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【PS4/XB1/PC】Beyond Good and Evil 2

2018-5-2 11:31 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-3 04:02 PM 编辑

Beyond Good and Evil 2 ‘Space Monkey Report #2’ live stream set for May 3
育碧将于 5 月 4 日进行《超越善恶2》直播 介绍开发进度

  自 E3 公布以来,育碧正式公布了《超越善恶2》(台译:《神鬼冒险 2》)对外所示处的信息算是少之又少,今日育碧宣布将于时间 5 月 4 日对本作进行一次特别直播活动,期间将针对游戏内容开发进度等进行介绍此次直播活动将在去年直播所公布内容的基础上展示更多细节。

Following its first in December 2017, Ubisoft will host the second “Space Monkey Report” live stream for Beyond Good and Evil 2 on May 3 at 9:00 a.m. PT / 12:00 p.m. ET, the company announced. You’ll be able to watch it on YouTube, Twitch, and Facebook.

“”It’s Space Monkey Report time again! Get an update on by joining us for our live stream with the dev team,” Ubisoft teased.

Beyond Good and Evil 2 was re-revealed at E3 2017 nine years after its original announcement.
2018-5-4 05:00 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-4 06:27 PM 编辑

Beyond Good and Evil 2 ‘Staff Combat and Ship Maneuvers’ gameplay

  育碧开发的《超越善恶2》(台译:《神鬼冒险 2》)开发团队在今日凌晨进行了一次直播活动,除了曝光了游戏制作进度之外,有关于本作的更多情报也一一放出。


  本作依旧由“雷曼之父”Michel Ancel操刀制作,游戏的目的就是打造一整个星系那么大的开放世界,因为世界太过庞大,所以移动就成了首先要解决的问题,在这段幕后制作视频中制作团队向我们展示了角色本身与宇宙飞船两种移动方式的设计思路。





Ubisoft has released a new work-in-progress pre-alpha gameplay video of Beyond Good and Evil 2 showcasing how players can navigate the world via jetpack and ship, how groups of co-op players can stay close when traveling at high speeds by forming an armada, and how melee combat is coming together.

Additionally, during today’s “Space Monkey Report #2” live stream, Beyond Good and Evil 2 creative director Michel Ancel said the development team is preparing many surprises for E3 2018, which runs from June 12 to 14 in Los Angeles.

Here is an overview of the game, via Ubisoft:

Journey to System 3, for the prequel to one of Ubisoft’s most beloved games! Fight alongside unforgettable characters in a stunning new solar system, as you struggle for freedom and the right to determine your own fate among the stars. Play the adventure by yourself or with friends in a vast and seamless online playground.

Beyond Good and Evil 2 is the spiritual successor to the cult classic, a prequel that will transport players into a profoundly multicultural world, capturing the spirit of the original with grandiose decors and intense dramas that play out across a vast universe. Through the Space Monkey Program, Ubisoft Montpellier will be developing the game alongside its community of fans.

System 3 has become the center of interstellar trade and colonization in the Milky Way of the 24th century, thanks to the creation of Hybrid slaves. While private enterprises fight over resources and power, the first colonists weave together the rich and diverse spiritual and cultural heritages of Old Earth to give meaning to their existence. In this new era of piracy, we will rise from lowly pirate to legendary captain at the helm of massive star-faring vessels, adventuring alongside crews of colorful characters to fight for freedom and the right to determine our own fate among the stars!

A release date and platform(s) for Beyond Good and Evil 2 have yet to be announced.
2018-5-28 10:36 AM
Beyond Good and Evil 2 private demo showcase set for E3 2018

Ubisoft will showcase a private demo of Beyond Good and Evil 2 to a few select members of the Space Monkey Program at E3 2018, the company announced in an e-mail sent out to members of the program.

Selected Space Monkeys selected will receive a free Gamer Pass to attend E3 2018 and see the demo on June 14. Travel and accommodation, however, will not be provided by Ubisoft.

Users interested in attending the E3 2018 and the private demo can RSVP here. But before doing that, you should make sure you are registered as a Space Monkey. RSVPing does not guarantee you will be selected.

Here is the full e-mail sent out to Space Monkeys:

The Beyond Good and Evil 2 team is opening up the private demo of the game to a few select members of the Space Monkey Program at this year’s E3 in Los Angeles, California. This is a unique opportunity to see first-hand the ongoing development of Beyond Good and Evil 2 and to meet the team in person!

So, inquisitive Space Monkey, how is all this going to work?

* Registered Space Monkeys who have RSVP’d to this invitation and are selected for the limited number of spaces will receive a free Gamer Pass for entry to the Los Angeles Convention Center and access to the Beyond Good and Evil 2 demo area.

More details, such as assigned demo session and meeting time / place, will be provided in the confirmation e-mail sent to the Space Monkeys selected for the Beyond Good and Evil 2 private demo.

* All Beyond Good and Evil 2 private demo sessions will take place at E3 2018 on Thursday, June 14, 2018 at 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Los Angeles Convention Center in downtown Los Angeles.

* Important: Please do not RSVP unless you know for sure that you’ll be in Los Angeles and available to see the demo on the morning of June 14.

Travel to / from Los Angeles and the Los Angeles Convention Center, accommodation, as well as any and all personal expenses related to E3 2018, are the sole responsibility of each Space Monkey selected for a private demo session. You will, however, receive a free pass for entry to E3 2018 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

* To participate, you must be a Space Monkey at least 18 years or older.

* If you’re going to be at E3 2018 and are interested in checking out the Beyond Good and Evil 2 demo, click below to register for a chance to be selected as one of our lucky Space Monkeys.

Please RSVP by June 1 (8:00 p.m. PT / 11:00 p.m. ET).

We’re excited to have this opportunity to invite a select number of Space Monkeys to experience the Beyond Good and Evil 2 demo at this year’s E3.
2018-6-12 07:05 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-13 09:38 PM 编辑

Beyond Good and Evil 2 E3 2018 cinematic trailer and pre-alpha gameplay, HitRECord partnership announced
《神鬼冒险 2》与创意平台 HitRECord 合作 邀请艺术家参与制作游戏内容

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/164047.html

  Ubisoft 今日在 E3 展现场宣布旗下《神鬼冒险 2(Beyond Good & Evil 2)》与由出演电影《神鬼黑客:史诺登》男主角的演员 Joseph Gordon-Levitt 所创立、位在洛杉矶的创意合作平台 HitRECo rd 展开跨界的合作,合力制作游戏中出现的各种内容。

  《神鬼冒险 2》为《神鬼冒险》系列续作,由 Ubisoft 蒙佩利尔(Montpellier)工作室开发。 本次将带玩家来到 24 世纪的 System 3 太阳系,这里是银河的星际殖民与贸易中枢。 私人企业剥削混血奴隶霸占各种资源,而 System 3 殖民地的居民只得在奋斗中挣扎求生,并靠着交织从旧地球带来的各式各样遗产来寻求自己的存在价值。 在这样的环境下,崭新的太空海盗时代就此展开。

  今年 Ubisoft 举办的 E3 展前发表会中,《神鬼冒险 2》资深制作人 Guillaume Brunier 与演员 Joseph Gordon-Levitt 一起登台,宣布双方展开跨界的合作,邀请具备各种技巧的各类艺术 家加入「太空猴子计划(Space Monkey Program)」,并合力制作游戏中出现的各种内容,例如海报设计、广播广告和原创音乐。

  「打从一开始,我们就想让社群以史无前例的方式参与游戏制作,」《神鬼冒险 2》创意总监 Michel Ancel 表示:「HitRECord 是创造游戏广大世界的完美合作伙伴,他们除了带来充满热情的社群,还能为游戏世界注入活力。 」

  HitRECord 创办人暨总监 Joseph Gordon-Levitt 则指出:「很开心能与 Ubisoft 以及《神鬼冒险 2》团队人员合作。 HitRECord 的宗旨在合力创作、与其他艺术家协力创作,和以他人想法为基础创作。 《神鬼冒险》的游戏世界是如此丰富且变化多端,非常适合社群合力创作,我迫不及待想瞧见我们能一起创造出什么火花! 」

  对于本次的计划,官方说明:「有兴趣贡献自己本事参与合力创作的艺术家们请到 HitRECord 网站共襄盛举;从这里能轻松链接他们的『太空猴子计划』账号。 参与的艺术家将可上传原创艺术作品、音乐等等,或是建构由其他用户贡献的内容。 《神鬼冒险 2》开发团队的重要成员将会透过创意简报以及定期评论引导整个程序的进行,并指导社群艺术家与平台上的其他人合作开发及制作最终内容。 作品被游戏收录的贡献者除了可以列名制作人员名单,还可以依据他们的贡献拿到报酬。 」此外,《神鬼冒险 2》和 HitRECord 创意团队会在整个过程中审阅贡献作品,并对社群提出意见与指导。


Ubisoft debuted a new cinematic trailer and pre-alpha gameplay, and announced a partnership with collaborative creative platform HitRECord for Beyond Good and Evil 2 during its E3 2018 press conference.

Here are the details on the HitRECord partnership, via Ubisoft.com:

Ubisoft is taking that process one step further by partnering with HitRECord – a collaborative creative platform founded by Joseph Gordon-Levitt – and inviting artists to create content for the game, such as poster designs, radio ads, and music.

Open to artists of all skill levels and fields, the partnership encourages participants to work with others – including the developers of Beyond Good and Evil 2 themselves – and will offer creative briefings to guide the process. Artists will be able to link their HitRECord and Space Monkey Program accounts, and start submitting content with the tag “BGE2” for review by the development team. Creators can submit designs or music, and can build on pre-existing content in the site’s archives. Creators will also be credited and paid for their contributions based on item type, scope of work, and intention for its use. If you’ve ever wanted to see your work appear in a major videogame, now’s your chance to make it happen.

To contribute, head to HitRECord, and link your Space Monkey Program account at hitrecord.org/bgegame.




2018-6-19 06:19 PM
育碧大作《神鬼冒险 2》将于 2019 年年底推出 Beta 测试版本

  《神鬼冒险 2》/《超越善恶2(Beyond Good and Evil 2)》的制作人Michel Ancel近日通过社交媒体确认,开发团队计划在2019年年底推出《神鬼冒险 2》的beta测试版本。

  育碧在今年的 E3 游戏展上进行了《神鬼冒险 2》的“小黑屋演示”,不过此次“小黑屋演示”只对少数几位 Space Monkey Program 的成员开放。《神鬼冒险 2》是一款非常另类的游戏作品,游戏将会带领玩家畅游拥有各种文化风俗的世界。

  《神鬼冒险 2》带有RPG元素,玩家将扮演一个太空海盗船舰的舰长。玩家将会在一个全新的太阳系中与其他角色并肩作战,你们需要努力争取自由,并且获得决定自己命运的权利。玩家既可以单人游玩,也可以在一个巨大和无缝的在线世界中与朋友们一起游戏。

  《神鬼冒险 2》目前仍然处于制作初期阶段,所以正式的发售日期仍然没有公布。
2018-9-30 07:34 AM

  《超越善恶2(Beyond Good and Evil 2)》作为育碧旗下重启开发中的太空冒险题材大作,在今年的E3展再次放出了一部全新预告。对于预告中出现的多位角色以及他们将在游戏中的具体作用,育碧在方面在近日终于给出说明,让我们通过此对游戏有更加清晰的认识。








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