State of Decay: Lifeline DLC Trailer, Release Date Revealed
《腐烂国度》是由Undead Labs工作室所制作的丧尸类题材开放世界动作生存游戏,本作已经于2013年6月登陆XBLA。日前官方确认本作的第二弹DLC“生命线(Lifeline)”将于2014年5月30日发售,其售价为6.99美元。现在官方也放出了该DLC的最新宣传片,下面就请大家一起来欣赏一下。
One Step Closer: Lifeline Trailer, Date, Price
Thanks to IGN for hosting! Head over there to for the world debut of the trailer for State of Decay: Lifeline.
That’s right. May 30. $6.99. If all goes well this week, you’ll be playing Lifeline (and the accompanying free Title Update, featuring Rucks in Trucks) by this weekend. If all goes well, this may be the first time in gaming history that a game was released BEFORE the official public target. It’s a long story, best told over copious quantities of frosty beverages, but the short version is that both the Undead Labs team and the crew at Microsoft has been burning the midnight oil to make this happen before State of Decay celebrates its first birthday.
We are now in final certification. (If you’re really into learning How Things Work, check out this link from a year ago where we explain what that means.) If you believe that good wishes and good thoughts count for anything, please send some our way to help ensure we hit our target release date. As always, your support is everything to us.
Keep an eye on our Twitter feed, our Facebook page, or our forum, as we celebrate the launch with contests and games. (And if you’ve got a thriving website or YouTube channel, and you know you can get at least a “first look” review posted before the weekend, email me! (sanya at undeadlabs dot com)
Last but not least – join us for a live Twitch with Geoffrey, Brant, and introducing QA’s own ChrisP on Tuesday, where they will play Lifeline, answer questions, give away codes, and as always, die horribly because they’re squinting at the chat window instead of paying attention to the zombies. Our hosts, as always, are the Xbox gang ( and the party starts at 11 AM PDT/2 PM EDT/7 PM GMT. Hope to see you there!
We hope you enjoy the Lifeline trailer as much as we enjoyed pulling the footage for it. If you haven’t already, be sure to watch all the way to the very end.
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