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【新闻部】Focus Home Interactive

2015-9-1 06:59 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-9-2 07:20 PM 编辑

《侵略行动 Act of Aggression》即将在欧美上市 结合高科技、黑客等元素

  游戏厂商 Eugen Systems 研发、实时战略游戏《侵略行动(暂译,Act of Aggression)》美国时间 9 月 2 日正式上市,今日公开上市宣传影片。

  曾研发《火线交锋》、《R.U.S.E 心战诡阵》等作品的 Eugen Systems 即将推出新作《侵略行动》,游戏以 2020 年为舞台,希望带领玩家回到实时战略游戏的黄金年代,游戏结合经典的三大阵营设定,与充满战争、政治阴谋与间谍攻防的故事情节;在游戏中,主要分成具有坦克与多样化兵种的美军,还有结合黑客与犯罪份子的秘密组织 Cartel, 以及代表联合国、具有先进原型的 Chimera 三大阵营。

  游戏将结合建造基地、管理资源、大量制造强大战争单位,在游戏一开始玩家可以随着 Chimera 阵营故事来体验战役,感受在剧烈动荡的政治态势下,他们对于秘密组织 Cartel 的观感与看法。

  游戏同时具备多种模式,包括四对四多人模式、对抗 AI 模式等,Eugen Systems 希望满足玩家对经典实时战略游戏的渴望。


Blood Bowl 2 Dwarfs vs Skaven Gameplay Video


Blood Bowl 2: the tough Dwarfs face the blazing-fast Skaven in new gameplay video

Two diametrically opposed teams face-off each other in the latest gameplay video of Blood Bowl 2, the sequel to the video game adaptation of Games Workshop’s famous board game that combines American football with the fantasy world of Warhammer. To sum up: the slow and tough Dwarfs, versus the fast and scrawny Skaven!

Albeit slow, Dwarfs make great Blood Bowl players. They're compact, tough, well-armoured, and have a stubborn knack of refusing to die! Most successful Dwarf teams work to the principle that if they can massacre all the other team's best players and wear down the rest, then there won't be anybody left to stop them scoring touchdowns! Their Deathroller, a real mobile siege engine, helps greatly with this tactic, as it is able to crush any enemy regardless of its size. However, the use of such a machine is strictly forbidden, and the referee will always end up sending the player (and his ride) off.

Skaven, on the other hand, show just the opposite traits. Save for their Rat Ogre, they're not so tough, frail, but rather agile and extremely fast. Many an opponent has been left in the starting blocks as fast-moving Skaven players scamper through a gap in the line and run in for a lightning fast touchdown. Make sure your Skaven players keep away from the opponent though – especially if they're hard-hitting players such as the Dwarfs – or you'll be likely to end up the match with much less players than you started it…

Blood Bowl 2 is currently available for pre-order, with a bonus, one of two additional races (the Wood Elves or the Lizardmen). Players who pre-order the game on Steam will also receive access to the Multiplayer Beta of the game, which will start a few weeks before release. Click here for more info.

Blood Bowl 2 will release on PS4, Xbox One and PC on September 22.
2015-9-11 06:52 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-9-14 06:17 PM 编辑

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada Gameplay Overview Trailer
《战锤 40K》系列新作《哥特舰队:无敌战舰》公开预告影片 巨大宇宙战舰之间的对战

  根据日本媒体 Doope 报导,描绘帝国、浑沌、灵族与兽人之间激烈的舰队战争,由 TindalosInteractive 进行开发的 PC 实时战略新作《哥特舰队:无敌战舰(暂译,Battlefleet Gothic: Armada)》,日前公开了收录本作初次的游戏试玩画面的预告片,最大全长超越 8 公里的巨大战舰群在浩瀚的宇宙中发生激烈冲突, 是部能感受到本作乐趣的影片。


  运用 Unreal Engine 4 游戏引擎开发的《哥特舰队:无敌战舰》,是以人类帝国的巨大舰队「哥特舰队」为主轴,并描绘与浑沌方的 Abaddon the Despoiler 之间对峙的「黑色远征」。 玩家在游戏中,能够扮演 4 种势力进行单人或多人模式来游玩,更加入了舰长与团员的成长要素与战舰本身的自定义等特色。


First Gameplay Revealed in Battlefleet Gothic: Armada Gameplay Trailer

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada, the new RTS based on Games Workshop's tabletop game, is for the first time unveiled through pre-alpha gameplay covering the basics of what to expect from Tindalos Interactive’s new game.

Developed on Unreal Engine 4, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada is an RTS in which the player takes command of one of these battlefleets composed of the most powerful spaceships from the Imperial, Chaos, Eldar and Ork forces, in a no-quarter given struggle for the control of the Gothic sector of space.

Featuring many different game modes including dramatic battles in both single and multiplayer, against players and the AI, and a full single-player campaign pitting you against Abaddon the Despoiler, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada will have you unlocking and upgrading the ships in your fleet as well as specializing the captains that helm them, each with their own behaviors.

Featuring an ambitious campaign against Abaddon the Despoiler, command the Imperium fleet throughout the Gothic sector, securing systems and making choices that will affect the story along the way. In the campaign, you’ll meet – and perhaps more! – the Eldar, and the enigmatic Space Marines as you try to vanquish the sector of Chaos influence.

Each faction has its own strengths and skills. The Imperium are heavily armored with a lot of torpedoes, powerful macro weapons and harness the awesome nova cannon. The Chaos are fast, with a longer range than the other factions, utilizing powerful lances.

Learn the basics of Battlefleet Gothic: Armada by watching the exciting new gameplay trailer, and look forward to the release in 2016 on PC.
2015-9-11 06:58 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-9-12 07:00 AM 编辑

Blood Bowl 2 Beta Launched, Bretonnian Gameplay Video


Blood Bowl 2: Beta launched, and new gameplay video starring the Bretonnian knights!

The beta of Blood Bowl 2, the sequel to the video game adaptation of Games Workshop's famous board game that combines American football with the fantasy world of Warhammer, has launched! Players who have pre-ordered the game on Steam (official release on September 22) may already start playing and test their strategies in multiplayer, as well as against AI in one-off matches.

Join the many players already playing, and create your teams from the races currently available in this beta: Humans, Orcs, Skaven, and Dwarfs. All customised multiplayer leagues as well as teams created during the beta will be preserved... so you may start leveling up your favourite team without any regret! When the game officially launches on September 22, the other races will be made available, including the Bretonnians, who are showing-off their jousting talent in today's gameplay video!

Bretonnian teams are geared toward fighting. They benefit from very skilled Blitzer players and dirt cheap linemen boasting respectable characteristics and the Fend skill. Blitzers are their key players, and any action undertaken by Bretonnian teams will revolve around them. While Blitzers are indisputably fantastic Blood Bowl players, they are also very expensive. They are necessary for any action carried out by their team, with other players mostly there to provide them with support. Strong yet still rather fragile compared to more bashy teams, Bretonnian team also lack agility, impeding their passing and running game.

Matching their skillset, their hiring fee is also exceptionally high, and they will only ever join your team for a single match. However, if you can spare the Gold to afford hiring one (or even two!) of them, they will be worth the hiring cost, as they might very well turn the tide of the match, all by themselves.

Blood Bowl 2 is currently available for pre-order, with a bonus, one of two additional races (the Wood Elves or the Lizardmen). Players who pre-order the game on Steam will also receive access to the Multiplayer Beta of the game, which will start a few weeks before release. Click here for more info.

Blood Bowl 2 will release on PS4, Xbox One and PC on September 22.
2015-9-18 07:29 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-9-21 07:35 PM 编辑

融合《战锤》奇幻世界与美式足球《战锤:暴力橄榄球 2》明日上市 公开新影片

  改编自 Games Workshop 旗下《战锤》奇幻世界并融合美式足球的暴力运动主题游戏《战锤:暴力橄榄球》系列新作《战锤:暴力橄榄球 2》即将于明(22)日上市,今日公开了游戏上市影片。

  研发团队表示,《战锤:暴力橄榄球 2》上市影片让玩家抢先感受明日上市的游戏内容,结合了策略、幽默、体育竞技等内容,玩家可以享受《战锤:暴力橄榄球 2》采用新绘图引擎后的游戏研发成果。



  研发团队表示,在《战锤:暴力橄榄球 2》中,结合故事导向的剧情战役,还有巴特尼亚王国骑士参战,加上 AI 全面进化,与球场、球衣等客制化内容,而每一场比赛都将是独一无二的体验,玩家将可以在游戏中感受到令人惊讶的事件。 至于游戏的单人与多人模式将更为强大,玩家可以使用来自战《战锤》世界八个种族来打造自己的队伍,藉由获取经验值与解锁新技能来加以强大自身势力。

  PC/PS4/Xbox One《战锤:暴力橄榄球 2》预定 9 月 22 日上市。
2015-10-14 07:13 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-10-15 07:04 PM 编辑

Styx: Shards of Darkness Announced for PS4, Xbox One & PC

  不知道有多少玩家还记得《冥河:暗影大师》这款潜入类型的游戏,说实话游戏的实际素质并不是很高。而众多媒体给本作的评分也基本在5-6分左右,这也使得这款游戏发售没有多久便迅速销声匿迹最后进入了PS+免费游戏阵营之中。而今天开发商Cyanide工作室正式宣布将会在XBOX ONE、PS4以及PC平台上推出续作《冥河:暗影碎片》。



  《冥河:暗影碎片》预计于2016年登陆XBOX ONE、PS4以及PC平台。

Cyanide and Focus Home Interactive Unveil New Stealth Game Styx: Shards of Darkness

Following its positive reception from press and players, Focus Home Interactive and Cyanide Studios wanted to delve deeper into the world of Styx with more ambition! The centuries-old goblin assassin Styx returns in a new stealth game, Styx: Shards of Darkness, with a bigger budget, bigger ideas, and a new engine: Unreal 4. Revealed in the first official screenshot of the game, check out a nimble, more refined Styx, built from the ground-up. Master of Shadows was a valiant exploration into the world of the green goblin thief, but in Shards of Darkness, delve deeper into a more complex narrative and fully realized world.

Having been in development for 6 months, discover in this first screenshot the new Styx, putting his skills to good use within the heart of Körangar, one of the many extensive mission areas to explore and creep around in Styx: Shards of Darkness.

Following the fall of Akenash tower, an extraordinary matter has forced Styx out of hiding to infiltrate Körangar, the city of the Dark Elves. Supposedly impregnable, a diplomatic summit offers Styx a chance at slipping in unnoticed, as he learns that the event is nothing but a mere façade… Moreover, the Elves have joined forces with the Dwarves, and the only thing both races have in common is a mutual hatred of the Goblins…

Embark upon a stealthy adventure with new enemies, new environments, and a plethora of new mechanics aimed at refining the abilities and movement of Styx; grappling around corners, climbing ropes, and using his trusty knife as a zip-wire. Shards of Darkness aims to offer unparalleled freedom of movement, along with refined stealth and assassination mechanics, expanding and improving on the strengths of Styx: Master of Shadows – which is coincidentally the Midweek Madness deal on Steam, until Friday 16, with an exceptional 66% discount off the price! A great opportunity to discover the origins of Styx.

Styx: Shards of Darkness comes to PS4, Xbox One, and PC next year.
2015-10-30 07:22 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-1 08:32 AM 编辑

The Technomancer 'First Contact' Trailer ~ PS4, Xbox One & PC


Take an in-depth look at The Technomancer in the First Contact Trailer

Spiders' fifth RPG, The Technomancer, is officially revealed in detail in its First Contact Trailer. Slated for release in early 2016 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, take a first look into the world of The Technomancer, and learn about the three dynamic and exciting combat styles:

• Staff: Highly mobile long-ranged melee to hit multiple targets.

• Rogue with knife and gun: Agile, mobile, with dodges, rolls, and effective CC with the gun.

• Protection with mace and shield: Parry, block, and beat them to death with powerful attacks!

Each of the combat styles can be imbued with electrical Technomancer powers, buffing their damage, as well as Zachariah being able to directly use his skills in battle, electrocuting, knocking out in stealth, and pounding back his foes on the Red Planet.

In the video, you'll see Zachariah fighting and exploring throughout the markets and shanties of Noctis, one of the major cities in The Technomancer, where over a hundred years of separation from Earth, new cultures, clans, and super-powers formed throughout Mars, causing clashes and in-fighting across the red planet.

It's not all about the combat, though, with a deep, modular crafting system changing the visible and active qualities of clothing and weapons from scrap you find on Mars. Cut off from Earth for 120 years, Mars is a world in conflict, with many different cultures and communities - and the games weapons and clothing reflect this quality, with jury rigged and make-shift weapons and armor, designed for survival, or militaristic rule!

From melee combat skills to active and passive abilities, everything can be unlocked and upgraded in the ability tree, where you'll be able to improve the games' three combat styles, and also your technomancer abilities as you level up and gain XP.

There are up to five different ways to finish quests in The Technomancer, and your choices will affect the story ending. Romance your companions, craft, quest, kill, and explore Mars, coming 2016 to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
2015-12-10 07:32 PM
2015-12-17 06:42 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-12-17 06:34 PM 编辑

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada Imperium Trailer
《战锤 40K》系列新作《哥特舰队:无敌战舰》曝光新宣传影片

  Focus Home Interactive 今日公开由法国研发商 Tindalos Interactive 研发中、最新实时策略游戏《哥特舰队:无敌战舰(暂译,Battlefleet Gothic: Armada)》新一波宣传影片。

  《哥特舰队:无敌战舰》是款源自于《战锤 40K》系列的新作,以人类帝国巨大舰队「哥特舰队」为主轴,描述黑色远征的桥段,透过玩家对于各种故事所做的选择,将会出现不同分歧的走向。


  《哥特舰队:无敌战舰》预定 2016 年上市。


The Imperium fleet showcased in new Battlefleet Gothic Imperium Faction Trailer

Focus Home Interactive and Tindalos Interactive today warp into the Imperium faction, for their new RTS adaptation of Games Workshops famous tabletop game. Featuring miles-long ships, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada pits four factions against each other for control of the Gothic sector of space.

The Imperial fleet ships are not the fastest nor the most powerful in Battlefleet Gothic: Armada, but a millennia of war has made them tough nuts to crack. Let's delve into the intricacies of these battle-hardened goliaths!

Defined by dense void shields and metres thick armour, these ships can adapt to any kind of battle situation. Their torpedo strikes and devastating Nova cannon blasts are enough devastate most opponents. Any that do survive are quickly dispatched by the powerful broadside armaments, while the Imperium ships' armour and shields ensure they survive the encounter.

If your targets are not shredded by your barrages of torpedo strikes - or, if your ships are equipped, devastating Nova cannon blasts - your powerful broadside Macro-cannons and Lance batteries will make short work of what's left of the enemy.

As a last-resort, remember the ships are well-armoured and can take quite a beating. This means that ramming your prow into the hull of an enemy ship can be a surprisingly effective tactic, especially if your target is of a smaller class.

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada warps in on PC beginning of 2016.
2015-12-25 06:52 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-12-25 06:38 PM 编辑

The Technomancer Screenshots ~ PS4, Xbox One & PC
《火星异种》开发商 Spiders 曝光新作《科技异种》游戏截图

  由《火星异种》开发商 Spiders 研发、厂商 Focus Home Interactive 发行新作《科技异种(暂译,原名:The Technomancer)》近日释出多张游戏宣传图,展现游戏中怪物样貌。

  《科技异种》是一款动作角色扮演游戏,舞台设定在火星,在水之战(War of Water)期间 Technomancer 将面临无数威胁他们未来发展的问题,玩家将承担大任,穿越消失在冰河之下的部落城市等地方。

  本作设计了三种不同的天赋树让玩家选择喜爱的战斗风格,而故事的发展将取决于玩家的决定。 冒险过程中,玩家可以招募伙伴,与他们培养关系,并可为自己和他们装备武器、盔甲。

  《科技异种》预定 2016 年初登上 PC、PS4、Xbox one 平台。

《科技异种》官网 -http://thetechnomancer-game.com/

Genetic experiments, mutations and evolution: the surprising creatures of The Technomancer come to life in a new series of screenshots

The Technomancer, Spiders' new sci-fi RPG, offers a rich and varied bestiary, that you will come across and confront in combat during your journey on Mars. In this new series of screenshots, discover a few of these strange creatures conceived and brought to life by the talented teams at Spiders studios.

Although Mars’ red surface is naturally barren and completely devoid of life, hundreds of years of human civilization has led to the creation and evolution of many hybrid species built from the genetic makeup of animals found on Earth. What was first an exercise to create an ecosystem to support the original settlers eventually grew out of control, following the cataclysm that wiped most settlers and isolated Mars from Earth. Mutations and accelerated evolution forged what little life there was into threatening beasts scattered all over the red planet.

While originally bred as domestic animals, the harsh living conditions on Mars led these creatures to develop effective defense mechanisms - poison, camouflage, brute force... The longer Mars is cut off from Earth, the more dangerous Mars’ new wildlife grows. They will aggressively defend their territory should you trespass it.

Today's screenshots show a few of these creatures. Mastery of The Technomancer’s visceral combat styles and electrical powers should help you survive the bizarre hybrid species of Mars!

Your quest on Mars begins early 2016 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC!
2016-1-23 06:21 AM
Space Hulk: Deathwing 'Mammoth' environments revealed ~ PS4, Xbox One & PC

New screenshots reveal the mammoth environments in Space Hulk: Deathwing

Space Hulk: Deathwing, the first-person shooter by Streum On Studio set in Games Workshop's famous Warhammer 40,000 universe, showcases a few of its mammoth ship interiors with a batch of atmospheric new screenshots.

From a large battle-barge belonging to the Black Templars, to a vessel from the Adeptus Mechanicus, explore and fight inside huge derelict Warhammer 40,000 vessels, oozing with atmosphere and authenticity. You play as a Librarian accompanied by a Terminator squad - either cooperatively with friends, or in solo - fending off Genestealer advances and recovering ancient relics in the mangled ships and asteroids composing the Space Hulk, drifting along the currents of the Warp.

The game features a full story campaign, and all of the weapons from the Space Hulk board game (including the famous Storm Bolter, Assault Cannon, Lightning Claws, and Thunder Hammer). Wielding these relics of war you will fight through the cargo bays of the Adeptus Mechanicus, ancient chapels of a Black Templar warship, and the gigantic engine rooms of derelict ships.

Space Hulk: Deathwing will release in 2016 on PC and consoles.
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