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【新闻】99美元的任天堂Wii Mini来了

2012-11-28 12:36 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2012-11-28 06:00 PM 编辑

昨天晚些时候,Best Buy加拿大率先放出了Wii Mini的上市时间,随后任天堂官方就正式发布了这款主机,其售价为99美元,约合马币RM305元。

  Wii Mini在Wii的基础上进行了重新设计,与当前1300多款Wii游戏相兼容,包括《马里奥》和《塞尔达》等系列游戏,不过它不支持互联网连接功能。

  这款售价99美元的Wii Mini将随机附带感应棒、手柄和Wii Remote Plus遥控器,其上市时间为就是12月7日。


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2012-11-28 12:53 PM
2012-11-28 12:56 PM
本帖最后由 guiyyyy 于 2012-11-28 01:03 PM 编辑

老任玩回忆 99美元Wii Mini下月7日发布

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  众所周知,任天堂 Wii 是最有影响力和最畅销游戏机之一,同时也是首款将运动体感带到家庭的游戏主机。虽然任天堂将未来交给了已经在北美发售的新一代主机 Wii U, 但是现在,老任似乎决定买份双保险,凭借最大的游戏库,任天堂还会全新推出另一款重新设计的 Wii 主机,名为 Wii Mini。

  日前,来自零售商加拿大 Bestbuy 消息显示,任天堂 Wii Mini 将支持所有来自 Wii 的游戏,但是已经被完全重新设计,体积更小更紧凑,顶盖采用手动打开的方式,外观主配色改为红色,Wii Remote Plus 遥控器也改成了红色调,价格定在 99.99 美元,约合 622 元人民币,随机附送的还有 Nunchuk 手柄。

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  另外,任天堂 Wii Mini 不内置互联网连接功能,也不支持 GameCube 服务。不过它拥有 Wii 的完整功能和兼容性,支持销量将近 10 亿的 1300 多个游戏和相关外设,比如广受欢迎的《马里奥塞车(Mario Kart Wii)》和《塞尔达传说系列(Legend of Zelda)》。

  比较遗憾的是,Bestbuy 没有透露 Wii Mini 的具体规格参数和实际细节,只表示 Wii Mini 将从即日起接受预定,并于 12 月 7 日开始正式登场。此外,Wii U 在接下去几周也会在欧洲和世界各国开卖。
2013-11-9 06:44 AM
仍售$99 任天堂游戏主机Wii Mini登陆美国市场

  去年12月精装版Wii Mini游戏主机以99美元的价格在加拿大发售,时隔将近一年从任天堂官方透露的消息称这款游戏主机确定于本月17日登陆美国市场,售价依然为$99.Wii Mini目前已经在加拿大、英国等部分市场上推出,值得注意的是这款主机并不支持网络数据连接,这就意味着购买者不能下载游戏、玩多人在线游戏或者享受一 些基于网络的服务,可以说这款主机是纯粹的游戏主机。

  从Wii Mini的定位来看更加倾向于家庭环境的儿童用户,主机能够玩《马里奥聚会8(Mario Party 8)》、《Wii Sports Resort》、《马里奥威力网球(Mario Power Tennis)》、《纸片马里奥(Super Paper Mario)》等经典游戏。

  此外本次在美国时长上每个Wii Mini都会预安装《Mario Kart Wii》游戏,此外部分游戏享受$19.99到$29.99的优惠价格。

Wii Mini coming to U.S. this month, bundled with Mario Kart Wii

Wii mini Offers Big Value This Holiday Season

The Wii console was a cultural phenomenon when it was released to the world in 2006. To continue this legacy and share the fun with as many people as possible, Nintendo is launching the Wii mini console in the U.S. at a suggested retail price of only $99.99. That is a tremendous value for families and people who have yet to join one of the most iconic and talked-about pop-culture trends of the last decade. Wii mini is a smaller, redesigned version of Wii that plays the entire library of more than 1,300 Wii games. The compact system is matte black with a red border, and comes with the Mario Kart Wii game, a red Wii Remote Plus controller and a red Nunchuk controller. While availability will differ somewhat according to location, shoppers can expect to see Wii mini in stores by the middle of November.

"Wii mini offers the same fun experience as Wii, which has been enjoyed by millions of people around the world," said Scott Moffitt, Nintendo of America's executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. "And it comes packaged with Mario Kart Wii, a multiplayer Mario racing game that is one of the best-selling Wii games. At such a great price, it is an extraordinary value for shoppers this holiday season."

Wii is the best-selling system of this generation with more than 100 million units sold globally. Wii mini is for those who don't own a Wii console and want to enjoy a ton of great Wii games on a stylish system at an affordable price. It is also for families who want an additional console in another room, allowing siblings and friends to play while the rest of the family enjoys other entertainment and games on the main living room TV screen. While Wii mini is not compatible with the Internet and will not allow online functionality when playing games, select multiplayer games can still be played locally with friends and families, which is the ideal way to enjoy such entertaining games like Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Mario Kart Wii.

As a companion to the Wii mini system, a large collection of Nintendo Selects Wii games is available at a suggested retail price of only $19.99 each. These games include modern classics like Super Mario Galaxy, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and Super Paper Mario. In addition, three newly discounted Wii games – Super Mario Galaxy 2, New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Wii Sports Resort – are also available at a suggested retail price of $29.99 each. With an existing, extensive library of classic games available at such low prices, Wii mini demonstrates the value and variety Nintendo is offering this holiday season.









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