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【新闻部】ATLUS 株式会社アトラス

2017-12-1 06:14 PM
2017-12-4 04:41 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-4 06:40 PM 编辑

《龙之皇冠PRO》繁体中文版宣传片 中文版同步发售

  SEGA ASIA 公开了 PS4《龙之皇冠PRO》『DRAGON'S CROWN』的繁体中文版宣传片,本作的繁体中文版将会在 2018 年 2 月 8 日与日版同步发售。

  《龙之皇冠 PRO》为《龙之皇冠》的强化版,游戏里美丽的幻想美术绘图风格更加进化,对应原生4K高画质显示,音乐则是全部由管弦乐团现场演奏重新录制。玩家能够在PS4上享受进化后的游戏体验,而在PS4 Pro上则能体验到极致的游戏声光效果。

2017-12-7 07:25 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-7 07:34 AM 编辑

Dragon’s Crown Pro Coming West in Spring 2018


Hic Sunt Dracones - Dragon's Crown Pro is Coming to the West in Spring 2018

It's time to bravely venture back to face the horrors of Wallace's Underground Labyrinth, battle monstrous orcs in Bilbaron Subterranean Fortress, and go on a magic carpet ride in the Mage's Tower because Dragon's Crown Pro is coming to the West in Spring 2018!

This remaster of 2013's acclaimed 2-D hack and slash couch co-op, beat 'em up action game from Vanillaware and ATLUS will be returning to the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Pro in 2018 for $49.99 USD and $64.99 CAD! With updated visuals and presentation for the current-gen, hunting for treasure in the Kingdom of Hydeland has never been more rewarding.

Dragon's Crown Pro retains all the gameplay elements of the original game, including Vanillaware's gorgeous 2-D visual flair and character design, but adds current-gen upgrades.

Dragon's Crown Pro Features

• Visuals Fit for an Ancient Dragon - With beautifully refined artwork and 4K resolution support, Vanillaware's signature art style will come alive as you bludgeon, cleave, shoot, and loot through the dungeons of Hydeland.

• A Rousing Adventurer's Soundtrack - A newly recorded soundtrack by fabled composer Hitoshi Sakimoto, supported by a live orchestra, will accompany daring treasure hunters on their search for the Dragon's Crown.

• Glorious Presentation - Rejoice because English and Japanese audio options will now be available! Plus, game text will be localized in French, Italian, German, and Spanish.

• All the Royal Bells and Whistles - If you already own Dragon's Crown, your saves won't go to waste. There will be online cross-play & cross-save compatibility with existing PS3 and Vita versions. Oh, and all patches, features, and the Storyteller Voice Pack DLC from the original game will be included!

• Four Player Frenzy - With the fun local couch co-op and online multiplayer you remember, up to four players can experience countless hours battling together.

As with the original release, Dragon's Crown Pro features groups of heroes that face dreadful challenges in the labyrinthine dungeons surrounding the medieval fantasy kingdom of Hydeland. As they explore deeper into the dungeons, non-player characters such as Samuel the Adventurer's Guild leader and Lucain, the wizard come in to play with quests and tasks to complete. Use six adventurers (Fighter, Dwarf, Amazon, Wizard, Elf, and Sorceress) and their unique abilities to unravel the story behind the ultimate treasure, the Dragon's Crown.

Dragon's Crown Pro will be available to play hands-on at PlayStation Experience 2017 in Anaheim on Dec. 9 and Dec. 10. Check out all of the improvements and witness the game in 4K glory at the ATLUS/SEGA booth (Hall B, #B210)!

Dragon's Crown Pro will be available physically and digitally on the PS4 and PS4 Pro in Spring 2018. The game will be priced at $49.99 USD / $64.99 CAD (with commensurate European pricing). For more information, please visit atlus.com/dragonscrown.

2017-12-8 06:11 PM
2017-12-18 03:21 PM
Rumor: Atlus working on followup to popular PS3 title传闻: Atlus正重制一款PS3作品 外媒猜测为《凯瑟琳》





Ryokutya2089, who is usually the first to leak the contents of new issues of Weekly Famitsu and Dengeki PlayStation, is reporting that he has heard Atlus is working on a followup to a popular title from the PlayStation 3 era.

According to Ryokutya2089, the title he heard does not have a number, which led him to believe it may be a “full” version or “all-included remaster,” but noted that said title does not have downloadable content.

The title was apparently rumored several months ago, and will seemingly be announced by the end of 2017. If it is true, that is.

Earlier this year, Atlus hosted a “Golden Employment Special” for its 2016-established Studio Zero. The end of that broadcast seemingly teased something Catherine-related to come from the studio. A couple of weeks later, Atlus confirmed that Studio Zero is working on a second project that will be revealed before its main project, the fantasy RPG Project Re Fantasy. That being said, it is very possible the title Ryokutya2089 is talking about is a Catherine remaster or followup.
2017-12-19 03:18 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-19 06:09 PM 编辑

Catherine: Full Body Announced for the PS4 and PS Vita
成人惊悚冒险游戏《凯瑟琳》将于 PS4 / PS Vita 推出完全版《凯瑟琳 Full Body》

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/156765.html

  ATLUS 今(19)日宣布,未来将在 PS4 / PS Vita 平台推出《凯瑟琳 Full Body(キャサリン・フルボディ)》 并且抢先曝光预告网站。 同时也预告将在 12 月 22 日举办的直播节目中正式揭露本作的内容。

  《凯瑟琳》是由打造《女生转生》、《女神异闻录》和《世界树的迷宫》等知名游戏系列的游戏开发商 ATLUS,在 2011 年时于 PS3 / Xbox 360 上推出的动作冒险游戏,以独特的「成人&惊悚」题材和玩法闻名。

  玩家在游戏中扮演 32 岁的枯燥上班族「文森特〈Vincent〉」,他自从某日邂逅了与女友凯瑟琳(Katherine)发音相同的神秘美女凯瑟琳(Catherine)之后,便开始陷入奇怪的恶梦之中。 玩家要透过迷失于 2 名凯瑟琳之间的文森特视点,见证《凯瑟琳》充满「成人&惊悚」特色的多重结局。

  将会移植至 PS4 / PS Vita 的《凯瑟琳 Full Body》根据目前的消息指出,将会登场第三名「凯瑟琳」,带来更多混乱和暧昧不明的选择。 而既有的两名凯瑟琳,也会准备新的场景和事件。

  有兴趣的玩家,不妨锁定 12 月 22 日晚间 18:30 举办的官方直播节目,届时会透露更多新消息。

PS4 / PS Vita《凯瑟琳 Full Body》目前尚未公布发售日期和售价。


官方网站 - http://fullbody.jp/

Atlus has announced that a remake of Catherine will be released for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita, called Catherine: Full Body.

The game will be developed by Atlus’ new internal development team, Studio Zero, which had previously announced the fantasy RPG Project Re Fantasy: A Fool’s Journey Begins.

A Niconico live stream for the game will take place on December 22, 2017 at 7:30 PM JST (2:30 AM PST / 5:30 AM EST).

Famitsu Report

Famitsu has reported that the January 4, 2018 issue of the weekly magazine (releasing on December 21, 2017), will feature information on the game.

Katsrua Hashino will serve as director of the action puzzle adventure game Catherine, originally released in 2011 and starring a 32-year-old man with relationship issues, suffering nightmares as a result.

The cover for the issue will feature new art by Shigenori Soejima.

English News - https://t.co/HRc1p3IRWn
2017-12-20 10:51 PM
Dragon’s Crown Pro ‘Battle-Hardened Edition’ announced for the Americas

Atlus has announced a “Battle-Hardened Edition” for Dragon’s Crown Pro in the Americas. It includes seven collectible skill cards featuring all of the game’s noble classes in a limited edition case.

First-print and pre-ordered copies of Dragon’s Crown Pro will be the Battle-Hardened Edition. Dragon’s Crown Pro will cost $49.99 USD / $64.99 CAD when it launches.

Dragon’s Crown Pro is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan on February 8, 2018, and in the Americas and Europe in spring 2018. First-print copies in Japan will include a digital gamebook.
2017-12-21 03:36 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-21 06:08 PM 编辑


成人惊悚冒险游戏《凯瑟琳》完全版《凯瑟琳 Full Body》第三个凯瑟琳将体现第三种价值观

  2011年由 Atlus 开发的异色动作冒险作品《凯瑟琳》在不久前正式公布将推出加入了大量新内容的“浓郁口感”版,由新工作室 Studio Zero 开发,其中桥野桂、副岛成记与目黑将司这三个开发《女神异闻录 5》的成员也将继续参与到本作的开发之中。


















◆副标题中的「Full Body」是红酒的用语,用来形容红酒的味道与香味的程度。这个副标题表示本作的体验将更加浓密的同时,听起来也色色的;





《凯瑟琳 Full Body》抢先曝光第三位女主角「琳」外貌 由知名声优平野绫配音
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/156899.html

  日前公布将移植到 PS4 / PS Vita 并追加新要素的《凯瑟琳》完全版《凯瑟琳 Full Body(キャサリン・フルボディ)》,今天在 ATLUS 官方 Twitter 曝光了新加入的第三位女主角「 琳(リン)」的样貌,并确认今日出刊的日本 FAMITSU 杂志中,将会介绍这名新角色的背景故事。

  由打造《女神转生》、《女神异闻录》和《世界树的迷宫》等知名游戏系列的游戏开发商 ATLUS 所创作,在 2011 年时于 PS3 / Xbox 360 上推出的动作冒险游戏《凯瑟琳》,以独特的「成人&惊悚」题材和玩法闻名。 玩家在游戏中扮演 32 岁的枯燥上班族「文森特〈ヴィンセント〉」,他自从某日邂逅了与女友凯瑟琳(Katherine)发音相同的神秘美女凯瑟琳(キャサリン)之后,便开始陷入奇怪的恶梦之中。

  新追加的第三名女主角「琳」由知名声优「平野绫」配音。 根据目前的消息指出,她将可能是主角「文森特」的外遇对象,充满疗愈气息的她个性老实沈稳,并欠缺部分常识,是个不谙世事的天然妹系角色。 她会为受到恶梦缠身的文森特打气加油,虽然一面为他调解心事,但也一面让事态朝向更加混沌的方向发展。

  此外,ATLUS 也将在 12 月 22 日晚间 18:30 举办官方直播节目,届时会透露更多新消息。

  PS4 / PS Vita《凯瑟琳 Full Body》目前尚未公布发售日期和售价。
2018-1-18 07:36 AM
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux launches May 15 in the Americas, May 18 in Europe

SMT: Strange Journey Redux Launches May 15 in the Americas, May 18 in Europe

Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux Will Arrive in Europe 18th May for Nintendo 3DS!

Calling all United Nations soldiers, a spatial distortion is expected to appear in Antarctica on 18th May, 2018 when Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux releases for Nintendo 3DS! Featuring additional story content, new illustrations by Masayuki Doi, and a brand-new character, Alex, Strange Journey Redux is an Atlus JRPG adventure fans of the series won't want to miss!


A spatial distortion full of demons appeared in Antarctica, threatening to engulf the Earth in Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey. The United Nations responded by tasking a team of highly advanced specialists with piercing the anomaly and figuring out how to stop it from the source. Well, get ready to don your Demonica once again in this new expanded port: Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux. Expect new story content, additional endings, a new dungeon to explore, and more in the return of this sci-fi tinged Shin Megami Tensei adventure.


• A Stranger Journey Back – In Strange Journey Redux, you play as a brave United Nations soldier investigating a spatial anomaly called the Schwarzwelt–a dome of dark energy that threatens to consume the world. Inside, you’ll find it home to a nightmare mirror of our own Earth, populated with demons dying to meet you. The game touts brand-new illustrations by Masayuki Doi, updated visuals, UI tweaks, and more to make this journey back into the Schwarzwelt… even stranger.

• Additional Story Content and a Brand-new Character – You won’t be retreading the same nightmarish path as before because a brand-new character named Alex will play a major role in how the story unfolds. Much about her is a mystery, but there is one thing you know for sure: she’s got a bone to pick with you. Joining her are new demons you might recognize from other Shin Megami Tensei entries, new endings, and a new dungeon to die in–I mean, discover.

• A True Shin Megami Tensei Adventure – With its twisted demonic sci-fi story, addictive demon-collecting fun, and multiple narrative paths to explore, Strange Journey Redux is an essential Atlus JRPG adventure that can’t be missed!
2018-2-1 02:12 PM
Dragon’s Crown Pro co-op trailer


Atlus has released a new trailer for Dragon’s Crown Pro highlighting the game’s four-player co-op support.

Dragon’s Crown Pro supports a combination of local couch co-op and online co-op, meaning three people on the same couch can play with another player online, or vice-versa. Through co-op, players can work together to clear dungeons and defeat bosses in the Kingdom of Hydeland.

A PlayStation 4 port of the VanillaWare-developed action RPG, Dragon’s Crown Pro will feature 4K resolution support, the entire soundtrack newly recorded by a live orchestra, cross-play with the PlayStation 3 and PS Vita versions (as well as save data importing), and both English and Japanese voices.

Dragon’s Crown Pro is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan on February 8, 2018, and in the Americas and Europe in spring 2018. First-print copies in Japan will include a digital gamebook.
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