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【新闻部】Focus Home Interactive

2016-1-27 08:01 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-1-28 07:22 AM 编辑

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada Narrative Trailer


Battlefleet Gothic: Armada begins pre-orders, unveils its Early Adopter offer, and showcases its campaign in the Narrative Trailer!

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada, the new space RTS set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe from Games Workshop, today unveils the Narrative Trailer. This video, composed from some of the game's cinematics, introduces the ambitious solo campaign which will plunge players into the heart of the spectacular void battles of the 12th Black Crusade of Abaddon.

Great care has been taken with the campaign of Battlefleet Gothic, through its story and realisation. Many cinematics, astutely mixing game sequences with artwork created by talented artists, support the story and the major events of the campaign, which are sometimes influenced by the success - or failure - of the missions. The Gothic Sector is in constant evolution, and new threats often make an appearance such as the Ork pirates, or the Eldar corsairs. The Chaos forces will often launch assaults on Imperial worlds, while your allies will request your support. Quite often, multiple events will arise simultaneously, requiring you to take critical decisions and bear the weight of their consequences, such as different access to resources, or available allies... in the end, your decisions will influence the unfolding of the Gothic War itself.

We are also thrilled to announce the beginning of pre-orders for Battlefleet Gothic: Armada. In order to reward the commitment of players who will support us during the pre-order phase, and those who will join the community during the first couple of months following the game's launch, we decided to offer to these "early adopters", for free, an additional faction - the Space Marines - which will be available to play a few weeks after launch. This additional faction will be playable in battles played in both Multiplayer modes and in skirmish against the AI. Players who pre-order the game will also receive access to the Multiplayer Beta, that will start a few weeks before the official launch.

Finally, we would like to remind you that until Friday evening, Games Workshop has a place of honour on Steam with exceptional discounts. This is the perfect opportunity to pre-order Battlefleet Gothic: Armada (10% off) or to join the communities of players of Blood Bowl 2 (50% off) and Mordheim: City of the Damned (40% off).
2016-2-14 08:31 AM
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada Chaos Trailer


The Chaos fleet is inbound in the new gameplay video of Battlefleet Gothic: Armada

The Chaos Warfleet, led by Abaddon and his admiral ship the Planet Killer, emerges from the Eye of Terror! After revealing the Imperium ships and gameplay in a previous video, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada, the new space RTS set in the Warhammer 40k universe from Games Workshop, now showcases the Chaos fleet and its ships in a new gameplay video!

Over the millennia, many ships and their crew have betrayed the Imperium to join the Traitor Legions. As such, a big part of the Chaos Warfleet is composed of ancient ship designs that have long since been decommissioned from service in the Imperial Navy.

But make no mistake, this does not make them less fearsome. While not as heavily armoured, Chaos ships are faster than their Imperium counterparts, and out-range them with extensive use of weaponry such as Lances and attack crafts. These traits work well in synergy with the Stasis Bomb: teleported from your ship, the bomb traps enemy ships and their ordnance, while allowing your own lances to rain destruction on them. Astute Chaos admirals will be able to inflict considerable damage to the enemy fleet before they may even return fire.

Chaos ships, and their crew, may also receive the favours of the four Gods of Chaos. Khorne, Slaanesh, Tzeentch and Nurgle will reward your prowess in battle with Chaos Marks, each giving different bonuses and abilities to your ship, while warping their hull, dramatically affecting their appearance.

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada warps in on PC beginning of 2016.
2016-2-24 07:13 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-24 06:36 PM 编辑

Insurgency: Sandstorm Announced for PC and Consoles, Coming 2017
《暴动 Insurgency》系列新作《暴动:沙尘暴》2017 年登陆 PC 与家用主机平台

  《暴动 Insurgency》研发商 New World Interactive 今日宣布,与 Focus Home Interactive 合作将在 PC 与 PS4、XboxOne 上推出系列新作《暴动:沙尘暴(暂译,Insurgency: Sandstorm)》,以扩展并强化《暴动》系列。

  《暴动:沙尘暴》将采用 Unreal Engine 4 打造。 New World Interactive 创办人 Jeremy Blum 表示,他们对于与 Focus 合作《暴动:沙尘暴》非常兴奋,相信对于《暴动》登陆次世代主机将会是很好的机会,Focus 相当了解他们的游戏且相信他们的愿景,同时对于如何在家用游乐器平台上推广有很丰富的经验。

  Focus Home Interactive 总裁 Cédric Lagarrigue 表示,他们非常荣幸能与 New World Interactive 合作,《暴动》是 PC 平台上最受赞赏的第一人称射击游戏之一,他们很开心能够支持 New World Interactive 展开新的冒险,他们会尽力让《暴动:沙尘暴》于 2017 年在 PC 与家用主机平台上问世。


  PC/PS4/XboxOne《暴动:沙尘暴》预定 2017 年问世。

New World Interactive and Focus Home Interactive announce Insurgency: Sandstorm for consoles and PC

Completely rebuilt from the ground up in Unreal Engine 4, Insurgency: Sandstorm is coming to consoles and PC in a new partnership between Focus Home Interactive and developer New World Interactive. With Insurgency: Sandstorm, New World Interactive expands and enhances its popular first-person-shooter franchise, having sold more than 2.3 million copies on PC.

“We are very excited about working with Focus on Insurgency: Sandstorm. We believe there’s a great opportunity for Insurgency on next-gen consoles and that aligning with a strong publisher will allow us to best leverage this. Considering our background, it was not easy finding a publisher we felt compatible with. We decided to work with Focus because they understand our game and they believe in our vision. In addition, they bring a wealth of knowledge when it comes to shipping console games and marketing to that audience.” Jeremy Blum - Founder and Game Director of New World Interactive

“We are very proud to partner with American studio New World Interactive. Insurgency is one of the most praised and played First Person Shooters on PC. We are excited to support NWI in this new adventure, and we will do everything we can to make Insurgency: Sandstorm a hit on consoles and PC in 2017.” Cédric Lagarrigue – President of Focus Home Interactive

Deploy into a gritty, visceral combat experience that delivers first-person gunplay as immersive as it gets. Gear up with an arsenal of diverse firearms before heading into intense team-based action throughout the Middle East.

With a new story mode and Insurgency’s classic multiplayer and cooperative gameplay, the FPS epic comes enhanced and expanded as a new chapter in Insurgency: Sandstorm.
2016-2-24 07:14 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-24 07:08 PM 编辑

Styx: Shards of Darkness First Screenshots ~ PS4, Xbox One & PC

  由Cyanide开发,利用虚幻4引擎打造的潜入渗透类游戏《冥河》最新续作《冥河:暗影碎片》(Styx: Shards of Darkness),首次放出展示了多个全新场景的游戏截图。



  虽然目前游戏尚未透露确切发售日期和更多详细内容,但从全新的环境景观、富有内涵的原创故事情节等都预示着2016年冥河将接到他一生中最重要的任务,《冥河:暗影碎片》将于2016年登陆PS4和Xbox One。

New screenshots reveal huge environments of Styx: Shards of Darkness

Styx: Shards of Darkness, the sequel to Cyanide Studios’ infiltration cult classic Master of Shadows, comes to consoles and PC on Unreal Engine 4 in 2016. Styx’s sneaky adventure comes back with new features, new environments, and Unreal Engine 4!

In today's screenshots, we witness Styx prowling through some of the huge environments of the game. From the City of Thieves, built from the wreckages of lost ships, to the great Elven city of Korangar hidden in the mountains, the environments of Styx: Shards of Darkness are enormous and semi-open, with an emphasis on verticality. They allow for a lot of freedom to complete the various missions' objectives. They are fantastic playgrounds for Styx to test his stealth and assassination skills, and try out his new moves such as rope-swinging and zip-lining!

These are just some of the huge open spaces oozing with verticality to explore in Styx’s new infiltration adventure! With new ways to traverse the landscape, a deep and original story, as well as huge new features yet to be revealed, Styx’s 2016 mission will be his biggest yet!

Styx: Shards of Darkness comes 2016 to PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
2016-3-11 07:35 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-12 07:12 AM 编辑

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada Overview Trailer


Battlefleet Gothic: Armada detailed in Overview Trailer celebrating Beta launch for Pre-order players

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada, Tindalos Interactive's real-time strategy game set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, opens its beta today. All players who preorder the game on Steam or the official store can immediately join this beta, build their first fleets and test their worth as Admiral against other players or the AI!

In addition to the 10% discount offered during the pre-order period, Early Adopters of Battlefleet Gothic Armada will receive one extra faction for free - the Space Marines - and immediate access to the Beta of the game. From today, players can practice building their Imperium and Chaos fleets and get used to the gameplay mechanics in the solo campaign prologue, before testing their skills against the AI or players online in 1v1 skirmishes. The remaining factions (Orks and Eldar), as well as the full solo campaign and other multiplayer modes (like 2vs2) will be made available when the game launches later in March. The Space Marines fleet will be available to play a few weeks after the game launches.

Today's Overview Trailer shows off what you can expect from the full version of Battlefleet Gothic: Armada when it releases later in March. Discover the branching story campaign, in-depth customization and tactical gameplay!

Made in Unreal Engine 4, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada offers deep management of every ship in your fleet, during and between battles. With different skills and abilities, you can customize all aspects of your ships. Whether it's crew for weaponry or repairs, or new skills such as the augur probe and micro-warp jump, you'll be able to add more as each ship gains experience.

Multiplayer battles are all about positioning and flanking your enemy. Carefully align your path with your target, launching a devastating salvo of torpedoes before violently ramming them for incredible destructive force. Alternatively, you may choose to slide close enough to expose your broadside cannons and unleash a barrage of heavy fire. every action has weight and inertia, so mistakes will rarely be left unpunished by your opponent.

Players can now pre-order the Early Adopters Edition of Battlefleet Gothic: Armada for 10% off on Steam and the official store. Early Adopters will receive the Space Marines Fleet DLC for free, along with immediate access to the Beta. This offer is available for players who preorder or buy the game within 2 months after release.
2016-3-25 06:35 AM
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada Orks Trailer


Battlefleet Gothic: Armada - Orks destroy everything in video celebrating their arrival to the beta in the coming days

Battlefleet Gothic beta participants have already had a brief taste of the Ork's devastating potential, when they faced them during the last mission of the prologue.

The Orks will be arriving at full speed in the coming days to shake up the beta's intense battles even further. The total opposite of Chaos' long-range gameplay and the Imperium's balanced style, the Orks fight in the most direct, brutal (and fun!) way possible. Players will be able to wield the Orks' mighty power in beta skirmishes, before ramming enemy ships in multiplayer.

All of this is illustrated in today's trailer, which gives a fittingly loud introduction for the Orks. Supported by a primal void-shanty heard on every battlefield they're invading, these destruction specialists take a wild pleasure in abolishing enemy fleets, leaving behind only metal scraps and burning carcasses.

Romain Clavier, Game Director of Tindalos explains:

"It's a huge pleasure for a young studio like ours to see Battlefleet Gothic gather so much interest from so many players. The beta has been incredibly helpful in spotting relevant demands from the community. Following this huge response we've made the decision to spend some additional time integrating your feedback into the game. As a consequence, we will release Battlefleet Gothic: Armada on April 21st.

Based on that, we felt the need to release more content, both to reward current Battlefleet players and to introduce even more madness to this beta! As a result, we've decided to unleash the Orks in the coming days. This faction will turn your Battlefleet Gothic: Armada experience upside-down, with a totally different, more brutal style of gameplay. Having them in the beta will also allow us to balance them perfectly before the game releases.

There's another important thing we'd like to announce. Currently, the Space Marines fleet is offered for free to all Early Adopters. With the support of our publisher Focus, we've decided to develop another faction that we'll unveil soon. This new faction, available in a few months, will also be offered for free to all Early Adopters - people who pre-ordered the game or purchase it during the first two months after release. We wanted to show you, the community, that we're passionate about supporting this game and its players. We're always paying attention to your feedback, and this is how together we'll make the game we've all dreamt about."

Preorder Battlefleet Gothic: Armada's Early Adopters Edition Edition at 10% off, and receive the Space Marines fleet + one additional fleet (more info coming soon) for free, as well as instant access to the beta, which will continue until the game releases. Battlefleet Gothic: Armada will release April 21st on PC.
2016-4-7 06:29 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-8 07:40 AM 编辑

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada Eldar Trailer


Battlefleet Gothic: Armada - Eldar Fleet Strikes in New Trailer Before Joining Beta Next Week

Fitted with the finest technology in the universe, Eldar ships are fast and highly manoeuvrable. They pack serious firepower, with incredible damage projection and application. Their strategy is based around hit-and-run assaults, taking their targets by surprise while inflicting maximum damage. Their speed allows them to disappear as fast as they arrived, as shown in today's Eldar trailer. Eldar ships are as fast as they are fragile - they lack in any heavy armour. With the exception of their battleships, their craft are not fitted with shields, instead relying on advanced Holo-fields in conjunction with their speed and agility to avoid incoming fire. This makes them extremely hard to track and hit with conventional weaponry. Destroying Eldar ships' engines is the best way to keep them at close-range, ensuring you have enough time to inflict lethal damage.

The Eldar fleet will be joining the beta next week! They will be ready to pit their guerilla tactics against the Ork's brutal manoeuvres, the Chaos' long-range gameplay and the Imperium's balanced style, during epic and tactical space battles. Eldar fleets are built around strategies based on speed, surprise and sudden firepower, offering a brand new gameplay style and deep tactical options for Battlefleet Gothic players.

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada releases two weeks from now - and thanks to the tantalizing fun offered by the Beta, almost 100,000 players have already preordered the game. The current beta players, along with all who join them, will be able to help Tindalos balance the Eldar fleets as soon as next week, just like they have the other three factions. This will ensure the best possible experience when the game releases on April 21.

Players can preorder Battlefleet Gothic: Armada's Early Adopters Edition . This edition is available to all players who preorder the game, as well as those who buy the game up to two months after release. Early Adopters will receive the Space Marines fleet + one additional fleet (more info coming soon) for free, as well as instant access to the beta.

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada will release April 21 on PC.
2016-4-20 06:16 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-21 07:32 AM 编辑

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada Launch Trailer


Battlefleet Gothic: Armada Unveils its Spectacular Launch Trailer

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada, the space real time strategy game set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe disembarks tomorrow on PC. We are today unveiling its Launch Trailer that is as spectacular in content as it is in realisation. Plunge into a vertiginous sequence-shot, straight to the heart of massive and intense battle between the warships of the Imperial Navy, and the Chaos fleet that have come to Port Maw to wipe out the Imperium's void base from the star map.

During this incredible two-minute-long sequence-shot, you will find yourself witnessing brutal broadsides from macro-cannons of Imperial battleships, who are cornered by the Chaos armada that pound them with raking fire and boarding actions. Follow the manoeuvres of attack craft as they dance between gigantic Chaos ships being shaken by the violent ramming of Imperial cruisers...

As the Planet Killer of Warmaster Abaddon completes its devastating assault, the moment of victory lies within the grasp of Chaos. The Imperial Navy though will not yield at the last, and summons reinforcements and support from their allies - the angels of death, the Space Marines, whose a few ships are unveiled for the first time in this video.

We remind you that Space Marines, as well as an additional faction that will be unveiled later, will be offered to all the Early Adopters of the game. The Early Adopters offer stands for all the players who pre-ordered the game, or will buy it until two months after release.

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada will release April 21 on PC.
2016-4-29 07:12 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-29 06:50 PM 编辑

Space Hulk: Deathwing Gameplay Trailer ~ PS4, Xbox One & PC
穿戴终结者战甲肃清泰伦虫族! 战锤40K《宇宙荒舟:死翼》操作影片释出

  《宇宙荒舟:死翼(暂译:Space Hulk: Deathwing)》是一款由 Streum On Studio&Cyanide 工作室以 Unreal Engine 4 引擎制作的战锤 40K 第一人称射击游戏。 玩家在游戏中将扮演身穿终结者战甲的星际战士,在各个废弃的太空战或船舰中进行任务。 经历多年的开发之后,官方也终于在近期曝光游戏的实战影像。

  玩家在游戏中将扮演星际战士终结者小队的一员,与 AI 或是其他玩家一起执行任务,击退成群结队并擅长伏击的泰伦虫族,并完成任务目标。 虽然终结者战甲拥有极佳的火力和防御,但战甲一但有特定部位受损,其武器配置也将无法使用。

  玩家在游戏中所探索的船间皆为根据战锤 40K 的剧情所设计,将会有不少彩蛋等着熟悉的玩家发掘。 而游戏内也提供了大量知名的旧有兵器外,也新增了新武器和装备等着供玩家使用,让玩家自行打造更为震撼的星际战士终结者。 官方尚未公布游戏正式推出日期,但表示会在接下的几个月释出更多《宇宙荒舟:死翼》的信息供玩家抢先看。


2016-5-4 07:14 AM
Blood Bowl 2 ~ Norse Team Now Available, Screenshots

Blood Bowl 2: The Norse team charges from the far north onto the field!

Blood Bowl 2, the sequel to the video game adaptation of Games Workshop's famous board game that combines American football with the fantasy world of Warhammer, welcomes a new race on its pitch: The Norse. The new screenshots show off the fearsome Norse players, their impressive Big Guy and their bestial Star Players - all included in the Norse DLC available today on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

To respect the PC players of the first Blood Bowl game, which accumulated 23 races through 3 paying editions - we have heard their frustration - we decided to create the Founders Incentive for PC players of Blood Bowl 2: players will receive the Norse, the Undead, the Necromantic and the Nurgle teams for free, as long as they purchased the game before the races release.

The Norse Team

Hailing from a far north peninsula of the Old World, Norsca, the Norse are fearsome warriors who naturally benefit from the Block skill - making a Norse line one of the more resilient Blood Bowl defensive walls. Norse players also have low Armour value, meaning they're built for dishing out damage, not taking it. We're excited to see how new Norse Coaches plan around the team's weaknesses and exploit their strengths.

The Norse DLC pack includes new types of players, including the Ulfwerener. These werewolves encourage damage-dealing plays with their high Strength and their brutal Frenzy skill. The Norse Big Guy is the Yhetee, a vicious Snow Troll with Claws built for shredding high armoured players. Finally, two Star Players are joining the Norse: Icepelt Hammerblow, Yhetee, and Wilhelm Chaney, Ulfwerener.
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