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【新闻】Bioware 新闻部 - Mass Effect 4

2014-5-8 07:34 AM
《质量效应4 | Mass Effect 4》或抛弃数字 定名《质量效应:接触 | Mass Effect:Contract》

  《质量效应》新作很有可能在E3展台上公布,今天我们收到了有关其标题可能性的消息。业界人士Ahsan Rasheed有着不错的过往爆料记录,今天带来的就是他的爆料。

  根据Rasheed的说法,新作定名不会是《质量效应4》,而是《质量效应:_ _nt_ _t》剩下的字母还遮着呢。外媒研究了半天,觉得最有可能的标题就是《质量效应:接触》(Contact)。主要是没有其它单词适合放在《质量效应》游戏这个环境里了。

2014-7-15 04:58 PM

  EA公司在E3 2014中终于为大家展示了《质量效应4》的首段预告影像,虽然官方并没有公开游戏的详细情报,不过已经足以让玩家们充满期待。而日前外媒更爆料称,游戏开发商BioWare公司将在即将举行的圣地亚哥动漫展(SDCC)中为大家介绍这款系列最新作的新情报。

  根据国外媒体的报道,BioWare埃德蒙顿工作室和蒙特利尔工作室的开发成员将在该展会中主持一个名为“开发《质量效应》新作”的主题活动。而该活动将在当地时间2014年7月26日下午举行,届时首席动画师Carl Boulay、制作人Fabrice Condominas、Mike Gamble、高级美术师Noel Lukasewich以及社区经理Jessica Merizan军将登场,为大家分享他们在制作《质量效应》新作时的经历,并谈论新作未来的可能性。

2014-7-27 07:38 AM
BioWare 'You've been chosen' Teaser ~ Gamescom Reveal (Shadow Realms?)

  日前打造了《质量效应》及《龙腾世纪》系列的BioWare工作室公开了一段名为“噩梦(Nightmare)”的神秘预告片,预示着某款新作的到来,而从官网信息来看本作的标题或许是《You’ve Been Chosen》。该视频描述了某个男人睡觉时做恶梦的故事,虽然这仅是一个长度仅为41秒的预告短片,不过我们从中可以体会到十足的紧张感。


2014-7-28 05:06 PM
《质量效应(Mass Effect)》新作首批细节公开 Mako战车回归







2014-8-1 07:43 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-1 06:32 PM 编辑

BioWare releases second teaser for new project
BioWare新作第二弹预告片命名星火 科隆Gamescom公布


  目前这个项目还没有确定一个标题,上周有传闻称该作可能叫“影子国度(Shadow Realms)”,具体公开时间确定于2014年8月13日。

2014-8-2 07:34 AM
2014-8-7 07:16 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-7 06:24 PM 编辑


  继此前BioWare公司先后公开其神秘新作的两段预告影像后,现在他们又公开了本作的第三段预告片而,本次的预告片名为“冲击(Impact)”。目前本作还没有正式公开这款新作,不过有传闻称本作可能被命名为“影子国度(Shadow Realms)”。而BioWare将在科隆游戏展中正式公开本作。

2014-8-8 07:39 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-8 06:07 PM 编辑


  今天,在BioWare工作16年,制作《质量效应》三部曲的知名制作人Casey Hudson 宣布从BioWare离职。

  Casey Hudson 称此次离职是需要做些必要的修正,并为人生的下一阶段寻找灵感。

  而对于BioWare来说,新的IP刚刚立项,《质量效应》续作又在紧张筹备,Casey Hudson的离职可谓是不小的损失。

Mass Effect executive producer Casey Hudson leaves BioWare

Casey Hudson’s Departure from BioWare/EA

From Aaryn Flynn, BioWare Studio General Manager

After nearly 16 years of game development at BioWare, Executive Producer Casey Hudson has made the decision to move on from BioWare and enter a new stage of his career. We thank Casey for his hard work and dedication as we look back on his time with BioWare.

Starting as a Technical Artist on Neverwinter Nights and MDK2, Casey moved into the Project Director role with 2003’s Game of the Year Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. He then led the team in the development of the Mass Effect trilogy, an award-winning series that I and many others consider to be one of the most important science-fiction universes of our generation. Casey’s focus on production quality, digital acting technology, and emotionally engaging narrative has made a substantial impact on BioWare and the video game industry as a whole.

Casey shared his thoughts with his colleagues in a letter earlier today

“After what already feels like a lifetime of extraordinary experiences, I have decided to hit the reset button and move on from BioWare. I’ll take a much needed break, get perspective on what I really want to do with the next phase of my life, and eventually, take on a new set of challenges.

Though there’s never an easy time to make a change like this, I believe this is the best time for it. The foundation of our new IP in Edmonton is complete, and the team is ready to move forward into pre-production on a title that I think will redefine interactive entertainment. Development for the next Mass Effect game is well underway, with stunning assets and playable builds that prove the team is ready to deliver the best Mass Effect experience to date. And the Dragon Age: Inquisition team is putting the final touches on a truly ambitious title with some of the most beautiful visuals I’ve seen in a game.

But while I feel that the time has come, this is without a doubt the most difficult decision of my career. BioWare is as magical a place today as it was when I started. The projects we are working on are some of the most exciting and prestigious in the world. The talent in our teams is second to none. And the people here are some of my closest friends. I’ve spent more time with many of you than my own family, and I have enjoyed every day of it.”

Casey also had a message of appreciation for BioWare fansy

“Long before I worked in games, I was fascinated by their ability to transport me to places where amazing and memorable experiences awaited. When I made my very first asset that I knew would actually make it into a game (the laser bolt in MDK2!) I couldn’t believe how fortunate I was to contribute in some small way to the process of creating interactive entertainment.

Now, having led the development of four major titles, I’m profoundly appreciative of the role I’ve been able to play in creating these games. The very idea that so many of you have enjoyed spending time in the worlds we’ve created is the defining achievement of my career, and it’s your support over the years that made it all possible.

Thank you.

I know that I leave our projects in great hands, and I join you in looking forward to playing them.”

As we say a fond farewell, I know I speak on behalf of the entire studio when I say that we will be forever grateful for Casey’s hard work, passion, and everything he has taught us over the years – a methodical dedication to quality, a spirit of teamwork and camaraderie, and putting fans above everything else. But most of all, Casey has challenged every one of us in the studio to be better tomorrow than we were today. It is in that spirit that as we finish Dragon Age: Inquisition, we will continue working on the next Mass Effect game and our new IP project, confident in our goals and progress.

Thank you Casey. This is not an ending, but a new beginning.

2014-8-13 07:31 AM
2014-11-8 07:30 AM
New Mass Effect 4 concept art

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