《神偷》设定丰富多彩 全新UI界面可定制难易度
在12月7日召开的VGX已迫在眉睫之际,计划在活动中发布有关其新版《神偷》15分钟特集与介绍片的Eidos Montreal公司,最近对其官方博客进行了更新。在此次更新中,为本作准备的各种细节设定,包括满足不同玩家不同需求的自定义难易度。全新UI界面等最新情报得到了发表。
- 导航用信息
- 交互用信息
- 路径点标记
- 危险警示图标
- 敌人的体力槽
- 迷你地图
- 迷你地图的旋转效果
- 瞄准准心的变化
- 日志更新通知
- 捡起道具通知
- Light Gem指示计
- 目标的高亮表示
- 战利品将会闪光强调表示
- 开锁的帮助
- 地图探索的帮助
- 主角说话的提示
- 体力指示计(开/关/淡出后消失)
- Focus指示计(开/关/淡出后消失)
- 弹药指示计(开/关/淡出后消失)
Display Options
Each of these can be turned on or off individually based on your preferences:
* Navigation prompts
* Interaction prompts
* Waypoint markers
* Threat icons
* Threat health meters
* Mini-map
* Mini-map rotation
* Reticle feedback
* Journal updates
* Pick-up notifiers
* Light gem
* Object highlight
* Loot glint
* Lockpick helper
* Frame search helper
* Garrett narrated hints
* Health meter (on, off, or fade over time)
* Focus meter (on, off, or fade over time)
* Ammo counter (on, off, or fade over time)
Here's what that might look like in game, from the busiest version of the UI to the barest minimum...
1、经典神偷模组(Classic Thief Mods)
- 只对章节进行保存:手动保存和检查点自动保存无效化
- Focus无效化:主角没有特殊能力,“Focus”完全无效,Focus点无法取得。
- 潜行攻击无效:战斗中的潜行攻击无效化。
- 准星无效化:使用弓箭时精确瞄准用的准心将不会显示。
2、传奇神偷模组(Legendary Thief Mods)
- 指定箭矢:只能使用Blunt、Water、Fire、Rope箭矢。
- 没有恢复资源:不提供体力恢复用的食物和Focus恢复用的罂粟。
- It Hurts Not:主角受到伤害时任务失败。
- 昂贵的道具:箭、工具、食物、罂粟的价格会大幅度提高。
- 移动速度钝化:奔跑与走路的速度变慢。
3、终极神偷模组(Ultimate Thief Mods)
- 铁人:死亡或任务失败时游戏将从最初开始。(被虐狂模式)
- 无升级:升级无效化。
- 无杀生:杀害人或动物时任务失败。
- 见光死:人或动物看到主角时任务失败。
Custom Difficulty Settings
You can create your own custom difficulty level by toggling on any (or all!) of the following mods:
Base difficulty: easy, normal or hard
Classic Thief Mods
* Chapter Save Only: manual saves and checkpoint auto-saves are disabled.
* No Focus: the use of Focus is completely disabled and no Focus Points are earned.
* Stealth Takedowns Only: you cannot perform combat Takedowns and Takedowns from above.
* No Reticle: no aiming reticle is displayed when drawing the bow.
Legendary Thief Mods
* Specialty Arrows Only: only Blunt, Water, Fire and Rope Arrows are available.
* No Resources: food (health) and poppy flowers (Focus) are not consumable.
* It Hurts Not: if you take any damage, the mission is failed.
* Expensive Tools: the cost of arrows, tools, food and poppies is greatly increased.
* Slowed Movement: running and walking speeds are reduced.
Ultimate Thief Mods
* Iron Man: if you die or fail a mission, you lose your game and must restart from the beginning.
* No Upgrades: non-critical upgrades are disabled.
* No Kills or Knockouts: if a human or animal is killed or stunned, the mission is failed.
* No Alerts: if a human or animal detects you, the mission is failed.