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2018-2-13 04:35 PM
2018-2-20 07:14 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-21 03:23 PM 编辑

PS4 悬疑惊悚 RPG 游戏《死亡终局 轮回试炼》公开 15 分钟演示影片

  由 Compile Heart 开发,《尸骸派对》之父「祁答院慎」负责撰写剧本,穿梭于「游戏」以及「现实」的悬疑惊悚 RPG 游戏于 4 月 12 日发售的《死亡终局 轮回试炼》公开了 15 分钟演示动画。亚洲地区繁体中文版于今年春季发售。

  「在被 BUG 所吞没、侵蚀的游戏中,找到行踪不明的她」。 从「游戏」与「现实」两种视点攻略充满 BUG 的游戏世界。 「拥有意志的 BUG」、「拥有人心的 NPC」「不存在的角色」、「无法解释的都市传说」... 等等,错综复杂的众多谜团,无法躲避的绝望将逐一袭来的悬疑惊悚 RPG。


游戏程序设计师 ― 水梨新,某一天收到了一封邮件。
寄件人是一年前行踪不明的游戏总监 ― 二之宫 椎菜 所发出的。

她曾经与新一同担任完全虚拟现实游戏 ―「奥德赛世界」的企画开发工作,但却因为她的失踪,计划顺理成章的遭到冻结。


示意二之宫 椎菜正身处于不存在的游戏「奥德赛世界」中。


从中,新发现程序遭人刻意覆写且完全变了个样,而椎菜则是以一名「玩家」的身分,存活于这个充斥着 Bug 的游戏世界。

新试图与椎菜连系接触,却得知了无法从这个游戏内注销的事实。 两人为了解开谜团,与拥有心灵的众多 NPC 及存在于现实世界的同事们,一同于游戏的 「内部」与「外部」展开攻略...。



2018-2-21 03:20 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-21 05:17 PM 编辑

Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 Plus launches May 31 in Japan
《超次次元游戏 海王星Re;Birth1+》确定发售日期与售价

  PS4《超次次元游戏 海王星Re;Birth1+》确定将在5月31日发售,普通版5800日元+税,限定版7800日元+税。

  本作为Compile Heart旗下《海王星》系列第一作的重制版,也就是PSV的《超次次元游戏 海王星Re;Birth1》的高清版,下面就是PS4版所采用的封面插图:

Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 Plus will launch for PlayStation 4 in Japan on May 31 for 5,800 yen, the latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation reveals. A limited edition will also be available for 7,800 yen.

As previously announced, Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 Plus is a refined version of Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1, which first launched for PS Vita.

Here is the Japanese box art for the standard edition of the game:

2018-2-21 07:15 PM
PS4 悬疑惊悚 RPG 游戏《死亡终局 轮回试炼》公开 22 分钟演示影片

  由 Compile Heart 开发,《尸骸派对》之父「祁答院慎」负责撰写剧本,穿梭于「游戏」以及「现实」的悬疑惊悚 RPG 游戏于 4 月 12 日发售的《死亡终局 轮回试炼》公开了 22 分钟演示动画。亚洲地区繁体中文版于今年春季发售。

  「在被 BUG 所吞没、侵蚀的游戏中,找到行踪不明的她」。 从「游戏」与「现实」两种视点攻略充满 BUG 的游戏世界。 「拥有意志的 BUG」、「拥有人心的 NPC」「不存在的角色」、「无法解释的都市传说」... 等等,错综复杂的众多谜团,无法躲避的绝望将逐一袭来的悬疑惊悚 RPG。


游戏程序设计师 ― 水梨新,某一天收到了一封邮件。
寄件人是一年前行踪不明的游戏总监 ― 二之宫 椎菜 所发出的。

她曾经与新一同担任完全虚拟现实游戏 ―「奥德赛世界」的企画开发工作,但却因为她的失踪,计划顺理成章的遭到冻结。


示意二之宫 椎菜正身处于不存在的游戏「奥德赛世界」中。


从中,新发现程序遭人刻意覆写且完全变了个样,而椎菜则是以一名「玩家」的身分,存活于这个充斥着 Bug 的游戏世界。

新试图与椎菜连系接触,却得知了无法从这个游戏内注销的事实。 两人为了解开谜团,与拥有心灵的众多 NPC 及存在于现实世界的同事们,一同于游戏的 「内部」与「外部」展开攻略...。


2018-2-22 04:43 PM
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 Plus official Japanese website launched

Compile Heart has launched the official Japanese website for Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 Plus.http://www.compileheart.com/neptune/re-birth1/plus/

The website currently features story, characters, and information pages.

Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 Plus is due out for PlayStation 4 on May 31 in Japan.

2018-2-22 07:14 PM

2018-2-27 06:34 PM
Mary Skelter 2 for PS4 announcement seemingly leaked, includes Mary Skelter: Nightmares remake
《神狱塔 Mary Skelter 2》或将登陆PS4平台 收录前作高清重制版

  据日本某店铺的预约情报,CompileHeart 将于 6 月 28 日在 PS4 平台推出新作《神狱塔 Mary Skelter 2》(神獄塔 メアリスケルター《神狱塔断罪玛丽2》)。根据封面上的信息游戏内还将收录前作的高清重制版。

  《神狱塔 Mary Skelter 》是一款曾在 PSV 平台推出的迷宫RPG类游戏,是 Compile Heart 与电击文库、电击PS三方合作推出的作品。当时曾在 2016 年的电击感谢祭上发表,考虑到今年的电击感谢祭就是下周 3 月 10 日,这个时间点商家提前得到一些情报也是正常的。

Mary Skelter 2 is in development for PlayStation 4 and will launch on June 28 in Japan for 7,776 yen, if dummy packaging (which is used to promote games at retailers) that surfaced on 2ch.net is to be believed.

According to the packaging, a 10,476 yen limited edition will also be available and include a Kei Nanameda-illustrated special box, 21-song original soundtrack CD, special book with , bath poster, multi-desktop calendar, treasured data materials CD-ROM, and PC and smartphone wallpapers CD-ROM.

Pre-orders will reportedly include a product code to download an adventure game called Rengokuto Mary Skelter (Love Prison Tower Mary Skelter—in Japanese, Mary Skelter is fully titled Kangokutou Mary Skelter, or Divine Prison Tower Mary Skelter).

Here is an overview of the game’s story:

Jail—an impregnable human asylum called a “living prison.”

This prison, which was suddenly born several decades ago, was controlled by monsters called “Marchens” and mad beings that led them called “Nightmares.”

Tsuu and The Little Mermaid, members of an organization called “Dawn” whose purpose is to escape from that Jail, successfully rescue new ally Alice, who was captured, and a boy named Jack, who she was with.

Tsuu headed to the city with Alice and Jack, but in the midst of that, Alice’s body was dyed in madness and started swinging her blade indiscriminately.

Alice’s blade attacked Tsuu, the Little Mermaid, and Jack, who tried to protect Tsuu, and the three fell down below a cliff.

Before the eyes of the princess who woke up below the cliff was Jack, who was seemingly about to die—.

Tsuu, The Little Mermaid, and Jack—this is the story of girls that spin blood and a boy that became a nightmare in attempts to break free from fate.

Mary Skelter 2 will also seemingly include a completely remade version of the original Mary Skelter: Nightmares with updated balancing and maps.
2018-3-5 06:25 PM
2018-3-6 06:27 PM
2018-3-7 05:57 PM

Compile Heart launches ‘Cute RPG’ countdown website

Compile Heart has launched a countdown website for its “Latest Cute RPG.” The website features an “illustration of a never before seen collaboration RPG” (pictured above).

The Neptunia series developer will host its “Compile Heart New Title(s) Presentation” at Dengeki Game Fes 2018 on March 10 at 16:00 JST, where it is expected to announce the recently leaked Mary Skelter 2 for PlayStation 4. While it is possible this “Cute RPG” is something other than Mary Skelter 2, it is also possible it is not. But whatever it is, it will likely be announced at the event. You will be able to watch the presentation live on YouTube, Niconico, Fresh, Periscope.

It should be noted that while Compile Heart labels this a countdown website, there is no actual countdown on the website.

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