本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-4 07:44 AM 编辑
Microsoft’s Phil Spencer muses over what to do with the Gears franchise, “kind of on the back burner” for Epic
“I want to find a great Gears game. I thought we did a good job with Judgment, but I don’t think it hit the level of quality we saw in the previous games. I think review scores showed that. Sales showed that. I really think we need to take a step back with Epic and think about… I don’t want to call it a reboot because I think it’s an overused term but think about where that franchise goes and how to expand what it was.
“I’d love to have that conversation. I do talk to the Epic guys often. They’re also busy right now. I think they’ve said Gears is kind of on the back burner for them. So I think it would be a situation where the opportunity came up at the right time it’d be great to sit down with them. They’re again the right team to work on that game. Trying to find another team to do that game I think is possible, but I think you’d want to make sure you did that very carefully along with them to make sure we had the right thing in place.
“I think that franchise would need to be… not be reworked but think about how to expand that universe and what people are doing. Maybe make it more gritty, I don’t know. You’d want to do something with it, because I think it ran its course on 360. And it was a great success on the 360, but it doesn’t quite have the story arc of a thing like Halo or something, at least the way it’s played out in the games.”
- Microsoft Game Studios boss Phil Spencer
http://www.gamerevolution.com/ne ... course-on-360-22351
微软高管谈论《战争机器(Gear of War)》系列未来
微软的高管Phil Spencer在最近一次采访中谈论了《战争机器》系列的未来,表示系列如需登陆Xbox One,则需要在现有基础上有所拓展。
作为微软游戏工作室的副总裁,Spencer坚持认为Epic是未来在《战争机器》系列上合作的正确选择。他说:“我们可以寻找其他工作室来制作这个系列,但是那样我们就要一直非常小心,以确保游戏的质量。” Spencer之前曾经表示了他对《镇压》系列的喜爱,并且表示希望看到该系列在正确的时机回归。但是他想象中新的《战争机器》应该是什么样子呢?
People Can Fly renamed to Epic Games Poland, working on Fortnite
People Can Fly renamed to Epic Games Poland, working on Fortnite
People Can Fly, the Epic Games subsidiary developer behind Gears of War: Judgment and Bulletstorm has been renamed to Epic Games Poland, a company representative confirmed to Pixel Enemy today.
Here’s the statement they gave me:
“We’ve changed the studio’s name from People Can Fly to Epic Games Poland. We’re a global company with talented people working toward one goal across the world. We think this helps better reflect that.”
The Warsaw, Poland-based studio is one of the many studios, including the main studio in North Carolina, working on sandbox survival game Fortnite, the company also confirmed to us.
“Multiple Epic studios, including Epic Games Poland, are working on Fortnite.”
The studio is looking for a concept artist and a associate producer to work on the game, according to job listings on the Epic Games
career page.
The People Can Fly
website is still up, and the company’s answering machine still refers to its old name.
Epic Games acquired People Can Fly in August 2012, after having a majority share in the company since 2007. The acquisition triggered the departures of studio founder Adrian Chmielarz, Andrzej Poznanski, and Michal Kosieradzki.
http://pixelenemy.com/people-can ... orking-on-fortnite/
在今天下午的一次采访中,Epic Games表示,他们为PC平台独家制作的,被誉为“《我的世界(Minecraft)》和《生存之旅(Left 4 Dead)》结合体”的沙盒游戏《堡垒之夜》将不会在今年发售。
这款使用虚幻引擎4制作的游戏是在2011年12月公布的,但是Epic Games从那以后就一直对这个项目闭口不谈。游戏并没有在今年的E3,PAX,Gamescom或者任何其他展会上展出。
Epic Games在今天同时确认《子弹风暴(Bulletstorm)》和《战争机器:审判(Gear of War:Judgement)》的制作人Epic Games波兰部是多个正在制作《堡垒之夜》的工作室之一。