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楼主: kirassss
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2013-9-27 07:02 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-9-30 06:03 PM 编辑

《精灵剑客F》公布角色介绍PV 奇葩剑客PIPIN篇

  由Compile Heart开发,号称集合了天野喜孝、植松伸夫EARTHBOUND PAPAS以及海王星制作团队共同制作PS3平台RPG游戏《精灵剑客F》,游戏预定于10月10日发售。近日官网更新,再次公布了角色介绍PV“PIPIN(声优:下田麻美)”,这个有点猥琐的看似妖圣的家伙居然是个剑客,而在他一旁的眼镜执事模样青年才是真正的妖圣!这组还真是有点奇妙呢。

2013-10-3 06:20 PM
《精灵剑客F》公布角色介绍PV 性感的研究员

  由Compile Heart开发,号称集合了天野喜孝、植松伸夫EARTHBOUND PAPAS以及海王星制作团队共同制作的RPG游戏《精灵剑客F》,日前官方公布了游戏的最新角色宣传片,我们将一同认识一下游戏中的性感短发美女Harler。


2013-10-8 06:14 PM

  由Compile Heart开发,号称集合了天野喜孝、植松伸夫EARTHBOUND PAPAS以及海王星制作团队共同制作PS3平台RPG游戏《精灵剑客F》,游戏预定于10月10日发售。目前官网更新情报,公布了系统新要素“修凯斯之塔”介绍以及DLC详情。


  修凯斯之塔指的是受到游戏中的世界影响从而可以变化的特殊之塔。塔内每层都有敌人把守,如果把这些敌人打倒的话就可以入手宝藏。越往塔的上层敌人越强,当然随之宝物就越珍贵。而且在塔内还会有比进行时级别更高的敌人出现十分危险,不过在塔内战斗失败的话不会直接GAME OVER,还可以选择撤退。



2013-10-10 06:32 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-10-11 07:17 AM 编辑



这次的英文版连名字都改了以前叫Holy Sorcery Story(《圣魔导物语》),现在叫Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God(《圣魔导物语:伟大的咖喱之神的诅咒》)。

2013-10-10 06:54 PM
《精灵剑客F》公布角色介绍PV 多尔法成员篇

  由Compile Heart开发,号称集合了天野喜孝、植松伸夫EARTHBOUND PAPAS以及海王星制作团队共同制作PS3平台RPG游戏《精灵剑客F》,游戏预定于10月10日,也就是今日正式发售。官网再次更新了游戏角色介绍PV,这次介绍的是神秘公司多尔法中的成员,以及男主角凡戈身旁的一些重要角色。游戏在2CH剧透各种神展开,有兴趣的玩家可以试一试。

2013-10-12 04:26 PM
《精灵剑客F》出意外大受好评 日本售罄断货

  卖太好了真对不起!由Compile Heart开发,号称集合了天野喜孝、植松伸夫EARTHBOUND PAPAS以及海王星制作团队共同制作PS3平台RPG游戏《精灵剑客F》已经于10月10日发售,刚几天时间没想到游戏大受好评。10月11日日本多家店铺就已经售罄断货。

2013-10-23 07:26 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-10-24 06:39 AM 编辑

Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God Out for PS Vita on December 10

发行商Aksys Games宣布《圣魔导物语:伟大咖喱神的诅咒》(Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God)将于12月10日登陆北美。玩家将可以选择购买标准版或限定版。限定版(如上图)将包括游戏本体、围兜、Kuu-rry盘子以及Kuu-rry汤匙。

Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God Out for PS Vita on December 10

Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God, which tells the tale of a young, aspiring sorceress named Pupuru, will launch for PS Vita on December 10th. Pupuru is on a quest to save her friend’s curry restaurant from the big bad curry chain that’s moved in.

With the help (or not so much help) of a cast of wacky and strange characters - including the grumpy-but-lovable creature, Kuu - Pupuru’s quest to find ingredients to make the legendary curry becomes a delectable adventure fun for just about anyone.

Despite Sorcery Saga’s quirky and cute storyline, it offers players truly challenging gameplay. Sorcery Saga is more than just heading to your local curry house and eating tasty morsels of deliciousness; it’s a turn-based RPG that allows players to move freely around a dungeon in a grid-like system. Once players encounter an enemy, they’ll be able to attack or use items or skills to fend off the onslaught of creatures. Let’s delve deeper into Sorcery Saga’s gameplay and see what this game is all about!

Sorcery Saga is a roguelike dungeon crawler. Fundamentally, roguelike gameplay gives players permanent consequences for failing or dying. In Sorcery Saga, this means that once a player falls in a dungeon, the items he/she possesses and the levels he/she have accrued through play are all gone! Players will be able to continue with the storyline, but will need to re-acquire lost items and levels. Players will need to determine their strategy before they enter a dungeon because even saving won’t help them. Luckily, Sorcery Saga offers a couple of ways to mitigate this.

Make Your Own Curry!

Curry not only offers the backdrop for Sorcery Saga’s wacky storyline, it’s actually quite helpful while in dungeons. If players are able to acquire certain ingredients, Pupuru can make her own curry, which will give her temporary power-ups to battle particularly tough baddies.

Let Kuu Save the Day!

If Pupuru falls and Kuu is still alive, it will save Pupuru’s equipped items. This means if Pupuru has powerful weaponry equipped, she won’t lose it as long as Kuu is alive.

My Room is Your Room!

The My Room function in Sorcery Saga allows players to store items, money, and equipment. This is particularly useful before entering dungeons since players can store unneeded or precious items. These items will be spared if a player falls in a dungeon.

Power Up Your Weaponry!

In “My Room,” players can also enhance their weapons by using acquired items throughout the game. Giving Pupuru a little boost never hurt anyone!

Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God is ready to serve on December 10th, 2013 for PS Vita. Two editions are available: a standard edition and limited edition, which includes a Kuu-shaped plate and spoon, as well as a bib featuring the little baddies of Sorcery Saga. You can pre-order now.

PSBlog:http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... a-on-december-10th/

2013-11-13 06:49 PM


2013-11-22 07:12 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-23 07:47 AM 编辑



2013-12-6 07:51 PM



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