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【新闻部】Marvelous Entertainment

2015-9-10 06:51 AM
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 'Lionheart Edition' Announced

XSEED Games Announces The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel Limited Edition Coming to PS3 and PS Vita This Holiday

XSEED Games, the independent-minded console publishing brand of Marvelous USA, today announced that its upcoming RPG for the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system and PlayStation Vita handheld entertainment system, The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel, will launch with a special “Lionheart Edition” containing an art book featuring over 100 pages of art from the game as well as its sequel, The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II, and a 1.5” pin displaying the emblem of the country of Erebonia, packaged with the game in a custom collectible clamshell-type box that will also be able to house the sequel when it releases in 2016 so that collectors can store the initial Cold Steel duology in a single package.

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel builds on Nihon Falcom’s acclaimed The Legend of Heroes franchise, known in Japan as Sen no Kiseki, by improving on the series’ formula while delivering the same sort of expertly told narrative series fans have come to expect. Taking place on the same continent as fan-favorite Trails in the Sky, Trails of Cold Steel is the first game in the series to explore Erebonian soil, giving players a chance to delve deep into the inner political conflicts of this oft-mentioned and powerful empire.

In the game, players take on the role of specially-selected elite military students at a time of great turmoil, enjoying school life and bonding with fellow students to earn new abilities in battle, then utilizing those abilities via speedy, tactical turn-based combat with the newly-developed “ARCUS” system. The standalone story also delves into the expansive lore that has become synonymous with the series. Best of all, the epic storyline can be unraveled with Cross-Save functionality between the game’s PS Vita and PS3™ editions, allowing players to play at home or on the go.

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel is scheduled to launch this holiday season for PS3 and PS Vita in North America. The Lionheart Edition has a suggested retail price of $49.99 for each platform while the standard edition of the game will be available for $39.99 on both platforms.
2015-9-11 07:00 PM
2015-9-25 07:07 AM
Corpse Party: Blood Drive Launches October 13 in North America

What’s Scarier than Friday the 13th? Tuesday the 13th, When Corpse Party: Blood Drive Arrives on PlayStation Vita…

XSEED Games, the independent-minded console publishing brand of Marvelous USA, Inc., today announced that Corpse Party: Blood Drive, the final entry in the “Heavenly Host Elementary” chapter of the Corpse Party visual novel-style horror adventure series, will arrive in North America exclusively for the PlayStation Vita handheld entertainment system on October 13th.

For the first time in the series’ history, Corpse Party: Blood Drive will be released physically in North America through a limited “Everafter Edition” for a suggested retail price of $49.99, containing a two-disc compilation of songs from Corpse Party, Corpse Party: Book of Shadows, and Corpse Party: Blood Drive, as well as a “Dying Art” grimoire featuring over 100 pages of artwork from throughout the franchise. The game will also be available digitally via the PlayStation Store for $39.99.

The final installment of the supernatural story that began with Corpse Party and continued in Corpse Party: Book of Shadows, Corpse Party: Blood Drive ups the ante by allowing players to explore Heavenly Host Elementary in full 3D for the first time, with all of its formerly 2D environments meticulously recreated and greatly expanded. New gameplay systems provide more exciting interactions for players experiencing the gruesome finale to this tale of an inescapable, otherworldly school populated by vengeful spirits, including a dynamic lighting system aided by an in-game flashlight, talismans to protect the player characters from danger, deadly traps to disarm, cabinets to hide in, a stamina system that allows for limited dashing, and much more.

Furthermore, Blood Drive -- once again presented with the original Japanese voiceovers for authenticity -- features the return of previously offered gameplay elements such as binaural 3D audio for simulated surround sound and the screen-altering “Darkening” system, as well as bonus unlockables such as voice actor interviews, art, music, and more. Boasting 11 huge story chapters and 8 supplemental "Extra Chapters," Corpse Party: Blood Drive caps off the Heavenly Host storyline in a big way, providing answers and shocking twists in equal measure.

Published in North America by XSEED Games, Corpse Party: Blood Drive will launch on October 13th exclusively for the PS Vita, both in a limited physical “Everafter Edition” release with a suggested retail price of $49.99 and digitally via the PlayStation Store for $39.99.
2015-10-1 04:59 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-10-1 05:04 PM 编辑

Net High (Vita)

Nitroplus BlasTerz: Heroines Infinite Duel (PS4) - (PS3)『ニトロプラス ブラスターズ -ヒロインズ インフィニット デュエル- 』

2015-10-2 06:52 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-10-5 06:34 PM 编辑

《VALKYRIE DRIVE -BHIKKHUNI-》片头影片公开、封入与先着购入特典追加

片头曲为原田瞳歌唱,曲名为「BLIND DRIVE」。


2015-10-9 06:18 PM
2015-10-13 06:51 PM
2015-10-15 07:34 AM
Uppers (Vita)『UPPERS(アッパーズ)』

Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni (Vita)『VALKYRIE DRIVE –BHIKKHUNI- ヴァルキリードライヴ ビクニ』

2015-10-15 06:42 PM
《闪乱神乐 夏日对决》开放下载一骑当千「孙策」「关羽」「吕布」合作角色 DLC

  MarvelousAQL 于近日(2015 年 10 月 14 日)公布,该公司正好评发售中的 PlayStation 4/PlayStation Vita 游戏软件《闪乱神乐 夏日对决 -少女们的抉择-(闪乱カグラ ESTIVAL VERSUS -少女达の选択-)》,将于即日起一并开放下载以新玩家操作角色身分登场,来自《一骑当千(一骑当千)》里的「孙策」「 关羽」「吕布」三位角色,以及新服装、任务等各种追加下载项目。

  另外,也同时开放下载版本 Ver1.13 的更新档。 玩家们可享受以全新的追加要素,使气氛变得更为热络的《闪乱神乐 夏日对决 -少女们的抉择-》所带来的乐趣。

◆ 自即日起开放新玩家操作角色「孙策」「关羽」「吕布」

  以合作角色身分,来自《一骑当千》的「孙策」「关羽」「吕布」正式参战。 请玩家们享受她们充满力量且性感的操作表现。
















◆ 开放下载追加忍务套组

限期免费下载如「月闪 VS 半藏」或「半藏 VS 大道寺前辈」等具备原创内容的忍务。 由于忍务内准备了以两种身处各自不同立场的发展之故,是并非单纯地分出高下就会结束的内容。 此外,也开放下载了仅限 PS4 版本的超最终战忍务「小百合 VS 忍学生 23 忍」。





※ 七天内免费
※ 超过免费期间后,将以 800 日圆(含税)的价格来进行贩卖。

◆ 开放下载 8 种全新服装

开放下载粉丝们所期待的,于《闪乱神乐 New Wave(闪乱カグラ NewWave Gバースト)》里所登场的角色、丽王与总司的忍装束等 8 种服装。



◆ 追加新关卡「万圣节城镇(ハロウィンタウン)」& 22 种摇晃终结

追加了作为全新摇晃终结的「惊吓(ドッキリ)」「香蕉船(バナナボート)」「墓碑(墓石)」「蘑菇(きのこ)」「竹笋(たけのこ)」「圣诞(クリスマス)」「桃色广告牌(ピンク广告牌)」等 22 种类型。 由于上述的物品并不仅存在于新关卡「万圣节城镇」里,也被配置于之前的地图内,玩家们可以试着寻找看看!




◆ 追加对战规则『歩行者战斗(ウォーカーバトル)』&『忍者殊死战(シノビデスマッチ)』


乘坐设置于地图上各处「绝对不会损坏的傀儡歩行者」来蹂躏敌人! 因为准备的数量有限,所以先抢先赢。 还有即使打倒了操纵者,傀儡歩行者也会就此残留于场上,因此在一开始没抢到的人仍有机会取得!

即使体力归零也能「忍转生」为小兵忍者持续进行战斗。 由于会转生为哪种小兵皆以随机数来决定,因此只得全凭运气了!


2015-10-16 06:13 PM
《闪乱神乐 SHINOVI VERSUS -少女们的证明-》PC 版 2016 年问世

  《闪乱神乐》系列制作人高木谦一郎在个人推特宣布,原本在 PlayStation Vita 发行的游戏《闪乱神乐 SHINOVI VERSUS -少女们的证明-(闪乱カグラ SHINOVI VERSUS -少女达の证明-)》将推出 PC 版。


  XSEED Games 也在北美正式宣布,《闪乱神乐 SHINOVI VERSUS -少女们的证明-(闪乱カグラ SHINOVI VERSUS -少女达の证明-)》PC 版将于 2016 年问世,而原本在 Wii 平台推出的《国王故事(王様物语)》也将于 2016 年推出 PC 版。

  《闪乱神乐 SHINOVI VERSUS -少女们的证明-》为美少女动作游戏,游戏在战斗中累积一定损伤时,服装就会慢慢破掉,本作还增加了「全破坏」的要素,PSV 版于 2013 年发售。 高木谦一郎在个人推特中也透露,《闪乱神乐 SHINOVI VERSUS -少女们的证明-》预定将会实装英日语切换功能。
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