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2015-6-1 03:42 PM

圣物名称:Lp Koon特别版九庙印  亲手写经文的脚印符布(不是电脑印制)
开光师傅:Lp Koon
庙宇:Wat Bangrai
年份:2540 Be
有兴趣供请,请联络:0165977118 ,wechat:Lks7777
这符布是独一无二的,本人亲自去Wat Bangrai 找 Lp Koon师傅恭请后,在给师傅加持多一次

2015-6-2 11:45 AM

圣物名称:Nang Kwak Chok Lap Banju Gru
开光师傅:Lp Tim

庙宇:Wat Lahanrai
年份:2516 Be
原料:This Nang Kwak amulet is made of mixed sacred ingredients with rare old sacred amulets fragments powder Phong Prai Guman of Luang Pu Tim, in the form of baked clay (the same way of making the earthenware).

有兴趣供请,请联络:0165977118 ,wechat:Lks7777
限量出84000粒,捐助修复庙和建Lp Tim大金身的经费

This amulet is called in Thai "Nang Kwak Chok Lap (Banju Gru Luang Pu Tim Wat Lahanrai B.E.2516)" (nang kwak means woman beckoning happy lot in, chok lap means fortune, banju gru means enclosed in the underground hiding place).
The amulet was created and consecrated by Wat Lahanrai Temple, Rayong province, Thailand in B.E.2516 (A.D.1973), and was put in the Gru of the temple since then.
This Gru was uncovered in B.E.2549 (A.D.2006), and the temple had distributed the amulets inside to people who joined donating for the building and restoration of the temple. And also the disciple who joined donating to construction the most largest LP Tim statue in Thailand (12 meters long measure of LP Tim statue in the meditation posture) to be installed at the temple.
This Nang Kwak amulet is made of mixed sacred ingredients with rare old sacred amulets fragments powder Phong Prai Guman of Luang Pu Tim, in the form of baked clay (the same way of making the earthenware).
This Nang Kwak Chok Lap is very good at "Ngern Thong Lai Mā Thē Mā" (money flows in) "Khākhāi" (helps to have a good trading and good business), "Metta Maha Niyom" (brings loving-kindness from others to the worshiper), brings in good business opportunities to the owner, leads to the good helpers and supporters and enhances fortune and money luck to the owner. Many people have experience proven on these. However, please use your own judgement regarding the information of the benefit of amulet provided. Amulet might helps people to fulfill their wishes but it is not something that we should have faith in or value it as a spiritual anchor, but the Buddha's teaching. The most important thing is the way we conduct ourselves (try by ourselves fist and use the amulet as the helping hand).
2015-6-4 05:48 PM

圣物名称:Lp Koon Locket
开光师傅:Lp koon

庙宇:Wat Bangrai
有兴趣供请,请联络:0165977118 ,wechat:Lks7777
2015-6-7 06:30 PM

圣物名称:Look Kok 路葛
开光师傅:Ajan Sutad

材料:星期6意外车祸死亡,星期2火化的小孩骨头(在泰国相传这时候去死的小孩灵气最强),Nam Man Phai尸油一支,外泡花油,大量骨碎,七个不同地方的山坟泥
有兴趣供请,请联络:0165977118 ,wechat:Lks7777

2015-6-22 03:46 PM

圣物名称:Phra Khun Pian Phai Kuman (第二期坤平 ,大模)
开光师傅:Lp Sakcron
庙宇:Wat Nong Krub
年份:2538 Be
原料:Phong Prai Kuman

有兴趣供请,请联络:0165977118 ,wechat:Lks7777

2015-6-22 04:43 PM

圣物名称:Ajan Uthai Jumbo Locket
开光师傅:Ajan Uthai
庙宇:Wat Wikhansoon
年份:2555 Be

有兴趣供请,请联络:0165977118 ,wechat:Lks7777
2015-6-24 03:43 PM

圣物名称:Oil Layong 蜡勇人缘油 (大模)
开光师傅:Lp Sin
庙宇:Wat Sompoi, Buriram
年份:2548 Be
有兴趣供请,请联络:0165977118 ,wechat:Lks7777
2015-6-26 12:07 PM

圣物名称:咩南平妈妈 Mie Nam Ping
开光师傅:Ajan Sutad
庙宇:Wat Nong Chat Wanram
年份:2556 Be
有兴趣供请,请联络:0165977118 ,wechat:Lks7777

  在早百多年前, 泰國的窮鄉僻壤住著一名懷有胎兒的婦人,在她臨盤時,不幸胎兒的胎位不正,以致爛產血崩,這名婦人在臨終前抱著一匡善念真心希望這世間上再沒有人受到這種苦難,並可得到幸福。
在這一念之間感動了天界,天神答應把這婦人的靈魂留在凡間幫助世人,並受予法力給這位婦人,好讓她可在世間行善積得, 幫助有須要的人脫離貧窮疾苦,而這位婦人便是Mie Nam Pin了。百年多後,Mie Nam Pin在森林遇到了高僧Lp up,Mie Nam Pin 希望此緣份能幫助有須要的人。於是就在Lp up打座的時候,Mie Nam Pin特意走進Lp up禪定時的意識界中,並告知龍婆,可以借助自己的法力制作成聖物,使有緣 人得到Mie Nam Pin的幫助走向更幸福美滿的生活。

2015-6-26 01:42 PM

圣物名称:Phra Cham Wan 星期佛-站佛
开光师傅:Lp Jad (皇室高僧之一)
庙宇:Wat Phra Singh
年份:2408 Be
有兴趣供请,请联络:0165977118 ,wechat:Lks7777

Lp Jad 于 2480Be 圓滿開光結束,開光長達五年之久。使用材料包括:廟宇土壤,老帕洛,帕空,帕Perm,帕Raeng(1300年历史),瓦拉康老崇迪经粉。当中也含有来自龙婆肃 Wat Makhamtao,龙婆通丹Wat 那马恩,周冠罗的师傅KosaJan Chalerm的Tri Ni Sing Hae经粉,PutthaMang经粉,PutthaKoon经粉,It Ti Chae经粉。這牌效果非常好
2015-6-30 02:07 PM

圣物名称:Khun Paen Org Suek
开光师傅:Lp Kong & Archan Chum
庙宇:Wat Kao Or
年份:2512 Be

在倒模之后开光之前,Archan Chum便要求徒弟向着此牌及照片试枪,结果子弹都无法射出。此尊坤平背面是手持双刀的坤平站立法相,意味着竞争、拼搏、战斗、胜利
有兴趣供请,请联络:0165977118 ,wechat:Lks7777

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