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【新闻部】育碧 Ubisoft -

2018-5-30 04:02 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-30 08:09 PM 编辑





2018-6-5 12:46 PM
2018-6-11 10:19 PM
Ubisoft 宣布官方 PC 数字商店正式在台上线 支持本地支付方式
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/163857.html

  Ubisoft 在 E3 电玩展登场前抢先宣布,旗下官方 PC 数字商店 Ubisoft Store 在台湾等国家上线,并将支持 MyCard 点数在内的本地支付方式。

  Ubisoft 旗下 PC 数字商店 Ubisoft Store 于即日起在亚洲多个国家,包含台湾、香港、新加坡与泰国上线提供服务,未来将提供更完整的数字版游戏阵容以及本地订价,预购活动与优惠方案也将与全球同步。 同时,官方指出将针对台湾市场另支持 MyCard 点数在内的本地支付方式。


  随着 Ubisoft Store 正式在亚洲地区上线以及 E3 电玩展即将到来,Ubisoft 同时宣布为玩家带来限时优惠活动,即日起至 6 月 18 日止,旗下游戏阵容包含《刺客教条:起源》、《极地战嚎 5》、《汤姆克兰西 :全境封锁》、《虹彩六号:围攻行动》、《看门狗 2》等最低下杀 2 折,同时 6 月 12 日至 18 日期间购买任何商品更可获得双倍的 Club 点数回馈。

  另外,官方指出:「为回馈广大的社群玩家,玩家可藉由不同 Ubisoft 旗下游戏所获得之 Ubisoft Club 成就点数以每 100 点来换取 8 折优惠券,在透过 Ubisoft Store 购买 PC 数字版商品均可享有优惠折扣、包含预购商品,更可领先欧美地区抢先玩到游戏。 」

2018-6-12 06:56 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-12 07:49 PM 编辑





2018-6-12 07:09 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-13 07:54 PM 编辑

Trials Rising announced for PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC
系列新作《特技摩托赛:崛起》曝光 享受骑车绕行世界的竞速快感

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/164028.html

  Ubisoft 于今(13)日在 E3 展期间揭露《特技摩托赛》系列新作《特技摩托赛:崛起(Trials Rising)》,并宣布 2019 年 2 月登陆 PlayStation 4、Xbox One、Nintendo Switch 以及  Windows PC 平台。

  芬兰赫尔辛基的 Ubisoft RedLynx 工作室再度出马制作《特技摩托赛》系列续作,《特技摩托赛:崛起》结合了受玩家喜爱的经典游戏内容、崭新的风貌、更具挑战性的竞赛以及极致竞速场面;该作品由乌克兰的 Ubisoft 基辅工作室与乌克兰的 Ubisoft 敖得萨工作室合作开发。

  《特技摩托赛:崛起》以世界各地著名地点为竞速舞台,并且提供超越既往的更多赛道,让骑士们一面环游世界,一面藉由各种难度关卡考验自身本事,并得击败所有竞争对手、在赞助商众目睽睽之下提升自己的名声,设法成为特技摩托赛冠军。 此外,骑士们在欣赏艾菲尔铁塔或中国万里长城美丽风景之际,将难以抗拒沿途中超快捷方式的快感,并有可能因小失大。

  游戏中将从地区性的后院竞赛到带你登上世界舞台的巨大竞技场,每位玩家将掌握自己的命运,并与其他玩家一较高下,哪怕面对的是动作与时间拿捏得分毫不差的玩家幽灵,或是实时本机或在线多人游戏中的真实对手。 在排行榜名列前茅并非唯一的成功之道,游戏中新加入的「合约」机制,让玩家在生涯中有所进展时会有赞助商出面提供奖励,并在每个阶段带来全新挑战。

  另外,本作中也增添了「协力摩托车(Tandem Bike)」这个令人兴奋的全新多人游戏模式,让玩家与好友共骑一辆协力摩托车培养合作默契。 共骑一辆摩托车的两位骑士必须在惊险刁钻的赛道上找到最理想的路线,玩家要准备好面对难以预料的各种情况和接踵而来的爆笑场面! 游戏中玩家也可以随心所欲地自定义他们的骑士和摩托车装备,并有无穷的可能性,且所有玩家皆可与社群分享他们的自定义装备,倘若这些装备被其他玩家使用将可在游戏中获得奖励。

  官方指出:「《特技摩托赛:崛起》追本溯源,再次带来了玩家熟悉且热爱的核心游戏内容,并靠着玩家社群提供的各种意见,开发团队打造了一款联机上网、刺激体验无穷的精彩杰作。 」

  PlayStation 4、Xbox One、NS、PC 新作《特技摩托赛:崛起》 预定 2019 年 2 月上市,官方于今日起开放 Beta 封闭测试资格申请。


Ubisoft announced Trials Rising, the next entry in the Trials motorcycle platforming series, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC. It will launch in February 2019. Beta sign-ups are available now at the game’s official website.

Here is an overview of the game, via Ubisoft:http://trialsrising.com/beta


Trials Rising is the newest iteration of Ubisoft’s gripping motorcycle platforming series. Combining the core gameplay and over-the-top action of the Trials franchise with all-new features, more competition, and a fresh visual look, Trials Rising is the biggest and most ambitious title in the series to date.

The competitive rags-to-riches experience is designed from the ground up to gently introduce new players to the acclaimed physics-based gameplay. With more tracks than ever before, beginners are in for a smooth ride towards mastery, while the skills and nerves of experienced players will be put to the test in the most advanced challenges. This is Trials at its best.

Key Features

• Competition is Everywhere – Competition is all over the globe with fun and elaborate tracks located across several continents. Whether it’s finding the perfect line in a smoldering caldera in the wilds of Yellowstone Park, doing triple backflips off the Eiffel Tower in Paris, or navigating massive drops on Mount Everest with snow storms looming, the thrills are endless. The new map also has integrated community features that show other players’ personal bests, and alerts you if a friend has broken your record or if a new custom track has been shared.

• Star Small, Dream Big – From local backyard competitions to the biggest stadiums on the world stage, you will ride against other players as fully visualized ghosts or in real-time local and online multiplayer. Starting from humble beginnings, you’ll improve your skills, grow your fame and rise in the ranks as you beat the competition. Looking to earn even more fortune and fame? Sponsors such as Fox Racing Gear, KTM, and even RedLynx are always on the lookout for new talent and will offer contracts to complete special challenges. Think you can execute a perfect run-through without crashing or hold a wheelie for 10 meters? You’ll be handsomely rewarded if you can!

• Community-Powered Customization – Customization has always been a key component in the Trials experience, and Trials Rising takes it to the next level, empowering the community like never before. Players will now have the freedom to customize and share any outfit or bike skin they want, resulting in endless possibilities. In addition to the outfit and bike customization editor, the legendary Trials Track Editor comes back bigger than ever.

• Tandem Bike: When Two Become One – Trials Rising adds an exciting new local multiplayer mode with the Tandem Bike. Two riders, each contributing fifty percent of the power and balance, ride together on one bike. Put your friendships to the test as you coordinate through tight corners, big jumps, and other outlandish obstacles. Get ready for the unexpected and for hilarity to ensue!

2018-6-12 07:49 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-12 09:50 PM 编辑

《舞力全开 2019》揭露首波歌曲名单 第五届 Just Dance 世界杯将决战巴西
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/163958.html

  《舞力全开》系列新作《舞力全开 2019》于 Ubisoft E3 展前发表会正式发表,并公开歌单,预定于 10 月 25 日登陆 Nintendo Switch、Wii U、Wii、Xbox One、Xbox 360 以及 PlaySta tion 4 平台。 另外,官方宣布第五届「Just Dance 世界杯」将在 2019 年初于巴西举行总决赛。

  跳舞游戏最新续作《舞力全开 2019》带来了 40 首新歌,包括排行榜金曲「Finesse(Remix)」(Bruno Mars ft. Cardi B)以及韩国流行经典歌曲「Bang Bang Bang」(BIGBANG)。 此外,每套《舞力全开 2019》皆提供免费一个月的 Just Dance Unlimited 随选舞蹈串流服务,让玩家能够享受 400 首以上的额外歌曲。


  以下是 E3 展上揭露的首波歌曲名单:
• Finesse(Remix)– Bruno Mars Ft. Cardi B
• Bum Bum Tam Tam – MC Fioti, Future, J Balvin, Stefflon Don, Juan Magan
• Bang Bang Bang – BIGBANG
• Mad Love – Sean Paul, David Guetta Ft. Becky G
• Shaky Shaky – Daddy Yankee
• Dame Tu Cosita – El Chombo ft. Cutty Ranks
• OMG – Arash Ft. Snoop Dogg
• Mi Mi Mi – Hit The Electro Beat
• Mama Mia – Mayra Verónica
• Narco – Blasterjaxx & Timmy Trumpet
• Fire – LLP Ft. Mike Diamondz

  同时,官方指出本次的游戏更力求创新,与来自世界各地的创意专业人士合作,包括法国街头艺人 Chanoir 以及西班牙逐格动画工作室 Clay Animation,将创造出令人惊叹的游戏世界。 更多的合作关系与更多新歌将于日后陆续公布。

  除了游戏内容上,《舞力全开 2019》在接口上也有了更新,官方表示:「新接口算法会根据玩家的舞蹈偏好和习惯规划预先制作好的游玩列表和建议曲目,让《Just Dance 舞力全开》游戏体验比过去更直观且更个人化。 另外,动态显示的全新主画面也能让玩家终年取得最新的社群消息和 Just Dance Unlimited 活动信息。 」

  至于游戏模式,官方透露,深受玩家喜爱的游戏模式将再度登场,像是为全球 1 亿 2 千万玩家带来更多在线多人挑战的「世界舞池(World Dance Floor,所有本世代平台皆提供)」、追踪燃烧卡路里的「挥汗模式(Sweat Mode )」,以及与儿童发展专家合作带来八种全新舞蹈编排的「儿童模式(Kids Mode)」。 此外,可免费在 iOS 和 Android 装置下载的「Just Dance Controller」应用程序所提供的手机计分技术也让 PS4 和 Xbox One 平台的玩家不需要摄影机等额外装置就能享受畅快跳舞的乐趣。

  赛事方面,第五届「Just Dance 世界杯」将在 2019 年初于巴西举行总决赛,在线资格赛将在 7 月 20 日至 8 月 26 日于 Nintendo Switch、Wii U、Xbox One 和 PlayStation 4  平台的《Just Dance 舞力全开 2018》游戏中举办,而在这之后将于选定国家举办全国线下资格赛。 线下资格赛赛事的完整列表以及世界杯总决赛的详细说明,将于日后公告。

  官方特别表示:「本届杯赛肯定一样精彩,来自世界各地的舞蹈玩家将角逐 18 个巴西总决赛的席位,并设法击败两次拿下世界冠军、年仅 18 岁的土耳其舞蹈高手 Umutcan Tütüncü。 」


  《舞力全开 2019》预定于 10 月 25 日登陆 Nintendo Switch、Wii U、Wii、Xbox One、Xbox 360 以及 PlayStation 4 平台。
2018-6-12 07:57 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-12 09:16 PM 编辑

Transference launches this fall
《心灵诡宅》释出最新宣传影片 探索心中最深层的恐惧

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/163915.html

  Ubisoft 于今日的展前发表会上,公开了恐怖游戏《心灵诡宅 Transference》最新的宣传影片。

  玩家将操控着一个数字化的心灵,并设法揭开一个隐藏着不堪真相的家中秘密。 在探索与解开这个家的秘密的同时,玩家将会遇到一个家庭。 这个家庭中的每位成员对埋藏在他们记忆里的事件都有各自的说词与看法。 玩家做出的每个选择都会带来后果并影响这个家庭的命运。

  目前《心灵诡宅 Transference》预定将于 2018 年秋季推出。


Transference will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC this fall, Ubisoft announced during its E3 2018 press conference.

Here is an overview of the game, via Ubisoft:


Imagine an escape room set in a deranged mind, in both VR and on traditional platforms. With Transference, we are bringing a first-person exploration game into a chilling new dimension. You will be plunged into the experiment of a troubled scientist, a corrupted digital simulation of his family formed using their collective brain data. Shift between the three perspectives of a family and unravel the mystery hiding in this mind-bending psychological thriller.

Transference is a collaboration between SpectreVision and Ubisoft Montreal and aims to bridge the gap between movies and games. The game will be available in VR (PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive) and traditional platforms (PS4, Xbox One and PC) Fall 2018.

Key Features

• A Thriller that Feels Like a Movie, But Plays Like a Game: Project yourself into a narrative experience that combines Hollywood with gaming. In Transference, you will be immersed in an unsettling psychological thriller with all of the tension of a suspense film, combining live-action footage with environmental storytelling to unlock haunting emotions that lingers long after you put the controller down.

• Solve a Mystery from Multiple Perspectives: Enter a corrupted digital simulation created by a brilliant but troubled scientist, Raymond Hayes. Transference is a world built from the collective brain data of Raymond, his wife Katherine and their son Benjamin. Recover a fragmented family as you shift back and forth between each individual’s perspective and piece together the mystery of their lives. Go hands-on to search for clues, solve puzzles and discover the corrupted consciousness of a family.

• It’s Your Experience, Through Your Eyes: In this truly first-person narrative mystery it is you, who will explore the story of a family told through the walls of their home. This is no RPG, you stumble into Raymond’s experiment with your own experience and must interpret events for yourself.

• An Intense Experience on Every Platform: Transference offers a tense and unsettling experience regardless of platform. For unparalleled immersion, VR is tuned to plunge you into a world of emotional intensity. The game offers full interactivity in VR on PlayStation VR,

• Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Manipulate the world with your hands through Oculus Touch and the HTC Vive Controller. Match your needs with customizable input for controls on every platform. The game is also fully playable on traditional platforms PS4, Xbox One and PC, bringing this unique and disturbing narrative experience to everyone.

2018-6-12 08:01 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-12 09:33 PM 编辑

Starlink: Battle for Atlas launches October 16, adds Switch-exclusive Star Fox content
太空冒险游戏《银河联军:阿特拉斯之战》宣布于 10 月 16 日全面开战!

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/163956.html

  Ubisoft 今日在 E3 展上宣布,由 Ubisoft 多伦多工作室开发的动作冒险游戏《Starlink: Battle for Atlas》中文正式定名为《银河联军:阿特拉斯之战》,将于 2018 年 10 月 16 日在 Ninte ndo Switch、PlayStation 4、Xbox One(包括 Xbox One X)平台发售。

  官方表示,本作是一款开放世界太空冒险游戏,采用了模块化玩具技术,让玩家能在现实世界中组装及自定义实体星舰。 每个加装在星舰上的组件和飞行员,都会立即出现在游戏中,让玩家可以实验各种不同的飞行员能力、武器和船舰,并以火力强大的组合杀向敌人。 《银河联军:阿特拉斯之战》入门组合包内含游戏主程序、一艘星舰、一名飞行员、多款武器、《银河联军:阿特拉斯之战》控制器底座,以及海报一张。

  注:※ 艾英船舰与驾驶《星战火狐》. 麦克劳德仅兼容于 Nintendo Switch 版本之游戏

  《银河联军:阿特拉斯之战》多采多姿的角色人物将与《星战火狐》(Star Fox)战队的顶尖飞行员与队长火狐. 麦克劳德(Fox McCloud),以及著名的艾英船舰(Arwing)合作,为 Nintendo Switch 带来独特追加内容。 玩家可以使用火狐. 麦克劳德游玩整个战役,并且在阿特拉斯进行独特任务、遇见来自《星战火狐》宇宙的其他朋友。

  Ubisoft 多伦多工作室创意总监 Laurent Malville 表示,很兴奋能让玩家更深入瞧瞧《银河联军:阿特拉斯之战》的样貌,这可是 Ubisoft 多伦多工作室的第一款原创游戏。 Ubisoft 多伦多工作室创意总监 Laurent Malville 表示,《银河联军:阿特拉斯之战》这个计划能够诞生,要感谢团队全体人员的热情投入,另外,也要感谢 Nintendo 给予直接合作的机会,让制作团队实现把《星战火狐 》带进《银河联军:阿特拉斯之战》游戏世界的梦想。 我们相信阿特拉斯这个开放星系绝对能让《星战火狐》以及玩家尽情探索。 」

  《银河联军:阿特拉斯之战》采用的模块化玩具以及动态战斗机制可让玩家靠着想象力与创意,以各种不同方式完成任务和清除任何阻碍或敌人。 除了创新的游戏玩法外,《银河联军:阿特拉斯之战》也提供了横跨完整星系的开放游戏世界,让玩家可以随心所欲地探索。 采用 Snowdrop 引擎打造的这款游戏,让玩家可以在阿特拉斯星系的外星世界无接缝地穿梭旅行。 另外,阿特拉斯星系还有七颗充满生命和独特挑战的星球。 玩家的动作和选择将会影响他们的旅程,这让每位玩家都可享受到截然不同的体验。 敌人会有智能地做出反应及反击;如果玩家不设法阻止敌人,他们终将占领星系。 阿特拉斯的命运掌握在你手里。


  此外,PlayStation 4 和 Xbox One 版本的入门组合包内含:

• 天顶号星舰 – 包含模块舰身和两片装甲机翼
• 梅森. 拉那飞行员
• 撕裂者(Shredder)武器
• 火焰喷射器(Flamethrower)武器
• 冰霜齐射(Frost Barrage)武器

  Nintendo Switch 入门组合包内含:

• 艾英星舰 – 包含模块舰身和两片艾英机翼、搭载了雷射武器和内建充能弹药
• 火狐. 麦克劳德飞行员
• 梅森. 拉那飞行员
• 火焰喷射器(Flamethrower)武器
• 冰霜齐射(Frost Barrage)武器
• 数字版天顶号星舰和撕裂者(Shredder)武器

  Ubisoft 多伦多工作室团队特别与 Virtuos 密切合作开发 Nintendo Switch 版本的《银河联军:阿特拉斯之战》,而这样的合作关系让 Ubisoft 能把 Nintendo Switch 版本制作完成度相当高,并 且完全支持手持游玩、桌面游玩和连接电视游玩多种方式。

  玩家将能够收集各式各样的组件,而且所有组件完全兼容。 《银河联军:阿特拉斯之战》发售时将会另外推出可供购买的额外船舰、武器和飞行员:

• 星舰组合包(包含有模块舰身和两片机翼的一艘星舰、一名飞行员和一款武器
• 武器组合包(包含两款武器)
• 飞行员组合包(包含一名飞行员)

  注:※ 艾英船舰与驾驶《星战火狐》. 麦克劳德仅兼容于 Nintendo Switch 版本之游戏



Starlink: Battle for Atlas will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC on October 16, Ubisoft announced during its E3 2018 press conference. The Switch version will include exclusive add-on content featuring Fox McCloud, Arwing, and bonus missions.

Here is an overview of the “Starter Pack” edition and at-launch downloadable content, via Ubisoft:

Starter Pack

The retail Nintendo Switch Starter Pack ($74.99) for Starlink comes with a physical Fox McCloud Pilot and Arwing, along with all of the items below:

• 1 Starlink Video Game
• 1 Zenith Starship
• 1 Mason Rana Pilot
• 1 Shredder Weapon
• 1 Flamethrower Weapon
• 1 Frost Barrage Weapon
• 1 Controller Mount
• 1 Poster

With the exception of the Star Fox-related items, the Xbox One and PS4 versions of the Starter Pack will come with the same items. The Zenith Starship will be included as a digital-only item in the Nintendo Switch Starter Pack. For those of you that choose to pre-order the Starter Pack on any platform, you’ll also get the Startail pilot pack, which lets you play as a Startail pilot with explosive shots.

Downloadable Content at Launch

If you want to expand your Starlink collection further, additional pilots, ships, and weapons will be available at launch in the following packs:

• Starship Pack (including 1 starship, 1 pilot and 1 weapon): $24.99
• Weapon Pack (including 2 weapons): $9.99
• Pilot Pack (including 1 pilot): $7.99
• Co-op Pack (including 1 mount): $19.99

Here is an overview of the game, via Ubisoft:


In Starlink: Battle for Atlas, you’re part of a group of heroic interstellar pilots, dedicated to saving the Atlas star system from the Forgotten Legion, an evil robot force. Starlink: Battle for Atlas offers a whole new gameplay experience: build your own modular Starship model, mount it on your controller, and take part in epic space combats. Equip your model with different parts and your Starship changes in game in real time. Assemble your fleet, mix and match your pilots, Starships and weapons to create your own play style and defeat the enemy.

Key Features

• Nintendo Switch System Exclusive: Star Fox comes to Starlink: Battle for Atlas with exclusive add-on content featuring Fox McCloud, Arwing, and bonus missions!

• Fully Customize Your Starship: The Choice is Yours: Mix and match pilots, hulls, wings, and weapons to assemble your ideal starship with an unprecedented level of customization and creativity. Changes to your physical ship instantly appear in-game allowing you to immediately jump into the battle.

• Explore an Entire Star System: Travel seamlessly through the exotic alien worlds of the Atlas Star System. Each one of its planets has its own identity, ecosystem and wildlife. Be careful, as space is a hostile environment and will present many challenges. The world evolves depending on your actions and your choices. Everything you do has an impact on your journey, and enemies will react and fight back intelligently and take over the star system if you don’t stop them.

• Get Creative in Combat: Build your unique play style. Experiment with different pilot abilities, weapon types, and status effects to discover and unleash devastating combos upon your enemies and overcome deadly challenges.
2018-6-12 09:33 PM

2018-6-12 09:50 PM
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