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【PS4】Playstation®4 -- PS4 Pro 和Slim 公布 支持4K电影和HDR 功能

2014-1-8 12:18 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-1-8 06:28 PM 编辑

PlayStation Now全新云服务推出 打开未来之门

  收购Gaikai之后,索尼方面一直没有大的动作,而近日在CES2014上,索尼正式公布将改编Gaikai的云服务从而推出全新的串流游戏云服务,新服务的名称为“PlayStation Now”。

  该服务计划于2014年夏天在美国正式运行,初期提供服务的主机是PS4和PS3,随后也会在PSV TV上运行该服务。PlayStation Now服务利用云技术,可以让玩家们在PS4主机上玩到历代PlayStation系列主机上的经典游戏,包括PS2和PS世代上的经典游戏。

  除了PlayStation游戏机之外,索尼的Bravia电视也将加入该服务所支持的硬件阵容中,随后PlayStation Now还会扩展到索尼的手机、平板等其他各种设备中。该服务还将支持PlayStation的网络功能,包括多人游戏、奖杯和用户信息的查询。有关玩家们关心的费用方面,索尼初期提供的方案是租赁制和定期付费制。

  在CES上,索尼展示了在Bravia液晶电视和PSV TV上通过PlayStation Now云服务来试玩《超越:两个灵魂》、《战神:登天之路》和《剪刀王子》等三款PS3平台游戏。

PlayStation Now cloud streaming service announced

PlayStation Now Streaming Game Service Coming this Summer

Today, at CES 2014 in Las Vegas, we announced that PlayStation Now, our new streaming game service, will be available in the US this summer. With PlayStation Now, you will be able to stream popular hits and classic games from the PS3 library, first on PS4 and PS3 systems, followed by PS Vita.

In addition to PlayStation platforms, most 2014 US models of Sony’s Bravia TV lineup will support PS Now. Eventually the service will expand beyond PlayStation platforms and Sony devices, allowing you to stream PlayStation games across a broad range of Internet-connected devices.

Leveraging Gaikai’s advanced cloud-based technology, PlayStation Now will allow you to:

• Play video games instantly across multiple devices, similar to the way you might stream TV, movies, and music.
• Stream full games to all of your compatible PlayStation devices including PS4, PS3, and PlayStation Vita as well as non-PlayStation devices, beginning with 2014 BRAVIA TV models and expanding to numerous other Internet-connected devices.
• Always play the most updated version of your game. With games hosted in the cloud, you can take your game with you – just log in with your Sony Entertainment Network account on a compatible device and your games and saved progress will be easily available.

We want to offer you choice when it comes to how you want to access content on PS Now, so you will be able to rent by title for specific games you are interested in. We’ll also offer a subscription that will enable you to explore a range of titles.

PS Now will begin a Beta program in the US at the end of January with an expected full roll-out in the US this summer. Be sure to check the PlayStation.Blog regularly for more updates on the PS Now service.

官方PSBlog:http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... coming-this-summer/
Playstation NOW 官方网站:http://us.playstation.com/playstationnow/

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2014-1-8 12:20 PM
№Dante 发表于 2014-1-8 12:18 PM

可以在Bravia电视机和Vita上玩The Last of Us和Beyond Two Souls
2014-1-8 12:27 PM
kirassss 发表于 2014-1-8 12:20 PM
可以在Bravia电视机和Vita上玩The Last of Us和Beyond Two Souls

2014-1-8 12:28 PM
№Dante 发表于 2014-1-8 12:27 PM

不知道亚洲会不会有这个PS NOW
2014-1-8 12:29 PM
kirassss 发表于 2014-1-8 12:28 PM
不知道亚洲会不会有这个PS NOW

会有...但是会迟一些,就像PS APP
2014-1-8 12:33 PM
№Dante 发表于 2014-1-8 12:29 PM
会有...但是会迟一些,就像PS APP

我买了PS4 版NFS Rivals了。几时到你
2014-1-8 05:39 PM
kirassss 发表于 2014-1-8 12:33 PM
我买了PS4 版NFS Rivals了。几时到你

2014-1-9 04:50 PM
2014-1-9 05:58 PM
№Dante 发表于 2014-1-9 04:50 PM

Bravia系列电视机虽然说没有主机可以使用PS Now玩但是dualshock 遥控需要呢。
2014-1-9 06:13 PM
kirassss 发表于 2014-1-9 05:58 PM
Bravia系列电视机虽然说没有主机可以使用PS Now玩但是dualshock 遥控需要呢。

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