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【PS3/ PSV /PS4】 Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster - PS4版发售日公布

2014-3-22 07:08 AM
2014-4-8 08:05 PM
2015-3-3 06:26 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-3-5 07:40 AM 编辑

Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster Coming to PS4 on May 12
PS4《Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD》5 月 14 日发售 支持音乐切换与交叉存盘

  SQUARE ENIX 本日(3 月 3 日)宣布,目前在 PS3 与 PS Vita 平台销售的游戏《Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster》的 PS4 移植版本,将于 2015 年 5 月 14 日发售,英文版则是在2015年 5月 12日发售,实体版售价 6800 日圆,下载版预计售价 6095 日圆(未含税)。


  《Final Fantasy X》是 SQUARE ENIX 在 2001 年于 PS2 上发行的游戏软件,是该系列首款加入角色语音、之后在 2003 年初了续集《Final Fantasy X-2》的作品。

  两作在当时以高规格的作画水平与感人的故事剧情为卖点,在全世界供销出 1400 万套以上。之后在 2013 年,两作皆以高画质水平在 PS3、PS Vita 平台上重制。

  本次移植到 PS4 上,除了画质更佳提升之外,还将增加两个新要素:


  玩家在游戏中可在游戏内的选项或是游戏标题调整播放的音乐版本。可以选择使用「原版」或是「PS4 重制 & 新编曲版」。


  本作可和 PS3、PSV 的版本做交叉存盘的功能。任一版本所持有的游戏数据、奖杯等都能在三平台上共有。例如原本游玩 PSV 版的玩家可以将进度移转到 PS4 上继续使用。

名称:Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster
游戏人数:1 人
发售日:2015 年 5 月 14 日/英文版 2015年 5 月12 日
价格:实体版 6800 日圆,下载版 6095 日圆(未含税)

Square Enix Announces PlayStation 4 System Release Date for Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster

Two of the most beloved Final Fantasy titles will be returning soon with today’s announcement by Square Enix that it will be releasing Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster for the Playstation 4 computer entertainment system on May 12 in North America and May 15 in Europe. In North America, pre-orders include bonus calendar featuring artwork by Yoshitaka Amano, available at the Square Enix Store and at participating retailers. In Europe, pre-orders include a free SteelBook featuring artwork from Yoshitaka Amano.

Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster brings together Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2, along with Final Fantasy X: Eternal Calm and Final Fantasy X-2: Last Mission, each originally exclusive to the Japanese market.

Key Features

• Cross-Save Functionality – Players can transfer their save and continue their progress across the PlayStation 4 system, PlayStation 3 system, and the PlayStation Vita handheld entertainment system. (PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita versions sold separately.)

• Ability to Switch Between Original and Remastered Soundtrack - Play Final Fantasy X with the beautifully remastered soundtrack or, new to the PlayStation 4 system version, switch back to the original classic tracks.

• Remote play – Supported for the Playstation Vita handheld entertainment system.

2015-4-1 06:48 PM
PlayStation®4 版 『FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster』 繁体中文版、日文版 亚洲区发售日

消息来源 - https://asia.playstation.com/tw/cht/newsdetail?id=3850




  2001年于PS2发售的《最终幻想10》是系列作首度为角色配音的作品。其感人至深的故事情节和令人叹为观止的精致画面不仅在当时获得极高评价,至今仍为玩家们津津乐道。2003 年,更乘胜追击推出了《最终幻想》系列史上首款的故事续篇《最终幻想10-2》,并靠着前后两部作品在全世界创下出货超过1400万套的佳绩。如今,继2013 年这两部作品以高清重制版形式登陆PS3和PSV获得广大回响之后,2015年,这款不朽名作更将于PS4隆重登场。


  为了让亚洲地区的玩家可同样享受到这精美重制的名作,透过SQUARE ENIX的协助,SCEJA台湾中文化中心制作其繁体中文版,并促成它和其他语言版本同日发售。


  基于许多使用者反映「想要搭配原版乐曲来游玩HD 版FINAL FANTASY X」的意见,PS4 版新增了任选搭配「原版乐曲」或「改编版乐曲」游玩的机能。您可以在开始游戏时,或是在游戏内的选项选单中调整此设定,让原汁原味的音源唤起您记忆中的感动。


2015-4-3 07:24 AM
Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster PS4 Trailer ~ 'Return to Spìra'

2015-4-30 06:57 AM

2015-5-8 06:00 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-5-8 06:26 PM 编辑


《Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster》日版特典主题演示影像

  Square Enix预定于5月12日发售中英文合版、5月14日发售日版、5月15日发售欧版的PS4版《Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster》,之前刚刚公布游戏日版初回限定特典为PS4用动态主题“最终幻想10/10-2 HD Remaster 扎纳尔坎德”下载码,日前官方公开了一段本主题的演示影像。另外美版预购则赠送的是水球主题。

2015-5-13 07:28 AM
Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster now available for PS4


Timeless Classics Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster Now Available for PlayStation 4

Square Enix announced today that the critically-acclaimed RPG, Final Fantasy X | X‑2 HD Remaster, is now available for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system.

Regarded as a ground-breaking milestone for the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system, Final Fantasy X introduced players to the world of Spira with stunning visuals, heart-wrenching story, and fully voiced characters – a first in a Final Fantasy title. Final Fantasy X-2 marked the first direct sequel to a Final Fantasy title, and returned players to Spira with an even more addictive and fast-paced combat system. Now completely remastered in full HD, Final Fantasy X | X‑2 HD Remaster brings these timeless games forward to the current generation of fans, old and new alike.

Key Features

• Brand New to PlayStation 4 system – Players can take advantage of the PlayStation 4 system’s native features to share their journey across Spira like never before. Players can transfer their save and continue their progress across the PlayStation 4 system, PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system, and PlayStation Vita handheld entertainment systems*.

• 30 Minute Audio Drama – Intact from the PlayStation 3 system version, players can listen to the events that occur after Final Fantasy X-2, narrated by their favorite characters and accessible from the title screen at any time.

• Gorgeous High-Definition Graphics – In addition to the visual upgrades that the main character models, textures, and backgrounds received for the PlayStation 3 system version, more NPCs and monsters join their carefully reworked counterparts.

• High-Definition Audio - Play Final Fantasy X with the beautifully remastered soundtrack or, new to the PlayStation 4 system version, switch back to the original classic tracks.

To celebrate the release of Final Fantasy X | X‑2 HD Remaster, a new dynamic theme “To Zanarkand” is now available as a digital download exclusively from the Playstation Store for $3.49. “To Zanarkand” depicts one of the definitive moments in Final Fantasy X as Yuna, Tidus, and the rest of her Guardians take a moment’s reprieve in the ruins of Zanarkand. Players can ponder their journey by the campfire and watch the pyreflies on the horizon with Tidus as “To Zanarkand” plays in the background.
2015-5-14 07:31 AM

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