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【新闻部】ZeniMax Media -

2014-3-26 06:36 PM

  《上古卷轴OL》是Bethesda公司所推出的新作,游戏将于2014年4月4日登陆PC和Mac平台,6月份登则陆PS4和XBOX ONE两大次世代主机。日前官方公开了本作的大量新艺术设定图,除了展示游戏中将会登场的怪物之外,还让大家看到了不少建筑物以及物品的设定图,看上去非常不错,感兴趣的玩家不妨欣赏一下。

2014-4-5 03:46 PM
《上古卷轴OL》最新宣传片 精彩剧情片段欣赏

  《上古卷轴OL》是Bethesda公司所推出的新作,游戏于2014年4月4日登陆PC和Mac平台,6月份登则陆PS4和XBOX ONE两大次世代主机。日前官方放出了本作的一段最新宣传片,除了展示游戏的精彩剧情外,更将本作战斗的激烈之处给体现了出来,下面就请玩家们一起来欣赏一下。

2014-4-5 04:28 PM
《上古卷轴OL》注册人数超500万 有4千多万武器

  小伙伴们欢呼吧,备受期待的《上古卷轴OL》正式开服了!本次《上古卷轴OL》正式上市的仅限PC/Mac两个平台,全球范围内同步发售运营(国内可以玩国际服,但大陆地区暂未确认代理),而PS4和Xbox One版本则需要等到今年6月才会与各位见面。


  通过这张图我们可以看到,游戏beta测试注册人数超过500万,游戏总共有610多万个物品,10202个NPC,4000多万种武器,2235本书等等,以及Zenimax Online总部有8.13英里长的网络光缆来支持游戏。

2014-5-9 07:36 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-5-9 06:27 PM 编辑

The Elder Scrolls Online delayed six months on consoles

  《上古卷轴OL》是Bethesda公司所推出的新作,游戏已经于2014年4月4日登陆PC和Mac平台,而PS4和XBOX One版的发售日原定于2014年6月。不过现在官方已经确认,本作的家用机版将推迟6个月发售。



  而为了弥补本次的延期,截止到6月,凡是购买本作PC版或Mac版的玩家将能够在家用机版发售时将自己的角色传送到家用机版中。此外他们还能够以20美元的价格购买到PS4和XBOX One版游戏,并获得30天的游戏时间。

Bethesda’s statement

We’ve been grateful to our fans for the wonderful response to our recent launch of The Elder Scrolls Online for PC/Mac, but we know many of you are eagerly waiting to play the game on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

We continue to work on the console versions of ESO, and game development has been progressing steadily, but we are still working to solve a series of unique problems specific to those platforms. Integrating our systems with each console manufacturer’s networks -- which are both different from the PC/Mac system as well as different from each other—has been a challenging process. It has become clear that our planned June release of the console versions isn’t going to be possible. Though we have made great progress, we have concluded that we’ll need about six months to ensure we deliver the experience our fans expect and deserve.

We know that the news of an ESO console delay is as disappointing to many of you as it is to us. We want to do what we can to make it up to our fans who want to start playing now, so we have worked out the following arrangement with Sony and Microsoft:

Via a special offer, anyone who purchases and plays the PC/Mac version of The Elder Scrolls Online by the end of June will have the opportunity to transfer their character(s) to either console version when they are released. The offer will allow you to begin playing immediately on the PC/Mac, and then add the PS4 or Xbox One version and transfer the character(s) you have created and developed. And, you don’t have to pay full price for the game twice. For $20, eligible PC and Mac players will have the option to add a full, digital version of ESO on either the PS4 or the Xbox One with your character transfer(s), and another 30 days of included game time.

Whether you decide to take advantage of this offer or not, we promise to do everything we can to get the game released on both consoles as quickly as we can. We will keep everyone updated with additional details regarding character transfers, specific offer dates, when you can expect console beta to start, and of course, when ESO on consoles will launch.

Thank you for your patience and loyal support.
2014-5-21 06:55 PM

  近日Zenimax在接受采访时,表示将会采取必要的防止泄密措施,以防员工透露过多的《辐射4 | Fallout 4》与《上古卷轴6 | Elder Scroll VI》的细节。在条款中以下游戏被禁止讨论:

Fallout 4
Fallout: Nuka World
Boston Project
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls VI
Greenheart Project

  这份条款收录了所有保密的游戏名单,直到海因斯先生(Pete Hines)允许,否则将不会透露出半点细节。如果你还记得去年《辐射4》的泄露影像,那么你应该知道本作设定地点在波士顿。我们通过道具列表发现Greenheart Project很可能是《上古卷轴 | Elder Scroll》类似新作。禁止谈论这些游戏说明公司不希望未公布的作品过早暴露于世人面前。尽管《辐射4》在剧情有许多漏洞,但是贝塞斯达(Bethesda)并未处理这些问题。虽然这份条款可能只是个噱头,但我们确实非常期待《辐射4》和《上古卷轴》新作出现在今年E3展上。

2014-5-25 05:14 PM
神秘“Bethesda E3 2014 Dummy”游戏项目列表惊现

  亚马逊英国站似乎走漏了一些消息,Bethesda似乎想在E3上宣布一款新作,因为亚马逊突然上架了许多“Bethesda E3 2014 Dummy”标题的游戏,几乎面向所有主流游戏平台。

  这条消息来得太突然,我们对这款“Dummy”游戏一无所知,也没有任何猜测的线索,也不知道亚马逊是不是出现了什么内部失误,所以目前只能把这条信息当做传闻处理。而且现在亚马逊将这款游戏对应了市面上的所有游戏平台(甚至包括冷门的Wii 和PSV),可能是因为他们不知道究竟这款游戏会面向哪个平台。


  而且需要指出的是,他们列出了Wii,但却没有列出Wii U。虽然Wii有着大量用户基础,但硬件如此落后,我们实在无法相信任何登陆当代主机的游戏能够被Wii 兼容。

2014-5-29 07:24 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-5-29 07:29 PM 编辑

Bethesda announce free-to-play multiplayer game BattleCry


  领衔开发的是前Bioware奥斯丁分部负责人Rich Vogel,艺术设计由Viktor Antonov负责(代表作品《半条命2》、《耻辱》)。《战吼》的设定背景是20世纪初的一场没有枪炮的世界大战。游戏中玩家可以利用各种具有不同变化特性的近战和远程武器,包括能够转换成盾牌的宝剑,能够直穿护甲的弓箭和带有静电能量的超强利刃。

  Rich Vogel在声明中表示“战吼工作室很高兴公开这款使用工作室名称命名的新作。”《战吼》Beta PC测试预计将于2015年进行,不过今年E3展上Bethesda会公布大量细节内容。

Bethesda Softworks Announces BattleCry

Bethesda Softworks, a ZeniMax Media company, today announced BattleCry, an all-new multiplayer action combat game featuring fast-paced and frenetic 32-player battles under development at BattleCry Studios.

BattleCry is the first project for the studio since it was formed in 2012 with one goal: to create fun, high-quality online experiences for a connected world. Led by long-time industry veteran Rich Vogel, the team at BattleCry Studios is comprised of seasoned developers with decades of experience working on critically-acclaimed action and competitive multiplayer franchises. Together they have created BattleCry – a fun and accessible free-to-play game that amplifies team-based combat by combining visceral brutality, striking art direction and competitive multiplayer action to create a refreshingly new gameplay experience.

Step into a bold, expressive world envisioned by Viktor Antonov (Half-Life 2, Dishonored) where gun powder has been banned following a cataclysmic world war at the dawn of the 20th century. Traditional warfare is now a relic of the past and all conflicts are settled head-on by elite teams of chosen warriors in sanctioned WarZones. Trained and bred for battle they face off for the glory of their nations.

Choose your faction and progress your warrior through the ranks. Each rank unlocks new abilities and effects allowing deep strategic builds for your warrior on every level. Risk life and limb as the powerful Royal Marines or the fearless Cossacks in imaginative WarZones each designed to combine positioning, spacing and verticality to redefine your core combat experience. Fight with transformative melee and ranged weapons that harness iron and energy and eviscerate your opponents with swords that transform into shields, bows that can punch an arrow straight through an armored skull or electrocute your foes with high powered blades crackling with electro-static energy.

"The BattleCry team is happy to unveil the game that bears our studio’s name," said Rich Vogel, president and executive producer at BattleCry Studios. "We have been hard at work to create a fresh experience for gamers that brings together multiplayer action with visually stunning combat and are excited to share details about the game and have people play BattleCry in Bethesda’s booth at E3.

The beta for BattleCry is set to begin in 2015 for PC.

2014-7-16 06:21 PM
传闻《耻辱2(Dishonored 2)》将在科隆展Gamescom 公开 明年登陆次世代

  早在2014年3月初就有传闻称Bethesda将于2014年的E3大展中公开《耻辱》的续作《耻辱2》,而同时在网络中还流传出一张疑似包含续作标题的照片。虽然在本次E3中官方并没有公开这款续作,不过近日关于《耻辱2》的传闻再度降临。而该传闻则称这款名叫《耻辱2:泰维娅的黑暗(Dishonored 2:Darkness of Tyvia)》的新作将在今年的科隆游戏展中正式公布,并且游戏预计会于2015年登陆PS4、XBOX One和PC平台。

  日前国外媒体VG247透露了这一情报。而根据NowGamer的某个匿名情报源所提供的信息来看,本作将由Arkane 工作室负责开发,游戏将会采用新主角,不过目前尚不清楚这位新主角的身份。而且据说游戏中玩家们将有可能扮演Emily Kaldwin来进行游戏,这也暗示着本作故事的时间点可能稍晚于前作。

  但从VG247的说法来看,这些情报至少已经是一年前的内容了,因此很难从这些情报中得到太多有用的结论。不过他们日前又获得了线人所提供的新情报,该线人声称本作可能会于2015年11月登陆PS4、XBOX One和PC平台,游戏有望在8月的科隆游戏展中登场,此外他还提供了游戏PS4版的封面图。当然这些情报尚未得到官方的证实,所以目前还只能算是传闻。

2014-8-12 09:34 PM
2014-8-16 03:51 PM
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