新年时,跟朋友一起外出的时候路过PAVILION就看到。哇~好多的熊熊啊。。不过那天刚好下雨我就没得下去看啦。过后就看到FB上很多朋友都POST了跟熊熊得合照,我看了更加心痒痒。终于打算在2月12日去了。原来这个EXHIBITION是有一个叫UNITED BUDDY BEARS的组织举办的。
12日那天我到现场已经是O_O 了。好多五颜六色的熊熊啊~好漂亮啊~
"We have to get to know each other better ...
... it makes us understand one another better,
trust each other more, and live together more peacefully."
Under this motto, the UNITED BUDDY BEARS promote living together in peace and harmony on their global tour. Around 140 Buddy Bears (each 2 m tall) represent as many countries recognised by the United Nations. Since the first exhibition in Berlin in 2002, more than 25 million visitors world-wide have been able to admire the United Buddy Bears.
The Message
The Buddy Bears stand together “hand in hand”, symbolising the future vision of a peaceful world. Each bear stands for the people of the different countries and their culture, yet not for political systems.
Art and Culture
Each Buddy Bear shows the individual design created by different artists on behalf of their native countries. The international artists’ different styles are joined together in one work of art, spreading zest for life. The diverse design of the Buddy Bears – always typical for the respective countries – enables the visitors to experience a journey around the globe.