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【TPS】State of Decay - Expansion Pack宣布

2013-9-22 07:13 AM
《腐烂国度》登陆PC平台 但并不支持键鼠操作

开发商Undead Labs表示,开发世界型僵尸游戏《腐烂国度》今天晚些时候将会通过Steam平台发行早期版本。


Undead Labs澄清目前发售的这个版本为一个“测试版本”,并不适合用来进行评价。“该版本并不完美,仍有可能造成崩溃。”

另外,开发商还表示目前这个版本的游戏并不支持鼠标和键盘游戏(这还是PC版吗?……),至少现在还不支持。当前这个早期版本需要通过一个Xbox360手柄或者兼容的第三方手柄,另外通过Undead Labs给出的信息,公司还没有对非微软手柄做很多的测试。

2013-10-10 07:10 AM

最近,《腐烂国度》的游戏开发商Undead Labs公司决定为该作推出一款名为“Breakdown”(崩溃)的DLC,这款DLC将带给玩家们一次前所未有的生存挑战,玩家们将有望在游戏世界中彻底“崩溃”。


但是,如果你认为这部DLC只是增加游戏难度这么简单,那你就大错特错了,改变的不只是僵尸朋友,整个游戏系统也发生了不小的变化。Undead Labs对游戏的地图资源收集与分享系统做了大幅改善,目的是让玩家们更加公平的分配有限的资源。同时,地图中车辆的强度也得到了一定修改,载具资源将变得更为珍贵与重要,为了防止部分狂热的游戏玩家在游戏中使用车辆来肆意碾压僵尸,在车辆损坏后又肆无忌惮的更换新车,载具的再生速度将会大幅下降,车辆再也不会随处可见。总体说来,只有在《腐烂国度》的世界中与僵尸朋友们和谐相处,玩家才能活的更加长久一些,敌人的强大与作战资源的稀缺,使得玩家们不得不更加战战兢兢的过日子。的确,这“崩溃”的名字可不是盖得!

《腐烂国度》最新“Breakdown”DLC将会在今年10月底率先发布于Xbox 360平台。Undead Labs还未提及有关DLC的PC版本,虽然最近游戏的本体PC版才刚刚推出不久。

State of Decay 'Breakdown' DLC planned for late October

Almost to the Breakdown

Hola fellow survivors,

Today I’m happy to announce that our first DLC for State of Decay, ‘Breakdown’, has been delivered to Microsoft for pre-certification testing. This means the game is content-and-feature complete, and all that remains is to squash any remaining bugs and make final tweaks to tuning and balance.

So what happens from here?

First, our excellent QA team at Microsoft will spin up multiple teams on two continents for around-the-clock testing. Most of these guys were involved with State of Decay, so they are not only able to find bugs - which is always an essential task - but also help us understand where we are and are not hitting the mark for the survival experience we’re working hard to create. These guys are hard-working, passionate badasses, and we’re glad they’ve got our backs.

Through next week the QA teams will be playing Breakdown, logging any issues they find, and sending feedback to the development team. We’ll spend our - probably quite long - days reviewing, prioritizing, and squashing bugs, and incorporating the design feedback from the QA teams, members of our publishing team at Microsoft, and of course our own developers here at the Lab.

The plan is to have all that wrapped up and submit formally to certification testing at the end of next week. As we’ve said before, we like to be transparent about our plans, but things could change. Our test team could turn up some huge game-screwing design flaw next week. We might make a mistake in the packaging format and fail certification. The government shutdown could close down the internetz. Anything could happen.

But, assuming no catastrophes, we plan on getting Breakdown into your hands by the end of October.

If you want to know more about the design goals for Breakdown, make sure to read Undead Lab designer Geoffrey Card’s post.

We’ll do our best to survive the rest of the month; then it’s your turn.


大家有玩腐烂国度State of Decay吗?

2013-11-13 01:50 PM
如果你喜欢Walking Dead电视剧的话,那就不要错过这部游戏!
真的很有Walking Dead的feel...
2013-11-17 08:52 AM
State of Decay ‘Breakdown’ DLC Coming November 29

State of Decay: Breakdown Coming November 29th

We are excited to announce the release date for our first DLC! It will be on both XBLA and Steam on Friday, November 29th, and cost $6.99.

Our first expansion comes largely from you and your dreams. Less story, more survival. Long-term survival. More difficulty. New achievements, survivors, and weapons. We hope you have as much fun with it as we have.

By the way, Title Update 4 hits the game on the same day, with bug fixes and goodies like the new loot distribution system. Steam players, your fully remappable keybind feature will hit a few days before that. I’ll have notes for all of that next week.

Keep your eyes on our forum, our Facebook and our Twitter as we celebrate the impending launch with contests and general shenanigans. And tell your friends!




Undead Labs官方近日公布了《腐烂国度》首部DLC的发售日期。这款DLC将于11月29日周五登陆XBLA和STEAM,售价为6.99美元。


2013-11-17 11:18 AM
这部游戏是注重multi player的?
2013-12-28 12:38 PM
2013-12-30 07:31 PM
无无明亦无 发表于 2013-11-17 11:18 AM
这部游戏是注重multi player的?

2014-1-12 05:45 AM

  《腐烂国度》的开发商Undead Labs日前宣布,他们与微软工作室签署了一项新协议,他们会延长其与微软工作室的开发合作关系。

  “我们会在晚些时候公布协议细节,而有关《腐烂国度》新作,我们会在用语言描述其之前,尽量多低头做一些事情,比如建立一些游戏原型。”Undead Labs的领导者Jeff Strain说道:“目前我们可以说的就是,我们会以《腐烂国度》为核心做一些大事情。”

  最后Jeff Strain也向玩家们表示了感谢之情:“多亏了我们工作人员的辛勤劳动,和玩家们的支持和鼓励,让我们的梦想仍在继续。我们知道达到这个目标还需要很长的路,但是如果不是玩家们的肯定,这个梦想显然已经不复存在了,感谢玩家们帮助我们促成这样的事情。”

State of Decay dev signs multi-year, multi-title agreement with Microsoft Studios

The Road Ahead

Hola fellow survivors,

I wanted to let you know we’ve signed a multi-year, multi-title agreement to extend our development relationship with Microsoft Studios. We’ll be able to share details later this year, but as with State of Decay, we think it’s best if we just keep our heads down and build some prototypes before we talk too much. For now, suffice it to say there are big things going on with State of Decay.

If this were a press release, we’d have carefully vetted quote from Phil Spencer, head of Microsoft Studios, expressing Microsoft’s excitement as well. But pictures speak louder than words, and we think Phil spoke pretty loudly during the keynote at E3 last year.

Thanks to Phil and everyone on our hard working team at Microsoft Studios for believing in State of Decay!

And most of all, thanks to all of you for your ongoing support, encouragement, and enthusiasm for State of Decay. We know how far we’d have gotten if it hadn’t been for your spreading the word, and it definitely wouldn’t be here. You made this happen.

It’s been a long haul from the original vision to this point, and the road ahead of us will take years to travel. We hope you’re up for the trip, because we can’t do it without you.

2014-2-12 07:14 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-12 07:26 PM 编辑

Undead Labs Confirms 'Lifeline' Expansion for State of Decay

  Undead Labs工作室日前公布了《腐烂国度(State of Decay)》的最新续作——《腐烂国度:生命线((State of Decay: Lifeline)》,该作将登陆XBLA和PC平台。


Throw Me a Lifeline

We are super excited to unveil the name and logo of our second expansion pack. It’s called “State of Decay: Lifeline.” Judging from the chatter on Twitter and Facebook, this may be relevant to your interests, as the saying goes.

No, there is no final release date. We are just now digging into the internal playtest process (which is how our favorite stalkers players on Steam found out about the title a couple of days ago – with PC testing, we are playing using Steam, so we can experience it the way you do). We’re not yet ready to discuss features or make promises. All we can tell you is that it will offer you a new way to play your favorite survival game, that we intend to launch on PC and the Xbox 360 at the same time, and that yes, it will broaden your horizons by a few kilometers.

Fine, I’ll say it straight up: There’s a new map, okay?

We’re hard at work, though, and we’re close to having everything nailed down. Look for Geoffrey’s design article before the end of the month. Meanwhile, check out Lifeline’s snazzy new logo.
2014-4-22 06:30 PM
《腐烂国度|State of Decay》第二弹DLC生命线确认于6月发售

  《腐烂国度》是由Undead Labs工作室所制作的丧尸类题材开放世界动作生存游戏,本作已经于2013年6月登陆XBLA。而此前官方也确定将推出本作的第二弹DLC“生命线(Lifeline)”,日前他们终于确认该DLC将于2014年6月发售。


  Undead Studios的创始人Jeff Strain表示“生命线”DLC的价格尚未确定,不过或许与第一弹DLC“崩溃(Breakdown)”一样是6.99美元。当然具体情报还有待官方公开,请玩家们继续关注后续报道。
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