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Playdates can be valuable learning experiences for you and your little ones.

2013-8-27 10:20 PM

Here's how to make the most of your child's social calendar.

Jennifer Bianco knows how to make the most of a playdate. The mother of a girl and boy, ages 6 and 3 respectively, Bianco uses playdates as an important social experience both for her kids and for herself.

"Playdates are great for my kids," Bianco says. "They learn how to interact with other kids; they learn how to share and how to get along in general. And it gives me a great opportunity to connect with other adults to talk about parentingand things totally unrelated to being a mom, which is refreshing."

Experts agree with Bianco that playdates are loaded with opportunity for parent and child. But to be sure you get the most benefit, it's important to understand playdate etiquette. There's more to a playdate than just scheduling a day, time, and place to meet. You need to consider certain factors such as age, frequency, and location as well as what to expect when everyone gets together.

** Playdate Etiquette (1,2,3,4,5,6) **

1.AGE: Jenn Berman, author of The A to Z Guide to Raising Happy, Confident Kids, says, "It's never too early for a playdate for a child, even an infant. Babies are fascinated by other babies, and any new stimulation is really good for brain development. Even looking at another child, touching hands, and just being curious is really good."

For toddlers, the age of the other children doesn't really matter. Based on her experience with her own kids, Bianco says most kids will find some value in spending time with another child even if their ages don't match. It's not until they get a little older, around the age of 5, that a child begins to show preference for spending time with others closer in age.

2.GENDER : "Playdates are a great opportunity for your child to interact with the other gender," Berman says. "It really doesn't matter if you arrange a playdate with a child of the opposite sex until your child says it does." And that usually doesn't happen, Berman says, until the child is older.

3.FREQUENCY: "Twice a week is a nice number," Berman says. But she cautions not to go overboard and to avoid the tendency to over-schedule your kids.

"I don't like to see a child having a playdate seven days a week," Berman says. "We live in a society that doesn't value people spending time on their own, but that's an important skill to learn, even for toddlers."

Bianco, a working mom, says once every couple of weeks works for her and her family's busy schedule. The trick is to find a balance that works for you and keeps your kids happy.

4.LOCATION: It's good to have a combination of locations for playdates; new places mean new learning experiences for your child.

Berman says, "It's a great experience for a child to see another child's house and see how they live. It's also good to have someone visit your house so your child can learn to welcome his friends into his home."

There's also nothing wrong with neutral ground, Berman says. Parks, playgrounds, and centers that host playgroups are all good options for playdate ideas.

5.LENGTH: Two hours is the magic number for Bianco and her kids. That's just enough time to play, have a snack, take a break, and play again before wrapping things up.

6.RECIPROCITY: The correct way to handle playdates is to make sure you reciprocate with other moms.

"If you host a playdate at your house, then it's only fair that the mom and child offer the same invitation to you and your child," Bianco says. "We've had playdates with my daughter's friend at our home but have never received an invitation in return. So my daughter keeps asking, 'Why can't I play over at her house?'"

This especially rings true for busy, working parents like Bianco, who rearranges her schedule to make time for a playdate and likes it when other moms reciprocate. via:http://www.webmd.com/


2013-8-28 10:03 PM

22、你明白,人的一生,既不是人們想像的那麼好,也不是那麼壞。 via:幸福拳

9 Mistakes to Avoid With Your Toddler

2013-9-3 10:04 PM

These parenting missteps are common, but you can navigate around them with smart strategies.

Mistake 1: Being Inconsistent

Toddlers do best when they know what to expect, whether it's what time they bathe and go to bed or what consequences they'll face for misbehaving. The more consistent and predictable things are, the more resilient and agreeable a toddler is likely to be.

Fix it: As much as you can, keep regular routines for your child. Consistency can be a challenge when parents (or other caregivers) don't see eye to eye.

If you're not sure how best to react when your child dumps food on the floor or ignores bedtime, sit down with your partner to decide ahead of time how you'll both respond -- and then stick with it.

Mistake 2: Overdoing Family Time

It's fun to spend time with the whole family. But some parents go overboard on family time.

Clinical psychologist Thomas Phelan, author of 1-2-3 Magic, says, "Kids cherish time alone with one parent." He points out, "One-on-one time is fun for parents too, because there's no sibling rivalry to contend with."

Fix it: It's easy to spend one-on-one time with a toddler. Phelan recommends simply getting down on the floor together and playing. At bedtime, enjoy reading a book together or tell stories to your child.

Mistake 3: Offering Too Much Help

Some parents jump in to help a toddler who is having trouble doing something. Before you do, consider the possibility that helping your child complete a puzzle or put on a shirt may send the message that he or she can't do it alone.

"Parents who offer too much help may be sabotaging their young children's ability to become self-reliant," Betsy Brown Braun, author of You're Not the Boss of Me, says.

Fix it: "We need to teach children to tolerate struggle," Braun says.

At the same time, there’s nothing wrong with offering praise and encouragement. "Be a cheerleader," Braun says. "Say, 'You can do this!'"

Mistake 4: Talking Too Much

Talking with toddlers is usually a terrific idea, but not when it's time to rein in errant behavior.

Imagine a mom has just said "no" to her 2-year-old's request for a cookie. The child fusses. Mom explains that it's suppertime. The child grabs a cookie anyway. Mom takes it away and tries again to explain herself to her now tearful child. Back and forth it goes with mounting frustration on both sides.

"Talking can lead to what I call the talk-persuade-argue-yell-hit pattern," Phelan says. "Toddlers are not adults in a little body. They're not logical, and they just can't assimilate what you are saying to them."

Fix it: Once you tell your toddler to do something, Phelan says, don't talk about it or make eye contact. If the child disobeys, give a brief verbal warning or count to three. If the child refuses to toe the line, give a time-out or another immediate consequence. No explaining.

Mistake 5: Serving Only Kiddie Food

Does your toddler seem to eat nothing but chicken fingers and fries? Are goldfish crackers the only fish he or she eats? As some parents realize too late, toddlers fed a steady diet of nutritionally iffy kid's foods may resist eating anything else.

Fix it: Encourage your child to try "grown-up" fare. "A good percentage of kids are willing to try a new food if they see mommy and daddy enjoying it," Altmann says. "If they push back, keep putting it on their plate. Some kids need to try things a dozen or more times before they take to it."

But don't worry too much if your toddler is a picky eater. "Most toddlers are," Braun says. "Children love the fight over food. If we make a fuss about it, it becomes a much bigger deal than it needs to be."

Braun's advice is not to worry as long as there's something your child can eat on the plate. Do not allow yourself, she says, to become your child's short-order cook.

9 Mistakes to Avoid With Your Toddler 6-9

2013-9-4 10:32 PM

Mistake 6: Getting Rid of the Crib

Cribs do more than keep little ones safe. They promote good sleep habits.

A toddler moved too soon into a "real" bed may have trouble staying in bed or falling asleep and so may end up climbing into bed with mommy and daddy.

"Some moms wear themselves out because they have to lie down with their child every night," Altmann says. "They don't realize they're the ones who set the pattern."

Fix it: The time to get rid of the crib is when your child asks for a bed or starts climbing out of the crib. For most kids, that comes between the ages of 2 and 3 or when a child reaches a height of about 35 inches.

Mistake 7: Starting Potty Training Too Soon

Some parents cajole their children into using the toilet when they think it's time and issue harsh reprimands when things go awry. That can lead to a power struggle.

Fix it: "Children learn to use the toilet when they're ready," Altmann says. "The process shouldn't be rushed."

But you can set the stage. Show your toddler the toilet. Explain its use. If you feel comfortable doing so, let your child watch you use the toilet and offer praise if he or she gives it a whirl.

What if your child is still in diapers at age 4? "Don't worry," Altmann says. "No child is ever going to go to college in diapers.

Mistake 8: Allowing Too Much Screen Time

Toddlers who watch lots of TV often have more trouble learning later on. And studies suggest that kids under the age of 2 can't really take in what's being displayed on TV and computer screens.

Fix it: Keep your toddler busy with reading and other creative pursuits. Have conversations-and encourage talking as well as listening. "The longer you can hold off exposing your child to TV, the better," Altmann says.

Mistake 9: Trying to Stop a Tantrum

Some parents worry that an out-of-control child makes them seem like ineffectual parents. But all toddlers have tantrums. When they do, it's pointless to try to talk them out of it -- even if the drama is unfolding in front of company or in a public place.

"When we are in public and dealing with a child, we feel judged," Braun says. "We feel like there is a neon sign over our heads saying we are incompetent parents."

Fix it: Braun says parents must remember that the child matters more than the opinions of other people -- especially strangers.

If people glare or offer unwanted advice, simply smile and say something like, "Gosh, do you remember what it was like?" Then scoop up the wailing child and find a place away from prying eyes for the tantrum to run its course. Once it does, offer the child a hug and go on with your day.

How Much Sleep Do Children Need?

2013-9-5 09:52 PM

The amount of sleep a child needs varies depending on the individual and certain factors, including the age of the child. Following are some general guidelines:

1-4 Weeks Old: 15 - 16 hours per day
Newborns typically sleep about 15 to 18 hours a day, but only in short periods of two to four hours. Premature babies may sleep longer and colicky ones shorter.

Since newborns do not yet have an internal biological clock, or circadian rhythm, their sleep patterns are not related to the daylight and nighttime cycles. In fact, they tend not to have much of a pattern at all.

1-4 Months Old: 14 - 15 hours per day
By 6 weeks of age your baby is beginning to settle down a bit, and you may notice more regular sleep patterns emerging. The longest periods of sleep run four to six hours and now tends to occur more regularly in the evening. Day-night confusion ends.

4-12 Months Old: 14 - 15 hours per day
While up to 15 hours is ideal, most infants up to 11 months old get only about 12 hours sleep. Establishing healthy sleep habits is a primary goal during this period, as your baby is now much more social, and his sleep patterns are more adult-like.
Babies typically have three naps and drop to two at around 6 months old, at which time (or earlier) they are physically capable of sleeping through the night. Establishing regular naps generally happens at the latter part of this time frame, as his biological rhythms mature. The midmorning nap usually starts at 9 a.m. and lasts about an hour. The early afternoon nap starts between noon and 2 p.m. and lasts an hour or two. And the late afternoon nap may start from 3 to 5 p.m. and is variable in duration.
1-3 Years Old: 12 - 14 hours per day
As your child moves past the first year toward 18-21 months of age he will likely lose his morning nap and nap only once a day. While toddlers need up to 14 hours a day of sleep, they typically get only about 10.
Most children from about 21 to 36 months of age still need one nap a day, which may range from one to three and a half hours long. They typically go to bed between 7 and 9 p.m. and wake up between 6 and 8 a.m.
3-6 Years Old: 10 - 12 hours per day
Children at this age typically go to bed between 7 and 9 p.m. and wake up around 6 and 8 a.m., just as they did when they were younger. At 3, most children are still napping, while at 5, most are not. Naps gradually become shorter as well. New sleep problems do not usually develop after 3 years of age.
7-12 Years Old: 10 - 11 hours per day
At these ages, with social, school, and family activities, bedtimes gradually become later and later, with most 12-years-olds going to bed at about 9 p.m. There is still a wide range of bedtimes, from 7:30 to 10 p.m., as well as total sleep times, from 9 to 12 hours, although the average is only about 9 hours.
12-18 Years Old: 8 - 9 hours per day
Sleep needs remain just as vital to health and well-being for teenagers as when they were younger. It turns out that many teenagers actually may need more sleep than in previous years. Now, however, social pressures conspire against getting the proper amount and quality of sleep.
Source: http://goo.gl/bqn4Fe


2013-9-8 09:56 PM


Science In The Kitchen - Jelly Making
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2013-9-10 09:36 PM










2013-9-11 11:02 AM
jb有d monte 吗?

8 Starter Guide to Baby Food & Nutrition 1 - 4

2013-9-11 09:30 PM

There are many baby development milestones when it comes to eating solid foods. Here are some of the big ones.
Baby Milestone 1: When They Can Start Solids

Most pediatricians, and the American Academy of Pediatrics, recommend introducing solid foods to babies at between 4 and 6 months of age. That’s when they start to lose the “tongue-thrust reflex” or extrusion reflex, which is important for [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]ing the breast or bottle but interferes with feeding.
If your baby is around this age, can sit up well with support, and shows interest in the foods he sees you eating, it’s probably a good time to make your first forays into feeding baby solid food. If your baby is exclusively breastfed, it is recommended that you wait until 6 months of age to start solids.
Baby Milestone 2: When They’re Ready to Move From Puree to Chunks

“Chunking up” babies’ food is a process -- obviously, they shouldn’t go straight from rice cereal to raisin bran. But after the first few weeks of adjusting to eating rather than just drinking his food, your baby should be ready to handle a little more texture in solid foods.
Introduce new textures slowly. Good starters are mashed bananas or mashed avocados. You can also use the “staged” store-bought baby foods -- going from the smooth puree of stage 1 to the slightly thicker stage 2 and then the chunkier stage 3 by around 9 months of age. (Babies don’t necessarily have to have a lot of teeth to handle more texture in their foods -- they can often gum soft foods very well!)
Baby Milestone 3: When They Can Sit in a High Chair

If babies are ready to eat solid foods -- in other words, they can sit upright with support and hold up their head and neck -- they’re ready to sit in a high chair. This is usually around 4 months of age. The chair straps and the tray offer support, and can help him stay in position. Always buckle baby in to his chair, even if he is unable to get out with the tray in place. As he gets older and becomes more active, he may be able to squirm out. Plus, it is good to get in the habit of buckling him in as soon as you start using one.

Baby Milestone 4: When They Can Manage Finger Foods

Babies between 7 and 11 months old usually tell you they’re ready to eat more grown up foods by trying to grab them from you. Almost any food that is healthy and nutritious and has a soft texture makes a good finger food, if it’s cut small enough: diced pasta; small pieces of well-cooked vegetables such as carrots, peas, or zucchini; and pea-sized bites of chicken or soft meat. Small, unsweetened round cereals and cereal puffs are also a good choice.
At first babies “rake” food into their hand, but soon they develop the “pincer grasp” that allows them to pick up small objects between thumb and forefinger. At that point, your baby can become a pro at self-feeding!

8 Starter Guide to Baby Food & Nutrition 5-8

2013-9-15 10:18 PM

Baby Milestone 5: When They Start Using Spoons

Almost as soon as babies adjust to being fed with a spoon, they’re interested in it and want to grab that thing and shove it into their mouths themselves. That doesn’t mean they’re very good at it, of course!
Most babies don’t learn to use a spoon effectively until after their first birthday, but that doesn’t mean you can’t let a younger baby who’s interested give it a whirl for practice. Try giving him a soft-tipped spoon to hold while you feed him with another. He can get used to holding the spoon himself and will also be distracted from grabbing yours.
When you think he’s ready to actually navigate the spoon into his mouth, try thicker, stickier foods like yogurt, mashed potatoes, or cottage cheese. Another tip: Put some cream cheese on the spoon and then a few pieces of o-shaped cereal on top. The cream cheese won’t fly everywhere, and baby can get the experience of getting cereal into his mouth.
Expect a mess! Use a plastic or other waterproof bib, and put a mat under the high chair to make cleanup easier.
Baby Milestone 6: When They Can Try Highly Allergenic Foods

Some pediatricians still recommend waiting until children are 1-years-old or older before offering them certain foods that are highly allergenic, like eggs or fish. But current research doesn’t demonstrate any benefit to waiting past a certain age to introduce these foods unless you have a significant family history of food allergies or other reasons to believe your baby may be predisposed to them.
There is no evidence that introducing highly allergenic foods to children under the age of 1 makes them any more likely to be allergic to them, and the American Academy of Pediatrics now says it’s fine to give these foods before baby's first birthday. Many pediatricians are still very cautious about shellfish and peanuts, however, because allergic reactions to these foods can be particularly dangerous.
Baby Milestone 7: When They Can Drink Water

Babies don't need water during their first 6 months of life. They get all the water they need from breast milk or baby formula. Babies under 6 months of age should not be given any water at all because it’s easy to fill up their tiny stomachs -- and they should be filling up on the nutrients they need to grow. Once they start eating mostly solid foods, around 9 months of age, they can start water with meals using a sippy cup.
If your older baby shows an interest in water that you’re drinking, there’s no harm in letting him have a few sips. Just don’t let it replace the nutritious breast milk or formula he should be getting.
Baby Milestone 8: When They Can Completely Feed Themselves

Mastering eating with utensils is a long process. Most babies do not become really skilled at it until well over a year. Encourage your child to practice, and again, be prepared for a little mess. (How else will you get the “oatmeal in the hair” pictures that will embarrass him years later?) Source: http://goo.gl/mEGe41
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