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【PS4】Playstation®4 -- PS4 Pro 和Slim 公布 支持4K电影和HDR 功能

2014-7-19 11:45 PM
想知道是否如果我在vita购买了 child of light 然后我可以在我的ps4是同一个psn帐号 那里启动coop吗?还是说必须在ps4购买才可以在ps vita as second player ?
2014-7-20 06:39 AM
zuozi 发表于 2014-7-19 11:45 PM
想知道是否如果我在vita购买了 child of light 然后我可以在我的ps4是同一个psn帐号 那里启动coop吗?还是说 ...

2014-7-23 06:32 PM
黑科技马上到 SCE解说展示PS平台最新技术

  2014年7月18日,游戏工具和中间件论坛2014(Game Tools & Middleware Forum 2014)在东京秋叶原召开。SCE的技术平台高级副总裁丰祯治在“面向PLAYSTATON的最新科技介绍”讲座中,解说了支援PS4游戏开发的库,开发环境,以及若干面向未来的技术。未来PS4能实现什么样的效果,我们可以先睹为快。


  PS4使用了基于AMD X86和GCN的APU,架构和PS3大不一样。习惯了PS3的开发者在转型中会遇到若干的困难。SCE为此开发了两种针对PS4优化的物理模拟引擎(库),并将在新版的PS4 SDK中向开发者提供。两种分别是使用GPGPU的“GPU物理模拟引擎”和使用CPU的“CPU物理模拟引擎”。









▲PS4 物理模拟效果演示


  和Unity Technologies签订契约之后,Unity引擎将支持PS3,PS4,PSV,PSV TV以及PSM。


  Epic Games对应PS4游戏开发的虚幻4引擎已经开发提供。其将支持在游戏过程中后台下载内容的PS4功能。

  SCE欧洲开发的PhyreEngine将支持PS4,PSV,PSV TV和安卓。原本对应安卓是为了开发PS4的联动安卓应用,但之后将可以对应安卓游戏开发,对iOS的支持也在开发中。由于PhyreEngine是完全开源的游戏引擎,并附带了具备高度可用性的样本代码,SCE方面相信其很适合帮助工作室开发面向PS平台的游戏。







  SCE方面还公开YoYo Games开发的2D游戏开发环境GameMaker Studio将支持PS平台。最新版将对应PS3,PS4,PSV,PSV TV。GameMaker被大量独立游戏开发者所采用,对PS平台的支持将进一步方便开发者在PS平台商推出独立游戏。






  SCE方面公开了几个PS CAMERA应用方面的技术。

  其一是“AR动态光照”。AR角色和现实融合的技术已经不稀奇,但此前现实中的光照条件和AR角色是不相关的。AR动态光照可以让PS CAMERA识别房间的照明状况,并反映到融合的AR效果上。



  PS CAMERA和AR结合的新技术还有“大规模物体识别”技术。也就是不需要特殊的图案,PS CAMERA就可以识别普通的卡片。视频0:50之后有具体的效果演示。玩家将可以拿着普通的卡片,在PS CAMERA前和远处的玩家一起玩游戏。这项技术可以和云技术相结合。






Project Morpheus

  SCE已经向游戏工作室和中间件厂商提供Project Morpheus的原型机,软硬件两方面的开发都在进行中。

  AUTODESK,CRYTEC,EPIC等厂商都已确定将支持Project Morpheus。

15.jpg (82.14 KB, 下载次数: 1)


2014-7-25 06:30 PM

  Sony Computer Entertainment Hong Kong Limited (“SCEH”)是日于香港动漫电玩节(“动漫节”)宣布PlayStation4(PS4)首款新配色“冰河白”主机将于9月9日(二)于香港推出,并由即日起至7月29日动漫节期间,于PlayStation展区接受优先预订。此外,“冰河白”直立架与无线控制器(DUALSHOCK4)亦将于9月9日(二)发售;“迷彩灰”DUALSHOCK4及“冰河白”PlayStation无线立体声耳机则于今年秋季推出,为PS4主机与周边硬件增添新商品。

  在香港,“冰河白”PS4主机同捆装将搭配由Bungie, Inc.开发、Activision发行的瞩目游戏《Destiny》、PlayStation Plus12个月免费专属会籍、PS4 1年延长保养服务及PSN港币100元预付金额,同捆装建议售价为港币3,780元。另外“冰河白”与“迷彩灰”的DUALSHOCK4预定售价为港币468元。单购“冰河白”PS4主机的预定售价为港币3,380元;同色的直立架预定售价为港币198元。“冰河白”PlayStation无线立体声耳机预定售价为港币768元。

  动漫节期间(7月25日至29日)将接受优先预订,凡于PlayStation展区预订“PS4《Destiny》同捆装”,可获赠限量版“《Destiny》T恤”及专享多款动漫节买机优惠。其后由8月1日起全线PlayStationPlatinum Shop及Sony Store将展开预订活动,预订“PS4《Destiny》同捆装”同样可获赠限量版“《Destiny》T恤”一件,数量有限,送完即止。

  用户可从过去大受好评的“极致黑”与这次新发售的“冰河白”两色主机中选购,DUALSHOCK4除了过去热卖的配色※1 外,亦可配合各自的生活风格选购这次新发售的“冰河白”与“迷彩灰”DUALSHOCK4,为PS4的游玩与娱乐体验增添更多乐趣。

  PS4预计于2014年内发售120款以上游戏,软件包括《LittleBigPlanet 3》、《SingStar》及《DRIVECLUB》(SCE World Wide Studios),不同独立游戏开发商的原创作品※2亦将陆续推出,包括即将推出的《N++》 (Metanet Software Inc)、《GALAK-Z: The Dimensional》(17-BIT Games)、《Secret Ponchos》 (Switchblade Monkeys Entertainment)、《Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty》(Oddworld Inhabitants, Inc / Just Add Water, Ltd.)及《The Witness》 (Thekla, Inc.)。此外预安装在所有PS4主机的PS4专用游戏《THE PLAYROOM』,将于2014年夏天推出全新的免费下载追加内容。拥有PlayStationCamera的用户可透过 PlayStationVita或安装了PlayStationApp的随身装置,将出现在电视画面上的自己周围的空间添加烟雾或聚光灯、放置自制招牌等对象,亦能播放音效或喜爱的音乐等,支持多种游玩方式。另外实况播送《THE PLAYROOM』时,可邀请收看游玩过程的其它玩者,针对喜爱的游戏或角色等特定主题进行投票等,增加游戏时的互动方式※3。

  此外,2014年内,主机将支持把游玩过程的影片上传至YouTube和在Youtube上观赏影片的功能。PS4的用户只需按下 DUALSHOCK4的“SHARE(分享)”按钮,即可将游玩过程上传到自己的Youtube频道,好友也能从“What’s New”项目观赏你上传的影片。PS4用户还能透过YouTube应用程序,在PS4上观赏自己喜爱的YouTube频道或影片。


  ※1 配色名称“极致黑”、“海浪蓝”、“熔岩红”,商品种类因地而异。
  ※2 发售游戏与游戏数量因地而异,以上资料根据6月10日最后更新计算。
  ※3 仅限实况播送“THE PLAYROOM”的游玩过程,并有使用者观赏该播送时。

2014-7-29 06:54 PM
索尼发布PS4 1.75版本更新 将支持3D蓝光播放

  PS4的玩家已经可以下载1.75的最新更新了,版本更新后最重要的新功能是将支持3D蓝光播放。此外,蓝光和DVD 1.5倍速播放的音效也有一定程度的改进,系统消息之前出现在屏幕右上方,更新后会出现在屏幕的左上方。

2014-7-30 07:57 AM
SHAREfactory Update Coming Soon, Adds The Last of Us Remastered Theme

Since the launch of SHAREfactory in April, we’ve seen so many creative videos that PS4 fans have shared with the world and it’s been truly inspiring. Today, I’m pleased to announce some new updates we are adding to SHAREfactory through a patch that will be released tomorrow. This includes new features, as well as some improvements based on your feedback.

Here’s a quick look at what you can expect:

The Last of Us theme: Just in time for the launch of The Last of Us Remastered on PS4, the new patch will add a custom theme from the critically acclaimed action-adventure game, so you can spice up your captured gameplay moments with SHAREfactory. The new TLOUR theme includes 39 new stickers, six new transitions, two new background images plus new intro, outro and title clips.

Import screenshots into projects: You’ll be able to import screenshots from your capture gallery to the SHAREfactory videos you create. This is a feature that many of you have requested, and we are really excited to bring this to SHAREfactory to make it easier for you to create your memorable moments. Keep those requests coming!

Additional updates: With this patch, you’ll also notice some newly added filter effects and stickers, as well as UI improvements. We are always trying to give you the players more fun tools to make your video projects that much better!

Protip: Starting Tuesday, you can also include photos captured using Photo Mode, which is available for inFAMOUS Second Son and will also be released for The Last of Us Remastered. Photo Mode is a great way to enhance your gameplay screenshots and add your artistic talents to make the photos much more mesmerizing.

So who’s ready to start creating their next SHAREfactory masterpiece with The Last of Us Remastered on PS4? Be sure to share your videos using #PS4share. We love seeing what you guys come up with.
2014-7-31 12:38 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-1 06:17 PM 编辑

PlayStation Now PS4 open beta begins tomorrow, full walkthrough video
PS NOW北美地区开始公测 PS4玩云端PS3游戏

  从昨天起,索尼的PS NOW业务正式在北美地区开始公测。

  在公测阶段,所有北美PS4用户都可以在PS商店中看到PS NOW游戏。PlayStation Now是索尼在今年早些时候公布的一项云端游戏传输服务,玩家可以PS4、PS3、PSV,甚至电视、平板和智能手机上运行云端游戏。下面是PS NOW的官方介绍视频,一起来看一下。

  目前索尼在北美的PS NOW服务共为PS4玩家提供了100多款PS3游戏,之后还会陆续添加,游戏采用按时付费租赁的方式,租赁时长分别为4小时、7天、30天和90天,价格也随时长递增。

  PS NOW中的PS3游戏拥有所有普通PS3游戏的功能,支持云存档和奖杯,还可以在线无缝和其它玩家联机。索尼称,PS NOW业务在之后几个月还会陆续登陆其它PS平台。


PlayStation Now Open Beta – Our Journey Begins

As we announced back at CES, PlayStation Now (PS Now) is the first-ever game streaming service available on a game console, where you can quickly access a rich and expanding library of PlayStation 3 games from our cloud servers. Since January, PS Now has been in Private Beta for select gamers across the country, and I’m happy to announce that the Open Beta will be available to all PlayStation 4 owners in the U.S. and Canada starting tomorrow.

As part of this Open Beta, PS4 users will see PS Now titles fully integrated into PlayStation Store, available to be streamed for various rental durations. Check out the video walkthrough of how it all works.

During the PS Now Open Beta, PS4 users will see a diverse library of more than 100 titles to rent, with more added regularly. PS Now will offer a variety of rental periods depending on the game, including 7-days, 30-days or 90-days, as well as a short 4-hour duration, so players can sample the experience first.

With a strong and stable broadband connection, visual and gameplay quality will be much like what you’re used to with other PS3 games. PS Now will also feature cloud game saves, as well as support for other popular network features such as Trophies, friend lists and leaderboards. You can also play seamlessly online with other people on PS Now, or even players who have the downloadable or disc based version of the game. As you know, the PS3 catalog of games is massive and incredibly diverse, and we’re thrilled to make these epic experiences available to PS4 first, followed by our other PlayStation platforms in the coming months.

Since we’re still in Beta, and in the very early days of PS Now, we plan to continue to collect feedback during this Open Beta phase to make further refinements to the service, so please provide us feedback once you’ve experienced the service.

We want to thank those that have been participating in the PS Now Private Beta for their time, dedication and valuable feedback, which have helped us continue to shape the service.

You will immediately see a clear breakdown of what’s included with game rentals, so it’s easier to tell what content you’re getting with your rental, especially since several games offered through PS Now include DLC that increase the value of the offering. Also, in a few weeks, you will start seeing reduced pricing on some 4-hour rentals which will appear at $1.99.

In addition, we’ve heard you loud and clear for an update on a PS Now subscription option and want to reassure you that we are working on it. We think PS Now represents the next step toward the future of gaming and we’re excited to have the PlayStation Nation come along with us on the beginning of this journey.



2014-8-2 11:59 PM


2014-8-4 07:18 AM
2014-8-11 06:57 PM
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