Want to find baby sitter? want a babysitter with good service?
with full compassion? housing area need to be clean and safe?
take a look here!!
保姆服务,现有1个空位,在 subang usj 16,有兴趣者请联络
babysitter service,
has 1 vacancy,
in subang USJ 16.
Please contact:
Madam Chiew - experienced babysitter
012-3889932 (Please call)
or sms/email
019-2633655 AlanChai
0163100322 AllyChai
*The small advantage does not have the high-quality goods, hence, give own babies the experience, serves, manner good maid! The experienced maid, exchange your child's for a healthy development ~
*为了调查那个论坛宣传得比较好,希望各位能够告诉mdm Chiew,您在哪里找到(佳礼论坛)或者是谁(Ally)介绍的~ 谢谢哦~
*In order to investigate which forum is publicized pretty well, please tell mdm Chiew where you got this information(Lowyat.net), or introduced by who (Ally). THX alot!!