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2018-5-14 06:18 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-15 04:25 PM 编辑

Mary Skelter 2 details Itsuki, Kaede, and Takumi
《神狱塔 断罪玛丽2》三名新角色信息公布

  今日Compile Heart 在《神狱塔 断罪玛丽2》的官方网站公布了三位新角色:イツキ,カエデ,タクミ。




  《神狱塔 断罪玛丽2》将于6月28日登陆PS4平台。

Compile Heart has updated the official Japanese website for Mary Skelter 2 with information on new characters Itsuki, Kaede, and Takumi.

Get the details below.

Itsuki (voiced by Daiki Abe)

A young man Tsuu and the others encounter in the underground cave. He is composed and puts his intelligence to practical use, always calculating a way out in times of trouble. However, he is not very good at exercise.

He is usually in the lab in the Hamelin Liberated District, and spends all of his time researching the Blood Maidens and Jail. Kaede is his childhood friend, who treats him like a child.

Kaede (voiced by Makiko Miura)

A woman Tsuu and the others encounter in the underground cave. She is a strong-minded older sister type who is quick to fight, and supports the Blood Maidens from the shadows.

She is usually at the goods shop in the Hamelin Liberated District, finding and selling various useful items. She is unable to leave Itsuki alone, and always treats him like a child.

Takumi (voiced by Takashi Narumi)

A man Tsuu and the others encounter in the underground cave. A self-centered eccentric. He changes how he refers to himself depending on how he feels at the time. He uses any first-person pronoun he can think of, from “ore” to “boku,” “watashi, “ushi,” “oira,” and “sessha.”

He is usually at the Blood Weapons Factory in the Hamelin Liberated District, where he disassembles and upgrades Blood Weapons. He was originally a member of the Dawn Liberation Force’s production team.

Mary Skelter 2 is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan on June 28.
2018-5-28 03:33 PM
Mary Skelter 2 screenshots, background music samples

Compile Heart has updated the official Japnaese website for Mary Skelter 2 with new screenshots and background music samples.

Here are the background music samples:

“Kyokou“ - http://www.compileheart.com/mary-skelter/tuu/mp3/bgm/bgm10.mp3
“Catastrophe“ - http://www.compileheart.com/mary-skelter/tuu/mp3/bgm/bgm11.mp3
“Conversation for Girls“ - http://www.compileheart.com/mary-skelter/tuu/mp3/bgm/bgm12.mp3

Mary Skelter 2 is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan on June 28.

2018-5-31 11:33 AM
2018-6-1 04:47 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-1 06:37 PM 编辑

Mary Skelter 2 delayed to July 12 in Japan
《神狱塔 断罪玛丽2》发售日延期至7月12日 补偿全角色泳装DLC等礼品

  开发商 Compile Heart 今日宣布,由于各种状况旗下PS4游戏《神狱塔:断罪玛丽2》原定发售日期于 6 月 28 日延期至 7 月 12 日。官方并没有说明具体延期原因,不过为了表达对玩家的歉意,准备了一些礼物作为补偿。


Compile Heart has delayed Mary Skelter 2 from its previously announced June 28 release date in Japan to July 12. It will be released for PlayStation 4.

The company cites “various reasons” for the delay, but did not povide specifics.

In order to compensate for the delay, Compile Heart will release the following as gifts to the users:

A free Rengokuto Mary Skelter-themed (Love Prison Tower Mary Skelter) PlayStation 4 theme will be released on the PlayStion Store soon.
“Swimsuit DLC” for all characters in Mary Skelter 2 will be released at a later date.
The “Sakura Maiden,” “T-Healer,” “G-Assassin,” and “JO-Singer” bonus content from the PS Vita version of Mary Skelter: Nightmares will be implemented in the PlayStation 4 remake version.
2018-6-2 04:26 PM
癫狂越狱剧再次上演! PS4《神狱塔 断罪玛丽 2》正式决定中文化
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/163462.html

  韩国游戏发行商 CFK 前日发表,确定将会推出 PlayStation 4 新作 RPG 游戏《神狱塔 断罪玛丽 2(神狱塔メアリースケルター 2)》的中文化版本,预定在 2018 年秋季发售。


  《神狱塔 断罪玛丽(神狱塔メアリースケルター)》是于 2016 年 10 月 13 日在 PS Vita 上发售的一款 3D 迷宫 RPG。 《神狱塔 断罪玛丽 2》是由「COMPILE HEART × 电击文库 × 电击 PlayStation 」连手促成的《神狱塔 断罪玛丽》的后续作品,是一款氛围阴暗而又不可思议的迷宫 RPG,其中描绘了一群以童话故事人物为原型的少年少女们在活 体监狱「神狱」中发生的故事。

  角色设计为玩家熟悉的 NanamedaKei,其负责过《魔坏神 兆力翁》、《死亡终局 轮回试炼》等作品。 剧本由执笔前作本篇与小说版的乙野四文字亲自参与监修,进一步提高整体质感。

  正统迷宫 RPG《神狱塔 断罪玛丽》中,需要最多 6+1 人组成队伍挑战神狱。 角色会在不断战斗中成长、集齐装备,朝着越狱而努力。 角色各自拥有特技,在游戏过程中也可进行职业变更,切换至具备特殊能力的其他职业。





  神狱 — 这是被称为「活体监狱」的一座坚不可摧的人类收容所。 这座监狱于数十年前突然降生,被名为「童话」的怪物以及统率牠们的疯癫「梦魇」所管理。

  「鹤」 与「人鱼公主」隶属于以逃离神狱为目标的组织「黎明」,她们在一次行动中成功救出了新伙伴「艾丽斯」与和她一同受到囚禁的少年「杰克」。











  幼时曾与人鱼公主结下夫妻的誓约,为了成为「人鱼公主的王子殿下」,总是努力在人前展现出王子的翩翩风度。 偶尔会露出此年龄少女应有的怯意,但基本为人耿直、做事一板一眼,会为了伙伴鼓足勇气、挺身而出。 周围同伴皆称呼她为「阿鹤」。









梦魇. 杰克


  临死之际,对自己的无力深感不甘。 神秘的藤蔓彷佛受其悔意指引而出现,将其完全吞噬,使其变身为梦魇。


  然而,一旦持续受到外界的高强度刺激就会失去自我、行动失控。 因此,有能力与其交流的鹤便时常关注着他的心理状态。

游戏名称:神狱塔 断罪玛丽 2
机种:PlayStation 4
类别:迷宫 RPG
发售日:预计 2018 年秋
游玩人数:1 人
销售:CFK Co., Ltd.
2018-6-6 06:35 PM
Nep-Nep Connect: Chaos Chanpuru to end service on August 8

Free-to-play card battle RPG Nep-Nep Connect: Chaos Chanpuru for PS Vita will end service on August 8 in Japan, a little over a year after its June 2017 launch, publisher Compile Heart announced.

A reason for the termination was not announced, but Compile Heart apologized to players and thanked them for their support.
2018-6-11 06:38 PM
Mary Skelter 2 details job system

Compile Heart has updated the official Japanaese website for Mary Skelter 2 with information on the game’s job system.

Get the details below.

Job System

The job system of Mary Skelter 2 will completely change both the character’s appearance and abilities.

Blood Maidens can change between five different jobs. By changing jobs, the Blood Maidens’ appearance, equipment, and skills will change, which will alter the battle significantly.

The types of jobs each Blood Maiden can become is set according to a certain “Style.” Hamelin, for example, is a “Fighter Style,” skilled at close-quarter combat jobs, such as Paladin and Destroy. The Little Mermaid, on the other hand, is a “Magician Style” who specializes in jobs that use magic, such as Counselor and Blood Witch.

Other job Styles include:

“Science Style,” through which you can acquire eccentric powers. Gretel employs this style.
“Libero Style,” which is an all-rounder style capable of using large variety of abilities. Rapunzel employs this style.
“Archer Style,” through which one is able to attack from afar. Princess Kaguya employs this style.
By experimenting with the different jobs, you can create your own unique teams.

Pink: Magician Style (specializes in magic)
Left: Thumbelina (Blood Witch)
Right: Little Mermaid (Counselor) on the right.
Purple: Archer Style (specializes in long-range attacks)
Left: Princess Kaguya (Speedgunner)
Right: Sleeping Beauty (Dark Seeker)
Red: Fighter Style (specializes in physical attacks)
Left: Cinderella (Fighter)
Center: Hamelin (Destroy)
Right: Alice (Paladin)
Blue: Science Style (special support job)
Left: Gretel (Logicalist)
Right: Snow White (Item Tooler)
Orange: Libero Style (all-purpose)
Left: Rapunzel (Poet)
Right: Red Riding Hood (Fairy)

The Protagonist’s Exclusive Job

The protagonist, Tsuu, has a special job style unlike those of other Blood Maidens. She can become any of the specialized jobs, able to compensate for any aspect of the party that is lacking or further strengthen and round-out the type of team you are going for. Make use of Tsuu’s job style to make your team the strongest.

—From left to right: Altair (basic job), Stargazer, Dancer, Heracles, and Milky Way.

Mary Skelter 2 is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan on July 12.
2018-6-12 09:06 PM
Compile Heart to announce ‘Witches x Dragons’ RPG on June 14

Compile Heart held an “urgent press conference” today to tease a new RPG themed around witches and dragons.

The June 14-due issue of Weekly Famitsu will have the official announcement. A trailer will be released on the same day. However, Famitsu usually posts previews from its latest issue on Tuesday, so we might hear more about this in the coming hours.

2018-6-12 11:25 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-13 07:08 PM 编辑

Compile Heart announces Valneer of the Dragon Star for PS4

The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reveals new Compile Heart RPG Valneer of the Dragon Star for PlayStation 4.

The game is being created with the concept of “witches” and “giant dragons” with five key character designers at Compile Heart.

Weekly Famitsu has first information on the game’s p rotagonist and heroine, game systems, and more in a 12-page preview.

The game’s staff includes producer Norihisa Kochiwa, director Makoto Kitano, and charcter designers Tsunako, Manamitsu, Kei Nanameda, Katsuyuki Hirano, and Riruru Meikyuu.

Further information has yet to leak from the magazine.

Valneer of the Dragon Star will launch for PlayStation 4 on October 11 in Japan for 7,200 yen.

Characters include:

• Zephy (voiced by Daiki Abe)
• Minessa (voiced by Sayaka Senbongi)
• Calicalo (voiced by Ayaka Fukuhara)
• Laponette (voiced by Hisako Tojo)
• Charlotta (voiced by Sachika Misawa)

Every battle in Valneer of the Dragon Star takes place in the sky using magic. Players can freely move around the battlefield, which is divided into three layers, and battle against giant dragons.

The witch in Valneer of the Dragon Star can devour dragons and steal their power.

While this is not a Falcom game, some of the dragons from Falcom’s Trails series will appear in the game as part of a collaboration. This includes Zoro-Agruga, True Zoro-Agruga, and Ragnard.

Toshiaki Takayama is designing the game’s dragons. The main theme and battle music are being composed by Motoi Sakuraba.

While every battle takes place in the sky, there are also fields where you walk around.

While the magazine has screenshots of battles against huge dragons, it does not have any screenshots of battles against smaller enemies.
2018-6-14 03:25 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-17 07:19 AM 编辑

Varnir of the Dragon Star: Ecdysis of the Dragon teaser trailer, story details, first screenshots


Compile Heart has opened the teaser website and released the teaser trailer for its newly announced witches and dragons RPG Varnir of the Dragon Star: Ecdysis of the Dragon for PlayStation 4.

Additionally, the game’s Amazon Japan product page has revealed the first screenshots, artwork, and story details about the game.

Here is an overview of the game’s story:

Witch, make your choice. Will you go mad or be devoured by a dragon? Devour the dragon to survive.

Valneria, a world where huge dragon fossils rise above the clouds. There is a witch living in a remote forest who is persecuted as a cursed being who brought forth the dragons.

Zephy, a knight tasked with a mission to hunt the witch, gets lost in the forest with his fellow knights, and nearly dies when he is attacked by a dragon. But the witches Minessa and Karikaro saved him.

By drinking the blood of the dragon, a magical power was awoken within Zephy, and together with the witches, Zephy becomes submerged in a vortex of cruel fates.

The Imperial Order that governs the world, the Knights of the of the Reaper who lead the witch hunt, the hoodlums of Evil Raven that fight dragons, and the mysterious Witches of Prisonflame.

In this world where the motives of various people intertwine, the story of witches fighting against their fate with a boy who possesses the power of a witch will unfold.

Pre-orders for Varnir of the Dragon Star in Japan will include the following:

• Special Soundtrack CD including the main theme song and battle music composed by Motoi Sakuraba, as well as numerous songs from Zizz Studio.
• Replica Autograph Card Application Serial Code to win a replica autograph card with a character illustration drawn by Tsunako, Manamitsu, Kei Nanameda, Katsuyuki Hirano, or Riruru Meikyuu (200 winners for each of the five cards).

In addition to the 7,776 yen standard edition, a 9,936 yen limited edition of Varnir of the Dragon Star will include the following:

• Tsunako, Kei Nanameda, and Katsuyuki Hirano-illustrated original box featuring three heroines.
• Visual book loaded with secret illustrations only found in this book.
• Witch Grimoires short storybook set (five storybooks) that tell the never before told stories of the witches.
• Cast read-aloud CD in which the members of the cast reprise their roles and read aloud character stories.
• Clear bookmark set including five bookmarks with illustrations of the protagonist and four heroines.

Varnir of the Dragon Star: Ecdysis of the Dragon is due out for PlayStation 4 on October 11 in Japan for 7,200 yen.

RPG 新作《龙星的瓦尔尼尔》公布前导影片 结合「魔女 X 巨龙 X 黑暗幻想谭」世界观
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/164216.html

  Compile Heart 近(14)日公布了身为该公司所推出的(旗下)游戏品牌 “封闭化(ガラパゴス) RPG” 最新作《龙星的瓦尔尼尔(竜星のヴァルニール)》,将在 2018 年 10 月 11 日于 PlayStation 4 平台推出。 价格部分实体普通版为 7776 日圆、限定版为 9936 日圆、下载版为 6912 日圆(皆含税)。

  配合本作发表也公布了形象官网与前导影片。 影片中除了登场角色及世界观,还能确认到《战机少女(ネプテューヌ)》系列玩家熟悉的绘师 つなこ、负责设计巨龙的 タカヤマトシアキ、撰写主题曲及战斗曲的 樱庭统等,多位知名创作者参与制作本作。 另外,日本 Falcom 似乎是以 “协助制作龙” 的形式与本作有所关联(似乎也有协助制作本作的龙)。

  另外,官方还公布了预约特典及限定版情报。 预约特典为收录本作樱庭统笔下所有主题曲及战斗曲的「特制原声带 CD」,以及附有应募由创作者「特绘的复制签名板」的序号(各创作者「特绘复制签名板」的抽奖序号)。 限定版则准备了印有未公开线稿和插图的视觉设定集、特绘短篇小册子、声优朗读 CD 等内容。


全新 RPG《龙星的瓦尔尼尔》正式发表


决定将正式发售由 Compile Heart 所献上的 “封闭化 RPG” 的最新作《龙星的瓦尔尼尔》(由 Compile Heart 献上,“封闭化 RPG” 最新作《龙星的瓦尔尼尔》决定发售)! 即日起开设形象官网,并公布游戏信息、预约特典、限定版内容等情报。

还公布了前导影片。 除介绍以【魔女 X 巨龙 X 黑暗幻想谭】为概念的厚重世界观,还能确认由知名创作者阵容,以及「日本 Falcom」将协助制作本作的龙。


发行商:Compile Heart
支持平台:PlayStation 4
游戏类型:为了活下去吞噬巨龙的 RPG
游戏品牌:封闭化 RPG
发售日:预定 2018 年 10 月 11 日发售
普通版 7776 日圆(含税)
限定版 9936 日圆(含税)
下载版 6912 日圆(含税)


• 收录所有战斗曲的「特制原声带 CD」!!
收录所有樱庭统为本作撰写的主题曲&战斗曲,以及众多由 ZIZZ STUDIO 制作的乐曲的原声带 CD。

合计 1000 位中奖名额!! 应募「特绘复制签名板」序号(「特绘复制签名板」抽奖序号)
抽出「5 种各 200 位」致赠由つなこ、まなみつ、ナナメダケイ、平野克幸、迷宫りるる绘制,附有角色插图复制签名板的应募序号(由つなこ、まなみつ、ナナメダケイ、平野克幸、迷宫りるる绘制的 5 种特绘复制签名板,将各抽出 200 位致赠拥有抽奖序号的玩家)。



由つなこ、ナナメダケイ、平野克幸合作绘制的「特绘 BOX」!
将三位女主角绘制为一张插图,绘师们竭尽全力合作绘制的 BOX。




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