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【新闻部】Electronic Arts -

2014-3-6 07:27 AM
《植物大战僵尸:花园战争》DLC将免费 或推微交易

   Popcap Games表示将免费提供《植物大战僵尸:花园战争》DLC。

   有人在推特上询问PopCap市场经理Gary Clay关于这款第三人称射击游戏后续内容,对此,他表示将提供免费DLC,预计将于接下来的几周内发布。

   Brian Lindley曾在今年2月份表示《花园战争》“发售初期”不会出现微交易服务,但现在提供免费DLC又意味着什么呢?
2014-3-18 06:41 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-18 06:44 PM 编辑

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare Gets Free 'Garden Variety Pack' DLC


Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare Gets efven More Hilarious With Free Downloadable Content in Garden Variety Pack

That’s right, there’s more. The critically-acclaimed shooter Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare brings even more bizarre fun with the new 8v8 “Gnome Bomb” gameplay mode, the option to customize your load out with 24 new ability upgrades and all new map, Chomp Town in the downloadable content Garden Variety Pack (DLC) available for free starting March 18 on Xbox One and Xbox 360. Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare launched in February with a 90 from Gaming Trend raving, “Garden Warfare is entertaining, accessible, and oozing with charm,” and IGN saying “Garden Warfare sets itself apart from other multiplayer third-person shooters.”

The Garden Variety Pack features 24 new ability upgrades, three for each class including Sunflower’s Solar Flare Beam, Chomper’s Super Goop which cements zombies in place and the All-Star Zombie’s Ultra Tackle. These upgrades give players even more load out options for battle in the fun-dead field. The Garden Variety Pack also introduces the explosive Gnome Bomb mode that challenges plants and zombies to work together to destroy each other’s reinforced garden or graveyard. Players can explore a new funtastic map, and encounter a band of fresh Pirate Zombies, such as the Map Pirate Zombie who shields himself with a treasure map, in Sharkbite Shores and Port Scallywag.

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare is a best-in-class multiplayer shooter experience that combines the fresh humor of the beloved Plants vs. Zombies franchise. Players are able to take on the roles of plants and zombies across a mine-blowing terrain. Powered by the Frostbite 3 engine, Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare features a stunning 3D world, blooming with vibrant colors and unique landscapes.


  娱乐性大于竞技性的XBOX平台独占作品《植物大战僵尸:花园战争》确定将于2014年3月18日推出免费名为“多样花园(Garden Variety Pack)”的DLC。

  本次DLC内容将增加一个全新的8对8的名为“侏儒炸弹(Gnome Bomb)”的模式,在该模式中一队的玩家必须破坏对方的花园或者墓地才可以达成游戏的胜利,在破坏对方的花园和墓地的同时还需要保护好己方的阵营。同时DLC中还增加了24种全新的能力(每三级学习一个),超过100中全新的自定义服装增加,全新海盗僵尸可以在 “Sharkbite Shores”和“Port Scallywag” 两张防御地图中出现。

2014-3-19 07:29 AM

EA Sports UFC Gameplay Series ~ Feel The Fight

EA Sports UFC - Developer Video Series

Get ready to experience the world of MMA like never before! EA SPORTS UFC ushers in a new era of the virtual athlete, brought to life from the ground up exclusively for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Feel the Fight

The second video in our EA Sports UFC Gameplay Series spotlights the different ways a fighter’s body reacts when being pushed to its limits and beyond inside the Octagon. Watch our athletes act, react and compete in with an unprecedented level of realism. Not every win in our game is going to be pretty and you’ll need to pay the price if you’re going to come out on top.

The Next-Gen Fighter

Watch as EA Sports UFC brings the next-generation of videogame athletes to life by recreating the real-world athleticism, physiology and emotion of world class fighters in ways that were never possible before. By leveraging the latest technology to capture and deliver the most true-to-life likeness and motion for each fighter, a new bar has been set. See these athletes come to life first-hand in the first installment of our EA Sports UFC Gameplay Series.

EA Sports UFC releases this spring.

2014-3-19 07:30 PM
《奇异世界》续作难产 须有500万美元才可制作

   Lorne Lanning是《奇异世界》的缔造者,他最近表示如果《新鲜可口》的销量能达到25万份的话,就有能力重制《阿比大逃亡》了,不过如果能再多25万销量的话,我们就能得到更多新东西。

   2百万美元不足以让Lanning制作一款《奇异世界》的新作,但他“五六百万就可能了”。一项Kickstarter不足以满足他制作一款新作的需求。《奇异世界:新鲜可口》是《阿比大冒险》的重制版,由Just Add Water负责开发,将于今年早些时候登陆PC,MAC,LINUX,PSN和WiiU。




2014-4-2 08:08 AM
EA Origin平台自下月开始停止发售实体版游戏


2014-4-4 08:25 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-4-4 08:43 AM 编辑

总监Amy Henning加入星球大战项目


  Visceral的副总裁Steve Papoutsis在EA.Com上写到:“在过去几个星期里,Amy和我花费了大量时间来探讨她的第一个项目。我们可以选择不同的项目,但是我可以感觉到让她感兴趣的就是《星球大战》的项目。Amy是系列的忠实粉丝。我们又刚好在制作这样一款游戏。只是光考虑到无尽的可能性就让我们对于她的加入兴奋莫名。”


  Hening之前曾经是《神秘海域》系列的创意总监,也曾参与制作了Crystal Dynamics的《凯恩的遗产:搜魂使者(Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver)》。Hennig在90年代曾同EA合作。EA将负责未来10年的所有《星球大战》游戏。


Amy Hennig joins Visceral Games as Creative Director on Star Wars project

Amy Hennig Joins Visceral Games

I couldn’t be more excited to welcome Amy Hennig to our team at Visceral Games and EA as Creative Director on our Star Wars project.

Amy has long been recognized as one of our industry’s top visionaries, and is coming off an amazing run as the Writer and Creative Director of the Uncharted franchise. But her contributions go beyond the games she helped create at Naughty Dog and at Crystal Dynamics, where we worked together many years ago. As both a colleague and friend, I’ve always admired her approach to creative development – focusing on nailing down the soul of a game first, and then making sure the writing, the gameplay, the design and the art comes together to form a unified, interactive experience for the player. This fits in perfectly with what we’re trying to do here at Visceral and Amy’s going to help us continue in our pursuit to make the most thrilling, immersive games in the world.

Over the last few weeks, Amy and I have spent a lot of time talking about what her first project would be. There are a lot of different directions we could have gone, but I could sense that what really excited her about this opportunity (because let’s face it, we weren’t the only ones knocking at her door) was Star Wars. Amy’s a huge fan. We happen to be making a Star Wars game. Just thinking about the possibilities made both of us even more excited about having her join the team.

So welcome, Amy! This is a great day for our team at Visceral Games and EA.
2014-4-7 06:44 PM
《UFC终极格斗冠军》发售日确定 李小龙可用

  EA Sports为支持次世代而推出的四大体育游戏之一的《UFC终极格斗冠军》的发售日终于公布,该作将于2014年6月12日登陆PS4和XBOX ONE平台,日前GameStop方面也放出了该作的封面。

2014-4-8 06:28 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-4-8 06:59 PM 编辑


  在之前EA公布了次世代四大体育游戏之一的《UFC终极格斗冠军》的发售日,该作确定将于2014年6月17日登陆PS4和XBOX ONE平台。而此前传闻透露的李小龙也确定将在游戏中登场,EA也放出了该作最新的宣传片,展现了这位传奇功夫巨星在UFC擂台上的魅力。



  “把李小龙制作在游戏中是我们一直以来憧憬的事情,他是有史以来最具有代表性的武术家,这也是他首次在EA的《UFC》系列中登场。”EA的创意总监Brian Hayes说道:“我们的团队都对于可以把李小龙活灵活现的展示在游戏中感到兴奋。我们的团队一直以来都在研究李小龙的各种动作,以确保可以把他最具代表性的东西在游戏中以超逼真的视觉效果呈现出来。”

EA Sports UFC Gameplay Series ~ Bruce Lee Reveal

EA Makes History as Bruce Lee Steps Into the Octagon for the First Time With EA Sports UFC Launching June 17

Electronic Arts and the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) announced today that Bruce Lee, "The Father of Mixed Martial Arts", will make his historic first step into the Octagon in EA Sports UFC, launching June 17, 2014. Fans can pre-order today to get instant day-one access to Bruce, or they can complete the game's career mode at Pro difficulty to unlock him. Players can fight with the legend across four different weight classes and test his legacy against the best of the best in the UFC. To see Bruce Lee realized in game, watch the EA Sports UFC Gameplay Series: Bruce Lee Reveal, the first cinematic trailer from EA Sports UFC that was released today. For more information on the Bruce Lee pre-order offer, please visit easports.com.

“I am so excited about this opportunity to bring my father back to videogames!” said Shannon Lee, Bruce Lee’s daughter, CEO of Bruce Lee, LLC and Chairperson of the Bruce Lee Foundation. “I’m thrilled that fans can now interact with him in a new way. The EA Sports UFC development team has been incredible to work with, and they've done a great job capturing the look and feel of my father. I think people will love getting a chance to fulfill a fight fantasy by playing Bruce Lee in the new UFC game.”

“There’s no debate, Bruce Lee is the father of mixed martial arts,” said Dana White, UFC President. “He believed not one style of fighting was the best and that you had to have a little piece of everything to be a complete fighter. He was proven right when the first UFC event took place in 1993.”

“It has always been part of our vision to have Bruce Lee, the most iconic martial artist of all time, in the first ever EA Sports UFC,” said Brian Hayes, Creative Director, EA. “The team is very excited and tremendously honored to have the privilege of bringing Bruce Lee to life in our game. We’ve been working closely with the Bruce Lee team to ensure we represent the legend with as much visual and gameplay fidelity as possible.”

Powered by EA Sports Ignite technology, EA SSports UFC is built from the ground up exclusively for Gen 4 platforms, EA Sports UFC captures the human athleticism, physiology and emotion of the athlete like nothing before it. Step into the Octagon and Feel the Fight with every strike, takedown and submission.
2014-4-13 06:59 AM

  《神秘海域|Uncharted》系列编剧Amy Hennig离开顽皮狗之后加盟了EA负责《星球大战|Battlefront》系列新作,而日前她在Twitter上说道自己也拉着好友,好莱坞著名演员Todd Stashwick一同加入新计划的团队中来。

  Todd Stashwick曾经出演过《英雄|Heroes》、《火线警探|Justified》、《邪恶力量|Supernatural》等知名美剧,而在去年11月15日PS4首发前夜上公布的PS4版《神秘海域|Uncharted》新作宣传片中,那个旁白的声音也是出自Todd Stashwick,不知这一次工作变动会不会影响到《神秘海域|Uncharted》新作,不过SCE方面表示不会影响。


2014-4-16 07:06 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-4-16 07:08 AM 编辑

Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare gets second free DLC pack

中文消息来自:weng@ 会员

《植物大战僵尸:花园战争 | PvZ: Garden Warfare》Zomboss Down 免费下载包增加 10 个成就 250G
《植物大战僵尸:花园战争 | PvZ: Garden Warfare》今天发布 Xbox One、Xbox 360 免费下载包 Zomboss Down(僵尸首领落败),以 2.8 GB 更新形式发布,增加了一个『花园与墓地』模式地图 Cactus Canyon(仙人掌峡谷)、8 个新角色(双方每个兵种各一个)、超过 200 种配件、等级提升、全新挑战等。同时成就也增加了 10 个、250G 成就分。

EA 配合下载包发布了预告片,以西部牛仔风格讲述僵尸首领失败,僵尸部队前往沙漠深处的高尔夫球场 —— 仙人掌部队所在的一个秘密设施。

Xbox 360 卖场链接 | Xbox One 卖场链接

EA and PopCap Games Turn Western in Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare With The New Zomboss Down Downloadable Pack

Starting today, the hilarious shooter Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare heads to the Wild West in Zomboss Down, the brand-new free downloadable game pack. The new pack will feature even weirder shooter fun with the new Cactus Canyon Gardens and Graveyards Map, eight new playable characters, over 200 wild customization items, an increased Level cap from 20 to 30 for each character, and all-new challenges to accomplish on Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, and Xbox 360® videogame and entertainment system.

In Zomboss Down the plants have blasted down Dr. Zomboss’s blimp and unleashed packs of zombies, who are now roaming the desert and battling their way through the wreckage to reach the local golf course. This golf course doubles as a super-secret facility housing a Cactus army on the unbelievable new Gardens and Graveyards Map, Cactus Canyon. Players will also enjoy increased character levels and eight fun new characters like the Archeologist Zombie, the Wrestling Star Zombie, the Law Pea and the Sun Pharaoh. In addition, players will discover weapon upgrades and skins for new characters, new accessories, tattoos and facial hair, and even more.

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare combines a best-in-class multiplayer shooter experience with the fresh humor of the beloved Plants vs. Zombies franchise. Players are able to take on the roles of plants and zombies across a mine-blowing terrain. Powered by the Frostbite™ 3 engine, Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare features a stunning 3D world, blooming with vibrant colors and unique landscapes.

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