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【PS4】No Man’s Sky

2016-7-28 07:33 AM
2016-8-10 07:24 AM
No Man’s Sky Launch Trailer


No Man’s Sky: 7 Ways to Start Your Adventure

“What do you do in No Man’s Sky?” is a question that’s followed Hello Games’ ambitious space opus around ever since it was unveiled back in 2014. Truth is, it’s never been an easy proposition to explain; when there’s an entire galaxy to explore, how do you tell someone where to start?

You might already know that the goal is to make your way to the center of a galaxy full of unique, procedurally-generated planets, but it’s what happens on the way there that’s a mystery. Now, with about five hours game time behind me, it’s becoming clear that there’s a lot to do. As millions of travelers prepare to make their way into this vast, unknown universe, here are a few things that will help get your journey underway…

1. Fix Your Ship

You’ll start No Man’s Sky in sight of your small starship and it won’t be in good shape, so making essential repairs, fuelling up, and taking your first tentative steps into space flight are job #1.

Some milestones are laid out for you as you progress through the game — like locating a space station, repairing your ship’s Hyperdrive, and eventually travelling between star systems — but for the most part, you’re free to explore as you please. And before blasting off, there’s already a lot you can do on that first planet.

2. Collect Essential Elements

Your Exosuit’s scanner reveals valuable elements that are scattered across every planet. Plutonium fuels various parts of your ship and keeps your life support systems online, while iron keeps your shields powered up, protecting you from the hostile conditions on a planet’s surface — so you’ll want to stock up on those early.

Combining elements lets you craft materials to fix your ship or enhance your Exosuit and Multi-Tool — while others fetch a high price on the galactic market. Inventory space is limited, but it pays to learn which elements are worth keeping hold of.

3. Meet the Sentinels

An early mining expedition introduces me to the sinister, ever-present Sentinels — a galactic police force of sorts, who silently patrol each planet to ensure order is maintained. They hover around, scanning the area I’ve been mining to check I haven’t been greedy before focusing on me with a large, techno-cyclops eye.

Satisfied I’m not upsetting the galactic order (for now), they leave me alone. But it’s a chilling reminder that I’m being watched — and I certainly don’t feel ready to mess with them… yet.

4. Explore a Planet

Wandering around even a small area of your first planet, you’ll encounter unique creatures, plant life, and minerals to scan, name, and upload to the Galactic Library (who, by the way, pay handsomely for discoveries) — as well as evidence of alien civilizations. Knowledge Stones teach you words from strange languages, which make trade negotiations with their native speakers easier and raise your standing with their cultures.

There are also signs of less fortunate travellers. Smoking debris can be seen on the horizon and investigating these provides blueprints for new technology or improvements to your Exosuit, ship, or Multi-Tool. You’ll also stumble across abandoned signal scanners — beacons that, if you’ve got the elements needed to get them working, highlight points of interest like trading posts, downed ships, or transmission signals. Each of these could lead to rewards like valuable resources, a new Multi-Tool, or even a bigger, better ship.

5. Blast Off

Leaving solid ground for the vastness of space is a mind-blowing experience — there are asteroids to blast through, colossal freighters to marvel at, and other pilots to dodge (or engage in a dogfight if you’re feeling brave). But it’s when you take a look at the galactic map for the first time that the overwhelming sense of scale takes over.

Every star system is charted, each is home to a multitude of planets that are yours to discover, once you have a hyperdrive blueprint. It’s an exciting prospect that every pinprick of light can be explored, particularly when a path to the galaxy’s center begins to open up. A true sense of purpose takes over, and travelling onward to a space station to buy, sell, and craft the necessary parts becomes an important goal.

6. Make Some Upgrades

The role you play in the galaxy is very much defined by your gear. Your Exosuit, Starship, and Multi-Tool can be modified in countless ways and blueprints for new technologies and enhancements are common — but inventory space is limited, so giving some thought to the kind of traveller you want to be is wise when making upgrades.

If exploration and discovery is your focus, adding extra range to your Multi-Tool’s scanner will make new species discovery a breeze, while enhancing your mining beam will help you become an efficient, wealthy trader. If a more aggressive approach is your thing, adding a Plasma Launcher or upgraded Photon Cannon to your vessel can aid a life of piracy and take down traders and Sentinels faster.

7. Cause Some Trouble

If you find the eyes of the Sentinels on you to be intimidating, or the lure of plundering space freighters gets too much, it’s easy to start a fight. A warning though: early-game aggression is likely to be over pretty quickly and the chances of you coming out on top are slim.

With the right upgrades, you’ll stand more of a chance — at least against the first wave of Sentinels. Attaching a shotgun-esque attachment to my Multi-Tool let me take a few down, but revenge came swiftly as my wanted level increased, more Sentinels arrived and I was brought to justice. Equally, my attempts at interstellar piracy were short lived as Sentinel fighters were instantly scrambled in response to taking a shot at a cargo freighter.

Of course, the thing with No Man’s Sky is that you don’t have to do any of this — there’s a lot more you could do in your first five hours, but equally you could spend all of that time and more on your first planet and still come nowhere close to getting bored.

It all depends on how you want to play the game; in this relatively short time I feel like I know what I want to do with my game and have an idea of how to get there — but that might be entirely different to how you want to play. That’s what makes No Man’s Sky such a unique, intriguing prospect — and I can’t wait to spend many more hours in its universe.

Rhys Sutheran - Online Content Producer, SCEE

2016-11-26 07:06 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-11-28 06:14 PM 编辑

《No Man's Sky》释出 1.1 版基础更新 追加新游戏模式与基地建设、耕种等新要素

  Hello Games 宣布,贩卖中的 PS4 / PC 超大规模开放世界冒险游戏《No Man's Sky》,将于近日释出 1.1 版基础更新(Foundation Update),追加新模式与基地建设、耕种等大量新要素。

  《No Man's Sky》是由英国独立制作工作室 Hello Games 制作的开放世界探索游戏,游戏中玩家将扮演太空探索者,驾驶着能进行空间跳跃的宇宙飞船,在无穷无际的银河系中探索星球。 游戏以「程序产生(Procedural Generation)」为核心,所有登场星球都是以特定程序随机产生,具备独一无二的名称、地形地貌与生态环境,最多可容纳超过 1800 京个星球,几近无穷无尽。

  《No Man's Sky》发表后以独特的概念与风格吸引众多玩家关注,获得 SIE 大力支持,连续两年登上 PlayStation E3 展前发表会舞台,成为 PS4 上的独立游戏代表作之一。 不过在今年 8 月正式上市后,因为实际收录的内容与先前预告的内容有相当的落差,招来许多玩家的批评,在综合全球各主要游戏媒体评分的 metacritic 网站上只获得差强人意的 61 分评价(满分 100 分)。

  在游戏上市后,Hello Games 就针对内容与系统的不足持续进行更新,如今则是公布了对基础进行大幅改良的「基础更新」,大幅调整强化模式、系统与内容,逐步实现当初宣传的目标。


  提供 3 种游玩模式,包括原有的「普通模式(Normal Mode)」,可无限制探索宇宙以及建立大型基地的「创造模式(Creative Mode)」,以及高挑战性的「生存模式(Sirvival Mode)」。


  玩家可以寻找与占领无人星球上的荒废基地,将之建设为自己的母星与前哨基地。 使用探索时获得的物资来制造模块化结构与装饰品改造自己的基地,征召异星智能生物协助研发新科技,储存探索时收集的大量物资与稀有产品等。 游戏中可以随时透过太空站的传送装置往来自己的基地。


  玩家可以在自己的基地或运输船内以水耕设备栽培作物,避免户外栽培的损害并持续提供稳定的农业资源。 透过雇用农业专家来研究与栽培 10 种新的植物种类,借以发现与取得新的物资。




  玩家现在可以耗费巨资来购买巨大的星际运输船,在银河系的任何角落都能随时召唤运输船,将星球上采集到的物资传送到运输船存放,载运到行情好的地方赚取更多金钱。 运输船如同基地般可以自由改造,像是建造额外的货舱来扩大容量,还可以在船上栽培能生产稀有资源的作物。





TAA 与动态模糊

  追加动态模糊特效来强化速度感,追加 TAA 技术来减轻边缘锯齿与提升画质。



TAA 关闭

TAA 开启

  此外还提供材质贴图串流功能,让符合最低硬件需求的 PC 能更顺畅的执行游戏。



Hello Games breaks radio silence, announces big update for No Man's Sky

Foundation Update Incoming

This week Hello Games will be releasing an update to No Man’s Sky. We’re calling it The Foundation Update, because we have added the foundations of base building, and also because this is putting in place a foundation for things to come.

Detailed patch notes will follow, and release will be soon.

Coming from five years of intense development, immediately after No Man’s Sky released the team spent six weeks updating the game with 7 patches across both platforms (the last of these was 1.09 on Sept 24th which you can read about them all here). These fixed many of the most common or critical bugs and issues post-release.

In the nine weeks since then our small team has been hard at work on development, testing and certification for the Foundation Update. It won’t be our biggest update, but it is the start of something.

The discussion around No Man’s Sky since release has been intense and dramatic. We have been quiet, but we are listening and focusing on improving the game that our team loves and feels so passionately about.

Positive or negative feedback, you have been heard and that will truly help to make this a better game for everyone.

This update will be the first small step in a longer journey. We hope you can join us.

Thank you, Hello Games


No Man’s Sky 'Foundation Update' Now Available, Overview Trailer


Patch Notes and more info

No Man’s Sky update adds base building, new game modes and freighters

Since No Man’s Sky released, we’ve been overwhelmed with feedback, and it’s good to finally be able to share with you what we’ve been up to.

Immediately after No Man’s Sky released the team spent six weeks updating the game with several patches (the last of these was 1.09 on 24th September which you can read about them all here. These fixed many of the most common and critical bugs and issues.

In the nine weeks since then our small team has been hard at work on development, testing and certification for this first update.

Update 1 adds base building, and it’s a foundation of things to come.

You can also read very in depth patch notes here.

Firstly, we have introduced three game modes:

• Normal mode is the original chilled exploration experience.

• Creative mode allows players to explore the universe without limits, and build the biggest base they can (more on this below).

• Survival mode creates a much more challenging endurance experience.

Secondly, the update brings base building to the game, allowing players to start building a homestead on a planet of their choosing. Bases are used for shelter and storage, but we’ve also introduced farming crops and you can hire NPCs from Space Stations to research new tech and products for you. Players can teleport back to their base at any time.

Having a base from which to explore the No Man’s Sky universe unlocks many new abilities and features. Players can also build equipment in the field, such as save points (essential for Survival mode), way points (to permanently mark and return to your discoveries), mining harvesters (to gather resources in your absence) and Signal Scanners (to find nearby resource deposits).

Freighters are the third key update being introduced in Update 1. These ships can be found cruising through space and, upon boarding, players can choose to buy the loyalty of the ship’s captain to take control of them. Goods can be teleported to your freighter from on-planet, and stockpiled for trading, and owned freighters can be summoned from anywhere in the Galaxy.

There’s a number of other improvements to the game too, including requested tweaks such as Stackable Products, larger inventories, a quick menu and more.

We hope you enjoy it, and get in touch to let us know where you’d like to see the game go in the future.

Chris Hohbein - Hello Games

2017-3-8 07:33 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-8 06:43 PM 编辑

No Man's Sky 'Path Finder' Content Update Announced
《无人深空》"探路者(Path Finder)"更新公布 将引进地面载具!

  之前备受争议的《无人深空(No Man’s Sky)》将在本周迎来游戏的最新更新,游戏开发商Hello Games把这次更新命名为“探路者(Path Finder)”。而其主要看点就是将为游戏加入全新的地面载具。



  最后,Hello Games也表示玩家对游戏之前的“基地(Foundation)”更新的反馈让他们感到非常惊喜,他们将继续听取玩家对游戏的各种积极和消极的反馈,并将在接下来不断为游戏提供更多的更新。

No Man's Sky Path Finder Update Coming Soon...


This week Hello Games will be releasing the next content update for No Man's Sky. We're calling it the Path Finder Update; it introduces a new vehicle that will aid home planet exploration, building on the Foundation Update to hint at a path ahead for the future.

Detailed patch notes will be released when the update goes live.

Shortly after we launched the Foundation Update, we released a number of patches to address issues reported by players before beginning work on the Path Finder update. We were surprised and excited by the response to Foundation, and we have been listening carefully to community feedback since then.

To those of you who have spent time sharing feedback, whether positive or negative, we are listening.

This is the next step in our journey. It shows the path forward. We hope you'll join us.

Thank you, Hello Games

2017-3-9 07:34 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-9 04:25 PM 编辑

No Man’s Sky 'Path Finder' Update Overview Video


Introducing Path Finder (Update 1.2)

《无人深空》最新超大更新“The Path Finder"公布
转载 - 游侠网

  昨日我们已经为大家报导了《无人深空(No Man’s Sky)》将在本周迎来一次更新,其中将为游戏首次加入地面载具。在之后不久游戏开发商 Hello Games 又公布了此次更新的详细内容以及一部相关的更新介绍预告。


  在游戏的画质方面,游戏在材质分辨率、光影效果等等方面做了大量的优化和提升。游戏将针对PS4 Pro 和 PC 推出 4K 分辨率和相关的画面优化。

  在游戏的在线内容方面,玩家之后可以在线上分享自己建设的基地,同时PC 玩家也可以把自己的基地直接上传到Steam创意工坊,让其他玩家可以直接订阅使用。



Nomad 一种悬浮地面载具,速度快、可水面行驶但资源存储量不足
Roamer 各项功能都比较平均的全能型载具
Colossus 则是中可以装载大量资源的载具。

  另外在游戏的商店和商人物品、基地建设、武器类型、武器模组以及游戏的运行优化、UI 等等众多方面,此次更新都做了大量的改进。具体大家可以看官方的正式公告。



2017-8-9 06:23 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-12 02:09 PM 编辑

No Man's Sky 'Atlas Rises' Update Coming This Week ~ Portals, Expanded Story & More
《无人深空》1.3更新本周上线 增加传送功能

  近日,Hello Games在一封发给《无人深空》玩家的邮件中透露了本作的后续更新计划。《无人深空》的1.3版本更新“阿特拉斯崛起(Atlas Rises)”将在本周之内想玩家们推送,这个免费更新除了会为游戏增加“传送门”功能方便各位在不同地点进行旅行之外,还将对本作的故事最初进一步的补充。

  《无人深空》上市至今已经有一年的时间了,在本作发售之后,Hello Games就陷入了舆论的旋涡之中。《无人深空》在上市之前的卖点是“在数量庞大的随机生成的星球之间冒险”,但等到玩家真正拿到《无人深空》之后就发现现实远没有那么美好,还引发了Steam版的退款潮。Hello Games也因此饱受非议,甚至一度传出了该工作室卷钱跑路的传闻。

  好在Hello Games没有放弃,在这一念之间他们一直在坚持进行本作后续更新与维护,这份认真劲儿还是值得人尊敬的。


Introducing No Man’s Sky: Atlas Rises

It’s been a year since No Man’s Sky first released, and it’s been an exciting, intense and emotional time for us at Hello Games. We have been quiet, but we have been listening intently.

We’ve spent that year working hard on free updates. Update 1.3, releasing today, is our biggest to date and will be available for free to all No Man’s Sky players.

Read on to learn a bit more about what you can expect to discover in the latest update — a lot has changed in a year!

Atlas Rises

Featuring a new central storyline players can discover more about the universe and themselves, as well as a wide array of new and improved features. Whether you’re a veteran interloper or completely new to the No Man’s Sky universe, there has never been a better time to start your journey.

Full patch notes are available here.

Here’s a quick run down of the main features:

• 30 hours of branching story and deeper lore
• Procedurally generated guild missions
• Much deeper interstellar trading
• Star Systems have varying wealth, conflict and economies
• Overhauled Space combat controls, weapons and AI
• Portals stargates enable quick travel
• Terrain manipulation for more complex bases
• New farming and mining interactions bring increased depth
• Increased biome variety and Rare exotic biomes
• Analysis visor & discovery improvements
• Galaxy map and many other UI improvements
• New S Class ship designs
• Low altitude flight and the ability to crash your ship
• Crashed Freighters to salvage on planets
• Joint exploration

Our story gives a new context, quest system and branching narrative to No Man’s Sky. In the Atlas Rises story, the fabric of existence is starting to falter. A mysterious new interdimensional race have appeared, and ancient portals have begun to open.

Glitches in the simulation, visualised by strange floating orbs, allow players to see and communicate with up to 16 other travellers and explore the universe together.

While interaction with others is currently very limited, this is an important first step into the world of synchronous co-op in No Man’s Sky.

We hope you enjoy this and what follows – look forward to seeing you out there!

This week marks the one year anniversary of No Man’s Sky and on behalf of myself, and the team at Hello Games I just want to say – Thank you for this year. Thank you for playing, providing feedback, discovering, sharing and so much more…

Our journey continues.

Sean Murray - Founder, Hello Games


《无人深空》1.3版本新预告 制作组完善游戏故事线

  近日Hello Games公布了《无人深空》1.3新版本的更新内容,新本版名为“阿特拉斯的崛起”。
即使《无人深空》游戏被喷得体无完肤,玩家们的高期待和游戏的低质量形成强烈的反差,但是《无人深空》的制作组依然没有放弃,也许《无人深空》制作组需要更多的时间来完善这款游戏。近日Hello Games公布了《无人深空》1.3新版本的更新内容,新本版名为“阿特拉斯的崛起”,还带来了一部新预告,一起来看一下。

2018-3-30 11:50 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-30 05:13 PM 编辑

No Man’s Sky NEXT update and Xbox One version announced
《无人深空》将登陆 Xbox One 和 WeGame 平台

转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/945846.jhtml

  Hello Games 宣布,他们将在今年八月为《无人深空》推出一个全新的更新内容,名为“Next”,并且游戏将在那时登陆 Xbox One 和腾讯 WeGame 平台。在 Xbox One 平台游戏将支持 4K/HDR 以及 Xbox One X 强化。

  根据 Hello Games 联合创始人 Sean Murray 的描述,“Next”更新是基于玩家对于游戏反馈的内容进行开发的,同时它将扩展游戏在之前几个更新中提到的故事主题。

  “之所以称其为‘Next’,是因为它对于我们和玩家群体来说是漫长旅程非常重要的一步,它将是《无人深空》最大型的一次更新,并且将对所有玩家免费提供。Hello Games 还将在未来持续对游戏提供更多的支持。”

  《无人深空》最早于2016年8月9日发售,登陆了 PS4 和 Steam 平台。虽然游戏在首发期间内口碑非常差,但是经过 Hello Games 为游戏不断提供的修正与更新,游戏在玩家中的口碑持续改善。《无人深空》上一个更新“阿特拉斯的崛起”在去年夏季推出,追加了近30小时的全新故事内容。


Hello Games has announced No Man’s Sky NEXT, the next major update for No Man’s Sky due out this summer, as well as an Xbox One version, which publisher 505 Games will distribute at retail worldwide later in 2018.

“We are calling this No Man’s Sky NEXT because it is an important next step in a journey for No Man’s Sky, for Hello Games and for our devoted community,” said Hello Games founder Sean Murray in a press release. “Each update for No Man’s Sky has been more successful than the last; this was especially true of our last update Atlas Rises. It emboldens the team to push ourselves further. This journey is far from over, and it’s exciting to be working again on something you know will surprise people.”

The Xbox One version of No Man’s Sky will include the Foundation, Pathfinder, Atlas Rises and NEXT updates from day one, and 4K resolution and HDR support on Xbox One X.

No Man’s Sky is available now for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

2018-5-16 07:18 PM
Xbox One《无人深空》封面泄露 或将加入多人模式
转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/947806.jhtml

  在3月份的时候,Hello Games 曾宣布《无人深空》将在8月登陆 Xbox One 和腾讯 WeGame 平台,并同时推出名为“Next”的更新内容。今天一张疑似是 Xbox One《无人深空》的封面在推特泄露,显示游戏或将加入多人同游的模式。


  Xbox 官方透露,他们将在5月17日公布《无人深空》的最新消息,或许多人模式就会在明天公布。

  《无人深空》最早于2016年8月9日发售,登陆了 PS4 和 Steam 平台。虽然游戏在首发期间内口碑非常差,但是经过 Hello Games 为游戏不断提供的修正与更新,游戏在玩家中的口碑持续改善。《无人深空》上一个更新“阿特拉斯的崛起”在去年夏季推出,追加了近30小时的全新故事内容。
2018-5-18 06:29 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-18 08:50 PM 编辑

No Man’s Sky NEXT update and Xbox One version launch July 24

  《无人深空(No Man’s Sky)》终于在今年7月份将变成“有人深空”。这个本应在游戏的发售时就存在的模式,总算将在7月24号,游戏的一次重大更新中上线。

  昨晚,游戏开发商Hello Game的游戏制作人Sean Murray在微软的 Inside Xbox直播活动中公布了这一消息。同时关于此次更新的特点,这位制作人也做了相应介绍。




The No Man’s Sky Next update will launch alongside the release of the Xbox One version of No Man’s Sky on July 24, developer Hello Games announced.

The No Man’s Sky Next update will add full multiplayer, including the ability to meet up with friends and strangers, and work together to survive, prey on others, or build bases.

No Man’s Sky is available now for PlayStation 4 and PC.

2018-7-11 11:20 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-7-11 02:58 PM 编辑

No Man’s Sky ’11 Things That Have Changed Since Launch’ trailer

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201807/8117219796.html

  505 Games 发布了一段新视频用来总结从2016年8月游戏发售之后出现在《无人深空》中的11项改变。

       《无人深空》制作人表示这是非常忙碌的一个月,游戏的下次大规模更新会在7月24日,并且会第一次登上Xbox One 平台。

   制作人同时表示由于从发售以来被玩家问的最多的问题就是"自从发售以来《无人深空》都做了那些改变?"所以,他们在505 Games的好友专门做了一个视频来细数11个已经做出的改变。同时这11个新改变也是他们觉得目前为止在众多新改变中最好的。


       《无人深空》现有PS4和PC版本,7月24日伴随着更新会首次登陆Xbox One。新的更新将包括与朋友和陌生人的相遇,协力生存,掠夺他人,建造基地。预订  Xbox One 版本将会包括一个“新手包”其中会有X.O套装,Artios-VI多用工具以及“新手加速".


505 Games has released a new trailer for No Man’s Sky detailing 11 things that have changed since the game’s initial launch in August 2016.

Here is a message from developer Hello Games’ Sean Murray regarding the video:

Hello everyone – it’s an exciting and super busy month for Hello Games and No Man’s Sky as we have our massive NEXT update launching across all platforms on July 24, and for the first time on Xbox One!

We will be sharing more details about the new content in the run up to launch. But a question we get asked all the time is ‘what’s changed in No Man’s Sky?’, so our friends at 505 Games have made a handy vid “11 Things That Have Changed in No Man’s Sky Since Launch” to remind everybody about the many many things that have changed… since launch.

There are a lot more than 11, in fact there are 100’s as you can see in the lists here:


But we chose our favourite 11 as the video would go on for far too long…

Changes we’ve highlighted include a regenerated universe, newly opened portal stargates, new biomes, deeper trading, exocraft for advanced exploration, new modes (Survival / Permadeath / Creative), base building, new missions/story, terrain manipulation, crashed / interstellar freighters, and deeper space combat.

Thanks so much,

No Man’s Sky is available now for PlayStation 4 and PC, and will launch for Xbox One on July 24 alongside the “NEXT” update, which adds full multiplayer, including the ability to meet up with friends and strangers, and work together to survive, prey on others, or build bases. Pre-orders for the Xbox One version include the “Next Generation Starter Pack,” which includes the X.O. Suit, Artios-VI multi-tool, and Starting Boost.
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