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楼主: kirassss
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【Wii U】Devil's Third

2015-7-18 06:53 AM
Itagaki on Devil's Third: 30 FPS, No split screen or voice chat, 16 player Multi

Dear media guys and gamers

It seems that the world is in disorder...no way. I feel that the informations on Devil's Third are tangled. So I decided to tell you guys about the Specifications and recommended playing devices best suited for Devil's Third, plus useful infomation for you guys. I felt the time has come for me to talk about.

[About the specifications of Devil's Third]

Frame rate: 30fps.
*note: I promise you can fully enjoy this MASSIVE shooter with 30 fps.

Split Screen: This game don't have split screen feature for both offline and online play. 'Cuz I used all the power of Wii U for single player. That was tough tradeoff for me. Plz understand.

Voice chat: We don't equip voice chat feature. 'Cuz we had maxed out its bandwidth to achieve online play by 16 users.

Yo Guys, don't disappoint, and don't be negative. I promise the wide/deep/brandnew playability for you guys today

[Recommended Playing Devices]

Wii U of course
TV set.
Pro Controller.
USB keyboard.
Wired Internet.

Thanks for your constant support for Devil's Third. Let's make the future together!

Why do I recommend Pro Controler

I never wanna discount standard tab-controller. But, Devil's Third is a super speady game. So Tab-controler has following disadvantages.

1. Four face buttons are positioned overcrowding. So you easily press the wrong button. In that case, you will die.

2. Distance of two analog sticks, are too far apart. So it's quite difficult for u to feel/grasp the battlefield.

3. Devil's Third is a game you play a long time. The standard Tab-controler is too heavy for such use.

To Media guys who preview the multiplayer mode

As I mentioned in on my FB wall, please use Pro Controller along with a USB keyboard when you preview Devil's Third. (Tablet controller is not recommended)

For your information, the multiplayer mode of Devil's Third is designed to be played by tens of thousands of players. We understand it's going to be a very tough job to evaluate such a game. It will be much appreciated if you will use your imagination to get the depth when you play the multiplayer mode.

Thank you in advance for your understanding and your attention to above.

2015-7-21 06:13 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-7-21 06:21 PM 编辑

Nintendo & Valhalla confirm Devil's Third US release for Q4, announce F2P PC version
《恶魔三人组》Wii U 版第 4 季在北美上市 将推出 PC 免费在线对战版

  Valhalla Game Studios 宣布,旗下开发的 Wii U 动作射击游戏《恶魔三人组(Devil's Third)》确定将于 2015 年第 4 季在北美推出,另外还预定推出线上对战专用的 PC 免费起始(Free to Start)在线游戏《恶魔三人组 Online》。

  《恶魔三人组》由曾经手《生死格斗》、《忍者外传》系列的知名游戏创作者板垣伴信领军制作,由 Valhalla Game Studios 担任开发,以极度的血腥暴力为诉求,让玩家在浩劫后的城市中,以刀剑与枪炮展开生死一瞬的残酷战斗。

  《恶魔三人组》最初原本预定由 THQ 发行 PS3 与 Xbox 360 版,但随着 THQ 的破产倒闭而陷入混沌未明的状态。 后于 2014 年 E3 展确定将由任天堂出资完成,改为 Wii U 独占发行。

  游戏获得任天堂的开发协助,请到好莱坞创作者共同制作。 故事模式将具备基于彻底的历史与军事考证所架构的庞大世界观。 在线多人游玩模式可以让玩家组成上万人规模的大型帮会,以争夺全美国国土为目标展开激战。

  除此之外,Valhalla Game Studios 同时宣布已与任天堂达成协议,将于 2015 年 9 月 Wii U 版在全球各地陆续推出后,接着展开 PC 在线游戏《恶魔三人组 Online》的营运。 PC 版将提供针对联机对战特化的免费起始服务,没有收录 Wii U 版的故事模式,服务详情仍有待后续公布。

Announcement on the release of “Devil’s Third”

Valhalla Game Studios (Head office: Tsukishima Chuo-Ku, Tokyo, Representative Director/CEO: Satoshi Kanematsu, hereafter “Valhalla”) would like to inform you that it has decided to spread out its game content “Devil’ s Third,” of which the IP (Intellectual Property) rights are owned by Valhalla, as follows.

1. The release of “Devil’s Third”Wii U for North America is fixed

Valhalla and Nintendo have decided to release “Devil’ s Third” for Wii U, the IP rights of which are co-owned by the parties, in the 4th calendar quarter of 2015.

This is a next generation action shooter produced by fusing the development technologies of Valhalla and Nintendo together and collaborating with creators in Hollywood. The game’ s single player mode offers a unique blend of action gameplay and will immerse players in an engrossing storyline set against a background of intrigue and global military conflict. In parallel, its multiplayer mode offers an exciting and deeply tactical gameplay experience where tens of thousands of players can create their own clans and fight over territories across North America.

For your information, this product is scheduled to be released on August 4th, 2015 in Japan and August 28th, 2015 in Europe.

2. PC exclusive online game “Devil’s Third Online (tentative title)”

By prior agreement with Nintendo, Valhalla has developed the free-to-play PC exclusive online game “Devil’s Third Online.” To spread “Devil’ s Third” around the world, this game service will run from September 2015 onwards, in various regions around the world following the release of the Wii U version in each region.

In consideration of cultural characteristics in each region, the content is being optimized via co-development with local publishers. Service territories and the details of game content will be announced accordingly.

For your information, “Devil’ s Third Online” is the online-exclusive game playable on PC and its service is specialized in matchup. Wii U exclusive “Story Mode” is not included in it.
2015-7-22 06:09 PM
2015-7-24 06:57 AM
2015-7-30 07:30 AM

2015-8-8 04:19 PM

2015-11-7 07:32 AM
Valhalla Game Studios & Nexon have officially announced Devil’s Third Online for PC

More information will be revealed during an upcoming NicoNico live stream on November 12 - twitter.com/dto_nexon
2015-11-19 06:51 PM
板垣伴信研发《恶魔三人组》系列在线新作《恶魔三人组 Online》27 日在日本封闭测试

  Valhalla game studio 研发的新款在线游戏《恶魔三人组 Online(暂译,Devil's Third Online)》即将于 11 月 27 日在日本展开封闭测试。

  《恶魔三人组 Online》是由《忍者外传》和《生死格斗》原制作人板垣伴信所开发、结合强烈动作与第一人称射击要素的动作游戏《恶魔三人组》最新系列作,结合枪战与近战等游戏乐趣,在日本由 NEXON 负责营运。

  《恶魔三人组 Online》即日起至 11 月 24 日在日本募集想要参与封测的玩家,预定 11 月 27 日至 12 月 1 日展开封测。


  NEXON 表示,在封测期间将会实装「X-GEAR」系统,玩家在战斗中击杀时可以累计能量,当达到一定量的时候,就可以使用特殊武器。

  《恶魔三人组 Online》即将于 11 月 27 日在日本展开封闭测试,未来上市时将采基本游玩免费制营运。
2015-12-8 07:35 AM
2016-6-24 05:57 PM
Wii U《恶魔三人组》将于年底结束多人联机服务 下载版即日起降价 50% 贩卖

  任天堂宣布,贩卖中的 Wii U 动作射击游戏《恶魔三人组(Devil's Third)》将于 12 月 29 日结束「多人游玩」的联机服务,并于 6 月 27 日 13:00 结束游戏内付费道具「金蛋」的贩卖。

  《恶魔三人组》由曾经手《生死格斗》、《忍者外传》系列的板垣伴信领军制作、Valhalla Game Studios 开发,以极度的血腥暴力为诉求,让玩家在浩劫后的城市中,以刀剑枪炮展开生死一瞬的残酷战斗。 原定由 THQ 发行,在 THQ 破产后,由任天堂接手在 Wii U 上独占发行。

  游戏于 2015 年 8 月 4 日在日本推出,如今则是在推出未满 1 年之际宣布将于今年底结束多人联机游玩服务的消息,推测原因应该是 Wii U 版销售状况不佳、多人联机游玩人数太少所致。 后续制作团队转投开发的 PC 在线游戏《恶魔三人组 Online》已经于 6 月 8 日在日本正式营运。


《恶魔三人组 Online》

  官方同时宣布,《恶魔三人组》下载版的价格将从原本的 7236 日圆打对折降为 3618 日圆。
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