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【PS/ XBOX】Grand Theft Auto 5 - Heist 3月10号大更新Online 内容

2013-11-2 07:20 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-3 06:29 AM 编辑

(Updated Nov 1) Grand Theft Auto Online Update

Update (Nov 1): Currently, we expect the next title update (1.05) addressing player progress loss issues to be available sometime early next week. Following that, we hope to deliver everyone’s GTA$ Stimulus Package before the end of next week. A big thank you to GTA Online players worldwide for your continued patience and understanding and we will continue to keep you all updated.

Thank you to everyone for joining in GTA Online throughout this first month of its release, for all of your awesome Online Snapmatic pics and Crew videos that we’ve spotted, for your patience and understanding as we’ve been working through the initial teething issues of launching an online experience like this, and for your excellent feedback to the official GTAOnline@rockstargames.com email address. Please keep it coming as it is really helping us plan for the future of the game. Here’s a quick update for all Grand Theft Auto Online players worldwide on what’s in store in the immediate future.

We know many of you are anxiously waiting for us to show you the GTA$ Stimulus Package money we announced a couple weeks back. As mentioned in that post, we of course want to ensure that game progress loss issues are sufficiently sorted before distributing the GTA$ to everyone. We have a few more tweaks and fixes to make in a new title update that will hit sometime next week and then we will distribute the cash.

Coming in early November will be the first add-on content update, the Beach Bum Pack which will bring all-new beach themed vehicles and new weaponry that you’ll be able to use in both GTA Online and Story Mode. Plus new customization options for your GTA Online character including new tats, hairstyles and more. We’ll also be adding lots of brand new action-packed Jobs to play with Gang Attacks, Survivals, Last Team Standings, Parachutes, Deathmatches and Races that will have you bloodying up the waters and coastlines of the finest beach resorts across Los Santos and Blaine County.

We are also working to bring you the debut of the first part of the GTA Online Content Creator this fall – giving players the ability to craft, publish, rate and play custom-made Deathmatch and Race Jobs. We’ll be keeping our eye open for exceptional ones that we’ll be stamping as ‘Rockstar Verified’ and will be featuring them here at the Newswire and as part of forthcoming GTA Online Social Club Events. Both the Content Creator and the Beach Bum Pack are free.

Starting in November will be the first Grand Theft Auto Online Social Club Event weekends which will bring special rewards and bonuses ranging from limited-edition in-game Event Crate Drops to in-game discount specials and even a special new GTA Online live-stream show hosted by Rockstar at the Social Club Events page and Rockstar Games Twitch page – plus prize pack giveaways of hard to find GTAV gear and more.

Stay tuned as we hope to have more information with more details and specific timings on these content updates as well as on GTA Online Heists and the new GTA Online Capture the Flag mode to share with you next week. We will also have initial details on more additional content coming for both Story Mode and GTA Online in the next few weeks.

Newswire:http://www.rockstargames.com/new ... -online-update.html

《侠盗猎车OL》补丁下周放出 金钱发放届时开启


《侠盗猎车OL》正在逐步趋于完善,R星在推出最后的大型补丁的同时也将开始50W美元的游戏内金钱大放送业务,预计下周早些时候推出补丁,几天以后开始发放游戏金钱,相信到时候Los Santos城会变得更加疯狂。
2013-11-4 10:51 PM
2013-11-5 10:13 PM
2013-11-6 09:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-7 07:37 AM 编辑

New GTA Online Title Update 1.05

The newest automatic title update for GTA Online is now available for both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. As mentioned previously, this update addresses some residual issues where occasionally people's vehicles or vehicle modifications were disappearing due to a cloud save failure - as well as the other fixes mentioned below:

  • Built in measures to prevent users from losing their progress when there is a cloud outage
  • Built in a number of measures to protect players’ cash balances even if there are network problems
  • Fixed an issue where on rare occasions during network problems the player could lose their Online vehicle or mods after exiting GTA Online

    Of course, if you're still experiencing any other technical problems, please visit our support website to contact our support team and subscribe to the GTA Online Launch Status article. You can also shoot us a quick message at the Rockstar Support Twitter.

We also encourage you to send any constructive gameplay feedback you have to us at our GTAOnline@rockstargames.com address, as we continue to monitor it for all the latest suggestions for tweaking and improving the experience of GTA Online.

On a related note, we anticipate the GTA$ Stimulus to be distributed in the next couple of days following this Title Update. The Stimulus will go out over the course of a full day once it's initiated so don't be alarmed if people on your friends list receive it before or later than you do. Enjoy and we certainly appreciate your patience and understanding as we sort out these remaining issues.

《侠盗猎车OL》最新更新 全新载具武器等你拿



本月末,《侠盗猎车OL》会加入其第一个内容更新:“Beach Bum”内容包和职业创建工具。这个更新包会包含4种全新的载具,2种新武器和超过300个物品。职业创建工具则可以让玩家创造属于自己的自定义竞赛和死亡竞技。
2013-11-14 07:07 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-22 07:26 AM 编辑

GTA Online Beach Bum free update arrives next week


GTA Online Free Beach Bum Update Hits Next Week: New Weapons, Vehicles, Jobs and More

Get ready to tear up the coast and kick up some sand with the free Grand Theft Auto Online Beach Bum update that will be coming next week Tuesday November 19th. All the new Beach Bum content will be added automatically to GTA Online through our next title update (1.06), and will include two new weapons, a quartet of rugged and fun new vehicles for land and sea, lots of new action-packed Jobs, plus a wide variety of suitably rad new apparel, hairstyle and tattoo customization options. Read on for more details.

New Jobs

The Beach Bum update will bring a slew of new action-packed Jobs to GTA Online next week. These include new beach-themed Races, Deathmatches, Parachutes, Last Team Standings, Survivals as well as Gang Attacks for those who enjoy a good territorial skirmish.

Here are just a few of our favorite new ones that are on the way:

• "Grass Route II" (Race): In this sequel to the original popular Grass Route Race, go off-road in an epic heat starting on the North bank of the Zancudo River through the treacherous wetlands with a triumphant finish on the beach in North Chumash.

• "Survival on Del Perro Pier" (Survival): Skip the ferris wheel for a deadlier kind of thrill ride as you take on waves of relentless enemies at this beachfront attraction.

• "View of Vespucci" (Parachuting): This leap sends you from 2,980 feet, down towards Vespucci Beach, weaving through palm trees to land on the basketball courts of the rec center. If you've got skills, it's possible to freefall through the first few checkpoints before even opening your chute.

• "Paleto Beach" (Team Deathmatch): The locals complain that not a lot happens in this sleepy town, so do them a favor and wake 'em up with a barrage of gunfire exchanged between you and a rival team. This Team Deathmatch takes place right on the romantic shoreline for 4-8 players.

• "Sundae Driving" (Bike Race): Sure to be a new fan-favorite motorbike race, menace Vespucci Beach on your two-wheel rocket, taking breakneck corners as you try and best the competition.

Expect these and lots more Jobs to be added to Grand Theft Auto Online next week.

New Vehicles

Hit the shore with four sand-and-surf-ready vehicles perfect to take on the all new Beach Bum Races and Vehicle Deathmatches: the BF Bifta dune buggy, the rugged Canis Kalahari off-road truck, the Bravado Paradise beach camper van and making a special return to the GTA series, the fast and stylish Speeder speedboat. All four vehicles will be available at no in-game cost, with the land-based vehicles accessible from the southernsanandreassuperautos.com website and the Speeder available via docktease.com on your in-game phone (call Pegasus for delivery). These vehicles are also available in Story Mode for Michael, Trevor and Franklin to enjoy - to access them, visit your garage property and the Marina property for the vehicles and the boat respectively.

New Weapons

Expand your arsenal with two new free weapons - the compact yet deadly SNS Pistol and the brutal new Broken Bottle melee weapon which is quite effective at delivering the appropriate message in up close and personal encounters. Each weapon will be available gratis from any Ammu-Nation location in GTA Online and will be added straight into each of the three characters' inventory in Story Mode.

New Customization Options

You'll be able to deck out your GTA Online character with all new beach-ready customization options including stylish board shorts, neon surfer attire, wild tribal tattoos, shaggy hair for that West Coast laissez-faire vibe and more...

This is just the first of many new content updates we're working on for Grand Theft Auto Online in the weeks and months ahead. Please stay tuned here at the Newswire for word on the forthcoming Content Creator, full on cooperative Heists, and GTA Online's take on Capture the Flag - plus info on some exciting new Story Mode updates as well. We'll have new info to share on all of this very soon.

Rockstar Newswire:http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/51796/gta-online-free-beach-bum-update-hits-next-week-new-weapons-vehi.html

GTA Online title update 1.06 out now

Rockstar has pushed out a new automatic title update for GTA Online. Update 1.06 addresses various issues and improves the player experience.

Below are the full roundup of points addressed:

  • Fixed an issue where the game would delete your personal Vehicle if you have another player in it when you add a Tracker and Insurance.
  • Fixed an issue where players could become stuck on the aerial view when entering GTA Online with cloud servers down and having just launched a mini-game.
  • Fixed an issue where the mission ‘Damaged Goods’ would start even though it had previously been completed.
  • Fixed an issue where under rare circumstances players couldn’t claim back their personal vehicle in GTA Online.
  • Fixed an issue where under rare circumstances players were able to get the Declasse Sheriff SUV into Los Santos Customs and respray it causing the menus to malfunction.
  • Fixed an issue where in rare circumstances players would lose all personal vehicles after being idle kicked and unable to rejoin an online session.
  • Fixed an issue where players could occasionally get stuck after killing a pedestrian with a golf ball.
  • Corrected an exploit where players would retain their personal vehicle after selling it at Los Santos Customs mod shop by transitioning back and forth between Story Mode and Online.
  • Corrected an exploit where players could keep repeatedly selling a Bati 801 to Los Santos Customs.
  • Corrected an exploit where players were able to duplicate vehicles by accepting a Mission while leaving a high-end garage.
  • Corrected an exploit where a player could start a Team Deathmatch with all players on the same team.
  • Players are no longer able to delete their GTA Online character while the Rockstar cloud servers are unavailable.

Various adjustments have also been to GTA Online. The dynamic tuning list is as follows:

  • The Bad Sport penalty for destroying personal vehicles has been reduced significantly.
  • Players will no longer receive a Bad Sport penalty when they are in a non-moving tank and other players crash a vehicle into them.
  • The GTA$ and RP rewards for Races, Deathmatches and Parachuting are now based on the average time they take to complete.
  • Players now receive GTA$ and RP rewards when failing a cooperative Job or being a member of the losing team during a Versus Mission, depending on how long the Job / Mission lasts.
  • Players now receive a bonus GTA$ multiplier for Missions when played at the higher difficulty levels (Normal = 1.25, Hard = 1.5).
  • In Team Deathmatch, all players on a team now receive the same GTA$ and RP rewards, with the winning team getting roughly 4-5x what the losing team receives.
  • Removed some instances of debris in specific Races, including the cardboard from the ‘Down the Drain’ Race.
  • Deliveries from Pegasus have been reduced from $1,000 to $200.
  • The cost of removing a wanted level by calling Lester has now been scaled based on the amount of stars you have – at a cost of $200 per star.
  • Restricted cars and vehicles that have been added to player garages through exploits have been removed. This includes tanks, helicopters and police vehicles.
  • The following vehicles have been added to the southernsanandreassuperautos.com website in-game: BF Dune Buggy, Canis Bodhi, Karin Rebel, Maibatsu Sanchez 2, Vapid Sadler, Vapid Sandking SWB.
  • To eliminate any remaining vehicle loss issues, an additional automatic cloud save will occur when purchasing a vehicle or vehicle modification.

Newswire:http://www.rockstargames.com/new ... -now-available.html
2013-11-14 07:53 AM
2013-11-14 08:39 AM
终于看到1.06 Update了
2013-11-25 03:04 PM
用xbox玩gta 5online!需要买xbox会员吗!
2013-11-25 04:37 PM
在线上 左下角那个map怎样切换?
我的map一直大大张的 也看不到我的血~
2013-11-25 05:16 PM
xiaook 发表于 2013-11-25 03:04 PM
用xbox玩gta 5online!需要买xbox会员吗!

需要哦,没记错的话Xbox的游戏要online都是要Gold member的哦
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