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【PS3/X360】 Ultra Street Fighter IV

2013-12-6 07:09 PM



Ultra Street Fighter IV PS3/Xbox 360 upgrade coming in june, Standalone in August

Next up is the release date information for Ultra Street Fighter IV. Right now, we are hard at work to bring the game to all of our fans as soon as possible, and want to ensure there is enough time that players can practice to compete at Evolution 2014. As such, the digital upgrade will be available in early June for $14.99 on PS3 and Xbox 360. Following shortly after in August, is the digital upgrade for PC at $14.99, as well as the PS3 and Xbox360 full digital bundle and retail versions, which include all previously-released costumes for $39.99 (
2013-12-16 07:31 AM
Ultra Street Fighter IV Adds Two New Gameplay Modes

  官方日前公布了《终极街霸4》全新模式!在圣弗朗西斯科湾地区(San Francisco Bay )举办的Capcom杯格斗比赛中,Capcom公布了两种全新的游戏模式,新模式将登陆PS3,XBOX360和PC。新版本追加了全新的动作包,使得游戏更加的平衡,新模式还给予玩家一个在线练习的机会,你可以与你的小伙伴在在线训练模式中相互切磋。此外,战队赛模式将提供3v3对战模式,你可以和其他玩家组队挑战世界各地的玩家。

  在《终极街霸4》的游戏中,Poison, Hugo, Elena, Rolento以及一个全新的神秘人物将加入到游戏中来,将游戏现有的人数提升至44人,增加6个新的战斗场景(地图)。已经购买《超级街霸4》的玩家或者拥有《超级街霸4:街机版》的玩家可以在PS3\XBOX 360下载《终极街霸4》数字版,售价为14.99美元,发售时间为2014年6月。PC数字版升级价格也为14.99美元。


New Modes Revealed for Ultra Street Fighter IV!

At the Capcom Cup fighting game event that took place in the San Francisco Bay Area today, Capcom revealed two new gameplay modes that will be included in Ultra Street Fighter IV for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. In addition to the action-packed new features and the finely-tuned rebalanced gameplay, the new version will give players the opportunity to practice online with their fellow fighters in an Online Training Mode. Additionally, Team Battle Mode will bring 3v3 matches online where players can team up with their favorite world warriors to battle it out for online supremacy.

In Ultra Street Fighter IV, Poison, Hugo, Elena, Rolento and a secret all-new playable character join the fight, complete with new animations and their own unique play styles, bringing the current roster count to a massive 44 characters. Six new battle environments (including Pitstop 109, Cosmic Elevator, Half Pipe and more) provide a thrilling and colorful backdrop to the action. Direct fan feedback was gathered on all of Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition’s original 39 characters and core system mechanics in order to achieve the most balanced Street Fighter ever. Further details on the exciting new modes and gameplay features will be shared in the coming months.

Owners of Super Street Fighter IV or Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition will be able to download Ultra Street Fighter IV as a $14.99 digital upgrade for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in early June 2014. The PC digital upgrade for $14.99 and the PC full digital bundle for $29.99 will both be available in August 2014. Also in August, PS3 and Xbox 360 users can purchase the retail versions or the full download version of the game for $39.99. Players who purchase the retail (PS3, Xbox 360) or full digital bundle (PS3, Xbox 360, PC) will receive all previously released costumes for the series (a $40 value), making this the definitive version of Street Fighter IV!

2014-1-27 06:42 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-1-27 07:02 AM 编辑





  本作新加入的“红FA”系统, 綾野说明这个可以自动多段防御的系统有向《街霸3.3》的BLOCKING致敬的意思。在3.3中使用红BLOCKING需要有高度的技巧,这个系统可以让一般玩家更容易上手。当前新作日本还在进行测试,针对玩家的建议,已经进行了不少调整,新角色的能力,新系统对气槽的消耗等平衡性方面还在调整。在公测

  被问到CAPCOM的新引擎Panta Rhei会不会用到以后街霸的新作上时,小野说明新引擎是配合DEEP DOWN在开发,还没有对格斗游戏进行适配。DEEP DOWN完成之后能不能用来开发格斗游戏,又或者是用其他新的引擎,CAPCOM内部还在进行讨论。

  小野说明,对于越来越多的游戏平台,开发者的压力不会变小。针对不同平台的不同客户,CAPCOM有针对平台的市场策略。DEEP DOWN就是针对PS4的用户的喜好,流行的服务来设计的。
2014-2-15 07:40 PM


2014-2-28 07:08 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-2 07:44 AM 编辑






2014-3-3 01:19 PM
已有 1 人评分 积分 收起 理由
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2014-3-8 03:44 PM
2014-3-17 06:26 PM
《终极街头霸王4》第五名角色 冷艳杀手十二月




Ultra Street Fighter IV’s Fifth New Character is Decapre

Capcom Reveals Fifth and Final New Character in Ultra Street Fighter IV

Here comes a new challenger! The long awaited and highly anticipated moment for Street Fighter fans has finally arrived, as Capcom has just unmasked the mysterious fifth and final new playable character in Ultra Street Fighter IV.

Making her first brief appearance in a Street Fighter game as a non-playable character in Street Fighter Alpha 3, shown as one of M. Bison's Dolls, Decapre now joins the fight! Although a partial mask hides a giant burn mark located on this Russian beauty's face, challengers will be scarred by her quick and elusive scramble moves as well as her psycho power infused attacks, which allow her to share her pain with her opponents. Players can get their claws on Decapre and the rest of the all-star lineup in Ultra Street Fighter IV when the game begins releasing in June 2014.

In Ultra Street Fighter IV, Poison, Hugo, Elena, Rolento and Decapre join the fight, complete with new animations and their own unique play styles, bringing the final roster count to a massive 44 characters. Six new battle environments (including Pitstop 109, Cosmic Elevator, Half Pipe and more) provide a thrilling and colorful backdrop to the action. Direct fan feedback was gathered on all of Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition's original 39 characters and core system mechanics in order to achieve the most balanced Street Fighter ever. In addition to the action-packed new content and the finely-tuned rebalanced gameplay, the new version features a host of new features and modes that are sure to test even the most well traveled world warrior.

Owners of Super Street Fighter IV or Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition will be able to download Ultra Street Fighter IV as a $14.99/EUR14.99 digital upgrade for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in early June 2014. The PC digital upgrade for $14.99/EUR14.99 and the PC full digital bundle for $29.99/EUR29.99 will both be available in August 2014. Also in August, PS3 and Xbox 360 users can purchase the retail versions of the game for $39.99/EUR39.99. PS3 users will also be able to download the full version of the game in August for $39.99/EUR39.99. Players who purchase the retail (PS3, Xbox 360) or full digital bundle (PS3, PC) will receive all previously released costumes for the series (a $40/EUR40 value), making this the definitive version of Street Fighter IV!

2014-4-17 12:39 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-4-17 07:09 PM 编辑

《终极街头霸王4|Ultra Street Fighter IV》OP影像及特别宣传片公开

  《终极街头霸王4》是《街头霸王4|Ultra Street Fighter IV》的最新形态,自游戏最初版本发售以来CAPCOM经历了多次修正,终于让本作以全新的姿态于玩家见面。日前CAPCOM公开了《终极街头霸王4|Ultra Street Fighter IV》的开场影像和一段特别宣传影像,除了展示本作的许多登场角色外,还为大家介绍了游戏的系统以及各种精彩对战场景,下面就请玩家们一起来欣赏一下。

  《终极街头霸王4|Ultra Street Fighter IV》数字升级版登陆PS3和XBOX360,售价为14.99美元,街机版2014年6月份配信。完整版将于2014年8月份推出,售价39.99美元。


2014-4-22 06:55 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-4-22 12:30 PM 编辑

《终极街头霸王4|Ultra Street Fighter IV》最新英文预告 介绍新要素

  日前Capcom公司公布了《终极街头霸王4(Ultra Street Fighter IV)》最新英文预告片。




  ·增加红色集中攻击(Red Focus Attack),可以通过红色集中吸收多次击打,然后给予反戈一击。






  《终极街头霸王4》将于2014年8月7日在PS3和Xbox 360平台发售。下面是本次预告片,玩家们先一睹为快吧。

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