. The community has done so much with it, we’ve done so much to it, run so many special events – and we’ve learned so much,” said Alan Wilson, Vice President of Tripwire Interactive. “Now we’re taking all of that – and cranking it to 11 for Killing Floor 2. It’s a lot of work, but it will be a blast!”

In Killing Floor 2 players descend into continental Europe where the outbreak caused by Horzine Biotech’s failed experiment has quickly spread and gained unstoppable momentum, essentially paralyzing the European Union— Just one month after the events in the original Killing Floor, the specimen clones are everywhere and civilization is in disarray; communications have failed, governments have collapsed, and military forces have been systematically eradicated. The people of Europe know survival and self-preservation too well and lucky survivors have gone into hiding.

Not all have given up hope though… A group of civilians and mercenaries have banded together to combat the outbreak and established privately funded operation bases across Europe. Upon tracking specimen clone outbreaks, players will descend into zed-laden hot zones and exterminate them.

Key Features

• Visceral Gore - Killing Floor 2 ramps up the gore with a proprietary, high powered persistent blood system bringing new levels of fidelity to the genre. Players will send entrails, severed limbs, and blood flying as they wade through hordes of enemies. But they need to watch out! If caught, enemies will rip them, and their entire party limb from limb

• 6 player co-op or solo play - A multitude of varied playable characters await for players to choose from as they enter the fray in online co-op mode or solo mode for those willing to brave the horrific specimens alone

• Terrifying Zeds - New enemies and fan favorites from the original game are back with expanded and smarter artificial intelligence, dishing out powerful attacks, working as a group to weaken the player’s party and pushing the challenge level and fear factor to new levels

• Unique Blend Of Weaponry - From modern militaristic assault rifles, brutal improvised makeshift weapons, classic historical guns, and off the wall “Mad Scientist” weapons, Killing Floor 2 has a unique blend of killing tools that will satisfy any gamer

• Expanded Perk System - Perks from the original game have been reimagined with more added to the fold. All perks now progress with meaningful talent choices that amplify different play styles,

• Brutal Melee Combat - Killing Floor 2 reinvents melee combat completely. Players now have control over the type of melee attacks they can perform, enabling them to deliver bone-breaking crippling attacks to Zeds

Killing Floor 2 is developed and published by Tripwire Interactive for the PC and SteamOS.

2014-5-13 06:47 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-5-13 07:07 AM 编辑

《杀戮间2 | Killing Floor 2》游戏特色及新图 把怪物脑袋当球踢!

  《杀戮间2》系列开发商Tripwire Interactive今天公布了该系列最新作品《杀戮间2(Killing Floor 2)》的一批全新截图,展示了游戏改进后的高级画质。

  在《杀戮间2》中,玩家们将转战欧洲大陆,由于Horzine Biotech的一次失败实验,生化病毒开始在这片土地上横行,导致了疫病的爆发,使欧洲陷入了一篇地狱般的景象当中。







2014-6-26 07:46 AM
2014-10-10 07:17 AM
2014-12-7 06:07 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-12-8 07:19 AM 编辑

Killing Floor 2 Coming to PS4


Tripwire Interactive bringing Killing Floor 2 to PS4 – The Time is Right!

Hi everyone. Alan Wilson here. I’m the Vice President at Tripwire Interactive. What I enjoy doing for the company is writing, game design and research, but I also get to do all the crap no-one else wants to do. Except right now, when I get to talk about a huge step for us – Killing Floor 2 on PS4.

Tripwire Interactive was formed about 10 years ago and we released the original Killing Floor on PC in 2009. Since then, we’ve released a ton of additional content for free, added in some fun DLC, sold nearly 3 million units of the game and about 10 million units of DLC. In case you’re not familiar with Killing Floor, the game is a fun, dark, sometimes humorous take on a first person survival horror. Its really perfect for a console outing. So, we’ve been asked why we never did console before.

We’ve actually talked to a number of console teams over the last few years. But there always seemed to be reasons not to do it. One of the biggest for us was our independence. There always used to be a push to have us publish through some big publisher. And that wasn’t going to happen – we prefer to make our own decisions about our games. That’s why we’ve been able to have so much fun doing the special events (Twisted Christmas, Summer Sideshow, Halloween Horrors) and free updates.

So, a couple of years ago, when the development of Killing Floor 2 was in its early stages, the PlayStation 4 was announced and we started thinking about it. We were using Unreal Engine 3 because we’d already put a lot of work into engine-level tech for Red Orchestra 2. We had plans for a lot more new tech. We noticed Sony was really going the extra mile and engaging directly with indie developers. That was the big thing that made us look again. Work directly with Sony. All the barriers coming down. We went back to thoughts of KF1, but weren’t convinced we should repeat that process. We decided that the best way to go was to develop KF2 on both platforms in parallel and not look at the console like some after-thought port. The PS4 can do some amazing things and we’ve been discussing all the things that we’d like to do, like regular updates digitally, special events and all the rest. Haven’t figured them all out yet, but we could have a lot of fun. And if we have fun, the players should get even more fun.

Alan Wilson - Vice President, Tripwire Interactive

2015-1-7 06:54 PM

2015-1-30 07:36 AM

2015-2-20 06:29 PM
2015-6-29 06:46 PM
對抗實驗體的血腥場面!《Killing Floor 2》公開宣傳影片

  目前正在 Steam 平台展开抢先体验的射击游戏《Killing Floor 2》公开了 E3 PC Gaming Show 宣传影片,说明未来更新的内容。

  游戏厂商 Tripwire 表示,《Killing Floor 2》将藉由 NVIDIA 的 PhysX Flex 技术呈现更加真实的画面,这种新技术将会带来更加逼真的物理效果,包括肠子、内脏等呈现。


  Tripwire 表示,《Killing Floor 2》在 Steam 平台抢先体验主要是为了搜集玩家的意见,以便能更加优化游戏内容与平衡度,届时在游戏正式上市时带来更佳体验,而基于玩家的回馈意见,游戏在正式上市时也将增加新地图、新怪物、新武器、新游戏类型等内容。

  《Killing Floor 2》故事主要描述玩家进入由于生物实验失败造成灾难的欧洲大陆,在《Killing Floor》一代事件后约一个月,整个文明大乱,通讯失败,军队已经失去力量,懂得生存之道的欧洲民众都已经找地方藏匿起来。 但并不是所有人都放弃了希望,有一群民众与佣兵合力希望打击这些实验失败产生的实验体,而此时正需要玩家的力量。

  游戏结合了肢解与逼真的血液系统,当玩家对抗成群敌人时,将可以体验到血肉横飞的场面,此次敌人将更加聪明、攻击力更加强大,而游戏将提供单人模式与 6 人合作模式。

  《Killing Floor 2》预定 2015 年上市。
2015-9-2 07:00 PM
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