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楼主: kirassss
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Gamescom 2013 - Cologne, 22.-25.08.2013 - 圆满结束

2013-8-13 09:31 PM


  Warface是一款以小队为单位的射击游戏,基于CryEngine 3引擎开发,其诸多的自定义选项也会为游戏增添很多乐趣。
2013-8-14 06:43 PM



  在科隆游戏展上几乎所有的厂商都会为自己的游戏带来试玩,《植物大战僵尸:花园战争》也不例外,游戏预计将于明年第一季度率先登陆XBOX ONE,然后再登陆PC等其他平台,敬请期待。
2013-8-17 03:38 PM
动视公布科隆游戏展出展阵容 游戏作品少而精



  《COD:幽灵》(PS4、XBOX ONE、PS3、XBOX360、WiiU、PC)
  《命运》(PS4、XBOX ONE、PS3、XBOX360)
  《小龙斯派罗:交换力量》PS4、XBOX ONE、PS3、XBOX360、WiiU、Wii、3DS)

Call of Duty: Ghosts (PS4, XBO, PS3, 360, Wii U, PC) – Play the multiplayer hands-on world premiere in a “massive footprint” of kiosk stations. In partnership with Xbox and Twitch, Activision will host a multiplayer showcase event featuring “some of the best pro players across Europe, interviews with the developers from Infinity Ward, and key details into some of the [game's] new features” at 18:00 CET on Wednesday, August 21. You can watch it here.

Destiny (PS4, XBO, PS3, 360) – A demo-theater—”the biggest ever built in Gamescom history”—will showcase a seven-player live demo set in Old Russia. The theater will be accompanied by a custom-built ‘Fallen’ statue, which attendees can snap a photo with. A pre-order area, powered by GameStop, will offer limited edition t-shirts. And fans who track down “giveaway points” across the show will be able to get their hands on a series of exclusive Destiny trading cards.

Skylanders SWAP Force (PS4, XBO, PS3, 360, Wii U, Wii, 3DS) – Get a hold of one of three exclusive t-shirts created exclusively for Gamescom attendees. Visitors the Sony Computer Entertainment Deutschland booth to play the game on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3.

Angry Birds: Star Wars (PS3, 360, Wii U, PC, Wii, 3DS, PSV) – Check it out live at the Microsoft Xbox booth.

  其中动视会在开幕当天举办Infinity Ward的采访,并且会公布《COD:幽灵》的新西街,会场上也会提供本作多人模式的试玩。《命运》方面则会提供最新的DEMO,同时还会举行科隆游戏展历史上规模最大的现场活动。

2013-8-20 06:07 PM
二战题材游戏《战争雷霆》登陆PS4 科隆将公布

  曾经在PC平台上推出的二战题材经典游戏《战争雷霆(War Thunder)》确定将登陆PS4平台,游戏的开发商Gaijin娱乐表示,该作会在2013年的科隆游戏展上全球首次亮相。

  “索尼是一个伟大的合作伙伴,他们不断促使我们将《战争雷霆》放到PS4上推出,我们也很高兴游戏可以推出家用机版,在今年的科隆游戏展上,游戏将会首次亮相。”Gaijin娱乐的创意总监Kirill Yudintsev说道:“我们可以使用PS4提供的尖端的土星处理能力增强游戏,同时还可以让玩家们跨平台与PC平台的玩家们共同游戏,我们会提供更智能化、个性化并深入社区平台的能力,同时希望可以得到玩家老玩家和PlayStation的爱好者们共同的好评。游戏的家用机版本将会在2013年科隆游戏展上正式公布,届时会有更多细节放出。”

2013-8-20 08:06 PM

  Kalypso Media今日公布了《黑暗之眼:Demonicon》科隆游戏展的预告片,预告片展示了游戏中的各种特色,游戏是个第三人称动作角色扮演游戏,游戏中会遇到亡灵敌人和其它各种敌人。


The War between Man and Darkness Comes to Life in New The Dark Eye - Demonicon Trailer

Kalypso Media has today released a new trailer illustrating the world of The Dark Eye – Demonicon. The trailer features some of the varied locations in the upcoming third person action-RPG, as well as some of the undead and human foes you will encounter on your adventures.

The Dark Eye - Demonicon is a thrilling action-RPG set in the extraordinarily popular universe of “The Dark Eye”, a richly crafted fantasy universe beloved by fantasy gamers throughout the world.

Demonicon tells the tragic story of a brother and sister who become pawns of sinister forces in a world of cruelty and depravity. In this bleak yet magical world, their affection is both a blessing and a curse. Both are constantly threatened by mortal danger and demonic temptation, and must find a way through their tortured lives by facing serious moral decisions. Their common destiny will determine that of the entire continent, and will be decided by the choices they make. Hordes of fiends block their way to freedom and peace, and only through battle and magic they will truly become free of the darkness.

Features include

• A third-person action-RPG featuring brutal melee attack combos and dazzling magic spells

• Powerful storytelling with an elaborate narrative rich with twists, as well as believable conflicts and ethical decision-making opportunities

• Action-packed battles, where pin-point timing and clever tactics play important roles

• Unique magic system: a dark talent grants the player devastating mystical powers

• Important events in “Demonicon” will be part of “The Dark Eye” universe’s history

• State-of-the-art 3D visuals using the powerful “Vision” engine

The Dark Eye – Demonicon is out in October 2013 for Windows PC with console versions releasing in 2014.








2013-8-21 07:27 AM
《我的世界》确定登陆PS4 次世代竞争白热化

  极受欢迎的独立游戏《我的世界》曾在XBLA平台上销售超过800万份,看着眼馋的索尼也搀和了一脚,他们在科隆游戏展发布会上宣布《我的世界》也将登陆PS4平台。该作自2012年在XBLA平台上发后,今年E3上微软也公布该作将登陆XBOX ONE。

  目前针对PS4版是否有更新官方还未说明,但是微软此前称XBOX ONE版的《我的世界》将拥有更大的世界及更丰富的多人模式。相信既然决定推出了,索尼在这方面也不会落后。

索尼带领独立游戏迎接变革 多款独立游戏登陆PS4



  《Rogue Legacy》
  《The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth》 (对PS+会员免费)
  《Volume》 (由《孤独的托马斯》制作者开发的全新作)
  《迈阿密热线:错误好吗(Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number)》

1970-1-1 08:00 AM
2013-8-21 06:21 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-8-21 06:45 PM 编辑

2013科隆游戏展 索尼展前发布会完整消息汇总




  开场之后索尼摆上一个椅子,Shuhei Yoshida 坐在椅子上在向大家演示PS4的XMB界面和游戏录像功能,大家可以将自己录的视频通过Twitter与好友分享。这样也是玩家们第一次真实看到PS4界面的摸样,此前虽然通过图片和视频有所了解,但是这次看得最真切。



  即便PS4就要发售了,索尼还是不能忘了PS3,因为该主机的装机量还是相当的高。2013年PS3仍然会有新游戏推出,除了年度大作《最后生还者》之外,索尼还有Quantic Dream所开发的《超越:两个灵魂》,此外就是《GT赛车6》了。



关于Grand Turismo 6

《GT赛车6》将于12月5日发售 新宣传片公开







关于LittleBigPlanet Hub







他们公布将推出《横行霸道5》PS3同捆包。此外玩家们在PSN上购买该作GTA V 可以得到75% 折扣优惠购买其他Rockstar Games游戏以及DLC打折 。

2013-8-21 07:01 PM

  下面是PSV时间,去年索尼公布了两款PSV游戏,今年更加给力。首先《边境之地2(Borderlands 2)》、《乐高漫画英雄(LEGO Marvel Super Heroes)》、《蝙蝠侠:阿甘起源(Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate)》和《足球经理2014(Football Manager Classic 2014)》等四款游戏确定登陆PSV平台。


内存卡价钱:The PlayStation Blog has posted the updated pricing for the PS Vita's memory cards, which are as follows:

4GB Memory Card: $14.99, down from $19.99
8GB Memory Card: $19.99, down from $29.99
16GB Memory Card: $39.99, down from $59.99
32GB Memory Card: $79.99, down from $99.99





关于Murasaki Baby

Murasaki Baby Overview

Developed by Ovosonico, and directed by industry veteran award-winning Game Director Massimo Guarini, Murasaki Baby is developed exclusively for PlayStation Vita as a digital download through the PlayStation Network.

Murasaki Baby tells the story of a little girl who wakes up in a weird world, populated by children’s fantasies and fears. Holding a purple, heart-shaped balloon in her hand, she feels lost, homesick and vulnerable. She wants her mommy.

The player can grab Baby’s hand with his finger to guide her through a nightmarish journey to find her Mother. This peculiar interaction amplifies the emotional bonding with Baby, allowing players to live a truly unique experience.

Unconventional and artistically crafted artworks shape the world of Murasaki Baby; players will go through a uniquely hand-drawn world of wonder. Combined with the original soundtrack, fully composed and produced in-house, the game is designed to challenge convention and move its audience.

Key features

• Emotional Bond with Main Character – Grab Baby’s hand and guide her through a nightmarish journey to find her mother. Experience the emotional growth as her character changes over time towards the surroundings and the player himself. Interact with Baby through a dramatic, yet grotesque world made of quirky visions, peculiar characters, and unique environments.

• Truly Original Gameplay Mechanics – Guide Baby through an unknown world full of perils and obstacles connecting with her through the touch screen. Solve problems through your interactions by teaching Baby in a completely subjective way what’s good and what’s bad. Change the mood of the game using the PlayStation®Vita back touch and use the moods to help Baby and the inhabitants of her world.

• Unique Art Style – Experience a uniquely hand-drawn art style world of marvel. The grotesque world of Baby has been entirely designed by hand on paper.

• Original Soundtrack - All in-game music and sounds effects have been composed, created and produced in-house.

  之后另一款PSV游戏名为《Big Fest》,一款以狂欢节为主题的游戏,玩家可以和好友分享,并且创造狂欢节吸引游客。


关于Big Fest

BigFest set to rock your PS Vita

Hi all. I’m Steve, from On The Metal, based in Sheffield, UK. On the Metal is a new company, formed in late 2012 around the idea that it’s better to push for a great result than settle for something generic.

We build our own technology to make sure we maximise the potential of the platforms we work on. But we’re not a technology company – we drive our engine development by what is required by our art and design teams – we build technology that can bring ideas to life.

We’re a small team of under 10 people with a core who have been working together for years. We’re looking forward to growing and delivering fun, high quality games for years to come.

We were approached by Sony late last year about getting involved with BigFest. The concept is terrific – promote real unsigned bands in a festival that you build yourself. We were very excited by the concept and keen to get stuck in, working closely with them to make the game a reality.

The game’s essence is “your music, your way”. You browse and select music from a large online music catalogue, which will be regularly updated. The music you choose is more than the soundtrack to your game though. You’ll be promoting your bands, taking them from unknowns and making them super stars, giving them the tools to do their job and sharing your efforts for them with your friends – who will have an influence on how well you do. And the game will be using real bands, so along with having lots of fun, the game will be breaking real bands in the real world.

So, how do you as a player break a band? We don’t want to give too much away yet but a big component is building and customising your very own festival, giving your bands the best venue to play in. It’ll take time and effort to build something to attract hundreds of Visitors to generate the Vibe to really catapult your bands forward. Maintaining it will require attention too and you’ll need to make sure you don’t overwork your chief roadie, Big Dave, and his crew, because they can only do some much at once.

You’ll also be visiting your friends’ festivals and, if you’ve earned the right to do so, you can rate them too. But if they’re getting a bit too big for their boots you can dish out a little pressure, playing all manner of hilarious pranks on them that they will need to deal with.

We are very excited about BigFest and have a lot more to share with you in the coming months.

News:http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2 ... -rock-your-ps-vita/
2013-8-21 07:10 PM
  而对于独立游戏友好的索尼也会加大对独立游戏的支持,PS4的设计师Mark Cerny表示PS4会成就于游戏制作者也服务于游戏制作者。PS4的首发阵容会是PlayStation历史上最强大的,同时独立游戏开发者会迎来全名的变革,同时Cross系列也将是索尼主打的 策略。

  随后索尼的Shahid Ahmad公布了五款PS4、PSV平台独占游戏。


  《Rogue Legacy》
  《The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth》 (对PS+会员免费)
  《Volume》 (由《孤独的托马斯》制作者开发的全新作)
  《迈阿密热线:错误好吗(Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number)》


  极受欢迎的独立游戏《我的世界》曾在XBLA平台上销售超过800万份,看着眼馋的索尼也搀和了一脚,他们在科隆游戏展发布会上宣布《我的世界》也将登陆PS4平台。该作自2012年在XBLA平台上发后,今年E3上微软也公布该作将登陆XBOX ONE。

  目前针对PS4版是否有更新官方还未说明,但是微软此前称XBOX ONE版的《我的世界》将拥有更大的世界及更丰富的多人模式。相信既然决定推出了,索尼在这方面也不会落后。

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