《侵略行动 Act of Aggression》即将在欧美上市 结合高科技、黑客等元素
游戏厂商 Eugen Systems 研发、实时战略游戏《侵略行动(暂译,Act of Aggression)》美国时间 9 月 2 日正式上市,今日公开上市宣传影片。
曾研发《火线交锋》、《R.U.S.E 心战诡阵》等作品的 Eugen Systems 即将推出新作《侵略行动》,游戏以 2020 年为舞台,希望带领玩家回到实时战略游戏的黄金年代,游戏结合经典的三大阵营设定,与充满战争、政治阴谋与间谍攻防的故事情节;在游戏中,主要分成具有坦克与多样化兵种的美军,还有结合黑客与犯罪份子的秘密组织 Cartel, 以及代表联合国、具有先进原型的 Chimera 三大阵营。
游戏将结合建造基地、管理资源、大量制造强大战争单位,在游戏一开始玩家可以随着 Chimera 阵营故事来体验战役,感受在剧烈动荡的政治态势下,他们对于秘密组织 Cartel 的观感与看法。
游戏同时具备多种模式,包括四对四多人模式、对抗 AI 模式等,Eugen Systems 希望满足玩家对经典实时战略游戏的渴望。
Blood Bowl 2 Dwarfs vs Skaven Gameplay Video
Blood Bowl 2: the tough Dwarfs face the blazing-fast Skaven in new gameplay video
Two diametrically opposed teams face-off each other in the latest gameplay video of Blood Bowl 2, the sequel to the video game adaptation of Games Workshop’s famous board game that combines American football with the fantasy world of Warhammer. To sum up: the slow and tough Dwarfs, versus the fast and scrawny Skaven!
Albeit slow, Dwarfs make great Blood Bowl players. They're compact, tough, well-armoured, and have a stubborn knack of refusing to die! Most successful Dwarf teams work to the principle that if they can massacre all the other team's best players and wear down the rest, then there won't be anybody left to stop them scoring touchdowns! Their Deathroller, a real mobile siege engine, helps greatly with this tactic, as it is able to crush any enemy regardless of its size. However, the use of such a machine is strictly forbidden, and the referee will always end up sending the player (and his ride) off.
Skaven, on the other hand, show just the opposite traits. Save for their Rat Ogre, they're not so tough, frail, but rather agile and extremely fast. Many an opponent has been left in the starting blocks as fast-moving Skaven players scamper through a gap in the line and run in for a lightning fast touchdown. Make sure your Skaven players keep away from the opponent though – especially if they're hard-hitting players such as the Dwarfs – or you'll be likely to end up the match with much less players than you started it…
Blood Bowl 2 is currently available for pre-order, with a bonus, one of two additional races (the Wood Elves or the Lizardmen). Players who pre-order the game on Steam will also receive access to the Multiplayer Beta of the game, which will start a few weeks before release. Click here for more info.
Blood Bowl 2 will release on PS4, Xbox One and PC on September 22.