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[分享] 大家不明的减肥药成分(不要花了钱吃出病来就不好了)

2012-7-7 02:51 PM


Eat medicine reducing weight is good, no side effects!!Don't because of cheap price and choice!!If choose a fault, it would endanger his life!!Not oh!!!

减肥药的危害一 失眠

Weight loss drug harms a insomnia


There are a lot of people ate a diet pill, there will be obvious state of happiness, some put to sleep as a life event, the evening becomes excited, like on the same drug.This diet pill containing amphetamine due, it will let take weight-loss pills appeared fantasy, emotional instability, sleep disorders and other symptoms.Long term administration of this kind of medicine reducing weight, will appear as the symptoms of drug use, addiction, difficult to get rid of.Once the mandatory withdrawal anxiety, frustration will appear, fatigue, sleepiness, binge drinking and other performance.

减肥药的危害二 排便次数多

Weight loss drug harm two defecation frequency


The frequency of defecation and diarrhea are different.When the diet pill containing Xenical, Dieter takes later, Roche fresh will prevent the body from absorbing fat soluble vitamins, reduced intestinal fat absorption rate.Like to eat fatty foods, can use this kind of diet pill.However, in taking this kind of medicine reducing weight also note, every day must be a normal diet, a day dosage should be moderate.

减肥药的危害三 厌食

Weight loss drug harm three anorexia


Taking diet pills, be dizzy, lethargy, anorexia, weight loss pills containing more live components.What is the live?Marat Safin is an appetite suppressant, its main ingredient is Fenfolaming, this is international doping.If the long-term use containing the compounds weight-loss drugs, there will be heart valve damage, pulmonary hypertension and other problems.

减肥药的危害四 口干舌燥

Weight loss drug harm four mouth parched and tongue scorched


In mouth parched and tongue scorched after taking a diet pill is not a good sign, will appear the patients mouth parched and tongue scorched, almost at the same time also appear heart-pounding symptoms.It is to lose weight the medicine containing sibutramine composition.Sibutramine component weight loss drug has been popular in Europe and America, later New Zealand drug monitoring department has issued, this class of drugs long-term use will severely hurt a person's memory, but also let users appear such as cerebrovascular disease of brain.

减肥药的危害五 嗜睡

Weight loss drug harm five sleepiness


The above said insomnia, but compared to insomnia, daytime sleepiness more terror.When taking PPA composition containing diet pills, weight loss will be symptoms of sleepiness, do anything without effort, at the same time, users will have obvious clinical symptoms.The PPA component will let the dieter has food aversion to desire, and long-term use, containing PPA weight loss drug, can cause of stroke in women.

减肥药的危害六 呕吐拉肚子

Weight loss drug harm six vomiting diarrhea


Weight loss drugs commonly used trick, let users to achieve the purpose of weight loss and diarrhea.Abuse cathartic composition containing the medicine reducing weight, the stomach will be pain very hard, when drug resistance after began to appear, you the next time you need to spend on the toilet.No matter what kind of composition of the cathartic, as long as the improper use, mild abdominal pain, nausea, severe can cause irregular menstruation, upset Italian dry, dehydration and other systemic symptoms.

减肥药的危害七 腹胀

Weight loss drug harm seven abdominal distension


Weight loss drugs cause stomach pain you may not think that is because the holiday is coming.In fact, causing abdominal pain of carbohydrate Paul ingot composition is mainly used for lowering blood glucose, weight loss after taking, liver enzyme increases, on liver damage.

减肥药的危害八 低血压

Weight loss drug harm eight hypotension


Containing diuretic medicine reducing weight, let female voiding frequency increasing, physical weakness, hypotension symptoms.This kind of medicine reducing weight to reduce body containing water, does not eliminate the body fat.

减肥药的危害九 心悸

Weight loss drug harm nine palpitation


Palpitations, palpitation, dizziness, this is taking diet pills containing ephedrine ingredients will appear after the symptoms.This kind of medicine reducing weight although can strengthen human body the decomposition of fat and calorie consumption, it contains a higher potential risk.
2015-5-13 05:07 PM
健康饮食   多运动   
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