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【新闻部】CD Projekt RED

2014-3-21 07:04 PM

早在去年纽约动漫展就公布的《巫师:玻璃屋》漫画终于放出了第一章,漫画由Paul Tobin主笔,Joe Querilo作画。这部漫画是CD Projekt与黑马漫画强强联手推出的系列,讲述了系列主角Geralt被困在一间闹鬼的古怪大宅里,这里充斥着无数房间,每个角落都潜藏着恐怖。主角必须依靠他的无视技能才能从这所庄园幸存,解决这里的谜题。这个迷你系列将有五章的长度,会在PC和Mac平台发布。

2014-5-15 07:01 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-5-15 06:16 PM 编辑

CD Projekt RED updates studio & The Witcher 3 logos
CD Projekt RED开发商更新游戏及工作室LOGO

  日前著名游戏开发商CD Projekt RED同时更新了工作室及旗下新作《巫师3:鬼猎 | The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt》的LOGO。


  而《巫师3:鬼猎》的新LOGO想要重点表现的则是游戏中不祥领导者之一General Eredin。

  《巫师3:鬼猎》预计将于2015年发售,其对应平台为PS4、XBOX One和PC。

New CD Projekt RED and Witcher 3 Visual Identification Unveiled

CD Projekt RED, the developer behind the critically acclaimed Witcher series of games, is excited to unveil a new image of both the studio and its leading title—The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and provides new details about the titular Wild Hunt.

Established in 2002, located in Warsaw (HQ) and Kraków, Poland, CD Projekt RED was born out of raw passion to video games. The studio’s founders—Michał Kiciński and Marcin Iwiński, both pioneers in video game distribution in Poland in the 90s, decided to employ their gaming industry experience in video game development. A lot of time has passed since 2002, and the studio’s logo remained mostly untouched. Until today.

The new REDbird logo is a combination of energy and passion for game-making the studio is known for. This is how Adam Badowski, CD Projekt RED’s Head of Studio, sees the change:

We are rebels and rebels are free. Just like birds. The Northern Cardinal, or REDbird, is what we see ourselves in the industry: intrepid, bold and confident; flying high and aiming even higher. The color, cardinal RED, is something that connects it with another bird, a mythological creature close to our cultural roots and heritage—the Rarog, a small firebird believed to bring luck to people. RED stands for energy, the inner fire that drives us; it represents something very close to everyone here in the studio—the creativity and passion we harness from within ourselves to make the best RPGs in the world.

Starting May 14th, the REDbird logo will become the new, official logo of CD Projekt RED—it will accompany all official assets and will form the core of the studio’s visual identification.

Along with the new studio logo, CD Projekt RED is thrilled to unveil the new logo of it’s most ambitious game—The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Putting the titular Wild Hunt in its center, the new logo casts the spotlight on the mask of one of its ominous leaders—general Eredin.

The Wild Hunt has always been thought to presage war, great plagues and death. Their origin unknown, these ghastly riders instilled fear in the hearts of men and are believed to be able to steal people’s spirits that would later join the cavalcade. They come at night, in the winter and their appearance is always preceded by the aurora borealis.

In The Witcher 3, the Wild Hunt are not mere bosses at the end of a corridor. They’re part of the lore, part of the system of folk beliefs, they’re both something that children say stories about to scare each other and an entity that can wipe out entire villages in one night. The Wild Hunt is essential to the whole Witcher universe and in The Witcher 3 it will finally take center stage.

The ones who command the Hunt remain a mystery even bigger than the Hunt itself. Their number and purpose are shrouded with mystery, their cold steel however is not—many have witnessed the Hunt’s atrocities, almost none survived to tell the tale.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a story-driven, next-generation open world role-playing game, set in a graphically stunning fantasy universe, full of meaningful choices and impactful consequences. In The Witcher 3, you play as Geralt of Rivia, one of a dying caste of monster hunters, and embark on an epic journey in a war-ravaged world that will inevitably lead you to confront a foe darker than anything humanity has faced so far—the Wild Hunt.

More information about the game and the Wild Hunt is planned to be released soon. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is scheduled for release on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC in February, 2015.
2014-6-6 06:45 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-6-6 06:49 PM 编辑

GOG Launches a DRM-Free Steam Competitor, GOG Galaxy


GOG.com Announces Online Gaming Platform, GOG Galaxy, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Pre-orders, and a Brand New Witcher Title

During the CD Projekt RED and GOG.com Summer Conference, GOG.com ushered in a new era of DRM-free gaming with the announcement of GOG Galaxy, its brand new technology that places unparalleled freedom over online play and connectivity back in the hands of gamers. With this an entirely optional platform, players can dive into online multiplayer portions of their favorite games, while enjoying single-player anytime they please without needing an internet connection. GOG Galaxy is designed to be a platform-agnostic online solution, allowing GOG.com and Steam players -- with more platforms to be added in the future -- to game together. An optional client will be introduced later this year to allow for easy game updating, and GOG.com has already begun working with developers to implement the technology in their games.

CD Projekt RED and GOG.com also announced the launch of an exclusive pre-order package for the highly anticipated The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, which includes beta access to the also-just-announced The Witcher Adventure Game, the first GOG Galaxy-powered title.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt pre-order offer at GOG.com includes

• An instantly-available copy of Neverwinter Nights, the award-winning Dungeons & Dragons game, an inspiration for generations of developers
• A great pre-order price and, on top of it, up to 10% off for players who already own The Witcher and its sequel The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
• A Fair Price Package for gamers living in regions where the price is higher than in the U.S.: get back the price difference in form of in-store coupons to grab other GOG.com games!
• Two multiplayer beta-access keys to The Witcher Adventure Game, coming soon
• Tons of bonus goodies such as the digital artbook, The Witcher comic book, bonus music tracks and desktop wallpapers
• Guaranteed more great goodies that will pop up during the pre-order period

You can watch a full recap of the CD Projekt RED and GOG.com Summer Conference here for all of the details about GOG Galaxy, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt pre-orders and The Witcher Adventure Game.

About GOG.com

GOG.com is the leading digital distributor of DRM-free games. With more than 750 games from more than 150+ partners, GOG.com showcases the best PC and Mac games in history, from recent indie hits to big-budget blockbusters to classic titles and everything in between.

2014-7-2 07:15 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-7-2 07:01 PM 编辑

CD Projekt is doing a free-to-play Witcher MOBA for mobile
MOBA 新作《巫師:戰鬥競技場》官網上線 扮演著名英雄進行對戰

  制作知名ARPG 系列游戏《巫师(The Witcher)》的游戏厂商CD Projekt Red 即将发表一款手机游戏新作。如今官方正式证实了这项传言! 《巫师:战斗竞技场(暂译,英文原名:The Witcher: Battle Arena)》(iOS / Android / WP)预计在今年第四季推出,是一款可让玩家扮演《巫师》系列英雄的多人竞技(MOBA)游戏。
  目前游戏官网已公布了八名《巫师》系列中的人气角色,其中包括了术士Philippa Eilhart、松鼠党首领Iorveth 与杰洛特的忠实矮人伙伴Zoltan Chivay 等。官方强调每一位游戏内可让玩家选择的英雄,都可施展独一无二的多项技能,可让玩家打造专属的角色玩法路线。

  官方表示,《巫师:战斗竞技场》是一款专为行动装置打造的游戏,主旨是希望玩家可以随时随地进行一场时间不会太长,却又十分刺激的对战体验。而延续了制作团队CD Projekt RED 的特色,只要玩家愿意,本作的所有内容都无需花费即可解锁,对此官方特别强调游戏的所有系统设计均会相当平衡,且不会让玩家耗费太多时间在解锁单一内容。官方承诺,只有当玩家想要快速解开某个内容时才需要付费,且价格也会相当合理。
  至于游戏玩法的部份,《巫师:战斗竞技场》将会采取3 vs 3 的模式,一开始双方都有着固定的分数,玩家必须设法占领地图上的战略据点吸取对方队伍的分数,一旦对方分数归零即告胜利。游戏未来也会加入更多的玩法与模式,详情官方将会陆续公开。
  《巫师:战斗竞技场(The Witcher: Battle Arena)》预定今年第四季推出,届时将会在iOS、Android 与WP 平台发行。


Official Website - http://thewitcher.com/twba

Fight, die, and then fight some more in: The Witcher Battle Arena

The Witcher Battle Arena is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game in which players take control of iconic and powerful characters from the Witcher universe.

Fight alone or together with your friends, clash with opponents from all over the world and earn experience and valuable resources. Develop strategies and tactics to best suit your playing style and deploy them on the battlefield to show everyone who’s boss!

Available soon on iOS, Android and Windows Phone.

About The Game

War between the kingdoms of the north and the Nilfgaardian Empire tears the land apart. This is a conflict of unparallelled brutality and devastation--a total war. Old alliances have been destroyed and friendships have perished, leaving only trails of bodies and the sound of daggers being sharpened in the shadows. The lost souls displaced by this chaos must forge new destinies. Some lend themselves to the war effort, others decide to seek glory elsewhere. The latter often come to the Nilfgaardian Arena, a dark and bloody place where gladiators fight to the death for gold and the ultimate prize--the emperor’s respect.

Become characters known from the Witcher series such as the kingslayer Letho, the dwarven brawler Zoltan Chivay, the mysterious Operator or the powerful sorceress Philippa Eilhart, and fight for glory, for justice, for honor... or just because that is what you love doing the most.

Main Game Features

• Accessibility and gameplay above all - The interface and gameplay were designed specifically with mobile devices in mind. Short and intense matches cater to your mobile gaming tastes and promise an exciting adventure on the go.

• Free Gaming done right! - Everything in the game is unlockable for free, just by playing the game. Our system is honest, well balanced and doesn’t keep you playing for ages to unlock something. If you want to get something unlocked faster, you can purchase it for a reasonable price. It’s that simple.

• Unique heroes - Each hero in the game features an array of unique skills and offers his or her own meta-game style. Try them all, pick your favorite and prepare tactics that will obliterate your opponents in online combat.

• Solo and teamplay ready - Play with your friends in an exciting 3 vs. 3 mode, group together against mischievous bots, or play alone if your internet decides to take the day off.

• A friendly, supportive community - The Witcher Battle Arena is as much your game as it is ours. As developers, we’re in constant, direct contact with you via our developer blog and social media channels. Speak your mind, we care.
2014-8-23 07:04 AM
The Witcher Battle Arena debuts first gameplay, Android beta sign-ups begin

2014-11-14 07:00 AM
2014-11-29 07:08 AM

2016-3-11 07:22 PM


  在波兰游戏开发商CD PROJECT的2015年度财政业绩报告直播上,总裁Adam Kiciński向大众展示了到2021年为止,公司未来5年的主要经营战略计划。


  CDPR计划在2016年,除了按原定计划推出《巫师3:狂猎》第二个大型剧情DLC《血与酒》(Blood and Wine)外,CD PROJECT RED工作室(以下简称“CDPR”)还将推出“一种前所未见的全新电子游戏形式”,Adam Kiciński表示近期还不会透露这个新计划相关消息,但未来一定会让玩家们明白这句话的意思,他还暗示目前公司仍在“实验”和做一些“从来没有人做过的事”的阶段。这个神秘新计划令人不禁联想到他们不久前发布的一系列招聘信息。


  此外,本次报告还提到了CD PROJECT在未来5年内,也就是2021年前计划推出2款新游戏,一款是公布后突然没有后续消息的《赛博朋克2077》,另一款是神秘3A级RPG新作。关于《赛博朋克2077》,Adam Kiciński表示游戏将和《巫师3》一样计划在PS4、Xbox One和PC平台推出。CDPR负责人Adam Badowski表示由于《巫师3》为之后的新作设立了一个非常高的起点,《赛博朋克2077》想要超越它还需要做很大量的工作,未来的成品需要比原计划“更好、更庞大、更具革命性”,这也是为什么游戏一直没有更多开发进度消息的原因。CDPR希望《赛博朋克2077》成为一款优秀的游戏,一款比《巫师3》更“大”更好的游戏。


  至于刚公布的神秘3A级RPG新作,Adam Kiciński坚定地拒绝透露任何相关消息,目前能知道的只有这款游戏的开发周期将和《赛博朋克2077》一样定在2017年到2021年。同时Adam Kiciński还透露CD PROJECT将加大投资力度,未来工作室面积至少扩大一倍、开发人员从400人增至800人以上,并将分成4组分别负责不同游戏的开发。


  另一方面,由CD PROJECT运营的GOG.com计划将发行一款独立于《巫师》系列之外的3A级游戏,GOG Galaxy也将进一步拓展新的产品特色和联网技术,以及已承诺加入的Early Access功能。

https://www.cdprojekt.com/resour ... ts_presentation.pdf
2016-6-9 07:25 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-9 07:08 PM 编辑

CD Projekt trademarks 'Gwent: The Witcher Card Game' logo
CD Project 制作组注册昆特牌相关商标

  CD Project RED工作室在欧洲商标局注册了一个名为《昆特牌:巫师卡牌游戏(Gwent:The Witcher Card Game)》的新商标

  昆特牌是《巫师3:狂猎》中一个非常受欢迎的小游戏,在原作发售后就有玩家希望制作团队单独推出相关的游戏。目前我们尚不能知道这款作品公布的时间,或许在下周举行的E3大展上,CD Project RED工作室就会为我们带来本作的详情。

2016-6-14 06:49 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-19 06:53 AM 编辑

【E3 16】《巫师》系列衍生游戏《昆特牌》Beta 测试招募中

  今(14)日微软于 E3 展前举行的 Xbox E3 2016 Briefing 活动中,公开了衍生自《巫师》系列中的小游戏「昆特牌(Gwent)」所独立出的同名游戏。

  《昆特牌(Gwent: The Witcher Card Game)》是衍生自《巫师》的卡牌游戏。 而在今日的展前发表会上,官方释出了首支宣传影片。

  《昆特牌》预定于 Xbox One 以及 Windows 平台发售,并于 9 月释出 Beta 版,而官方也于释出宣传影片的同时,公开了 Beta 版的测试招募网址,对于游戏有兴趣的玩家可至招募网址观看更多详细信息。


Gwent: The Witcher Card Game Announced for Xbox One & PC

Introducing Gwen: The Witcher Card Game

In Gwent, you’ll clash with your friends in fast-paced duels that combine bluffing, on-the-fly decision making and careful deck construction. The game is played over a best-of-three series of rounds, as players unleash their hand by slinging spells and diverse units with special abilities and use clever tricks to deceive their opponents.

Sign up for the Closed Beta here today!

Gwent will be available at release for Xbox One, PC and PlayStation 4, Gwent is a free to play game that puts you, not your cards, in the center of the action.

“I would like to thank all the fans for supercharging us to make standalone Gwent happen. Thousands of e-mails in dozens of languages coming from all around the world, the phone calls, the forum posts, and more than 40 fan made versions – all this, and everything in between, didn’t go unnoticed,” said Marcin Iwiński, CD PROJEKT co-founder. “Yes, we were mysteriously quiet after the launch of The Witcher 3, but during all this time we were hard at work on what we just unveiled today – Gwent: The Witcher Card Game. We’ve taken all that heart and energy you gave us and put it into Gwent,” continues Iwiński. "If you enjoyed Gwent in The Witcher 3, I think I don’t have to convince you to sign-up for beta. If you hadn’t tried it yet, there’s no better time. Go register, play the beta for free starting from September and share your feedback with us. Tell us what you like, and what you don’t. Tell us what we should change or improve. We made this game for you, so let’s shape it together."

For more information check out the official Gwent website here.

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