conservatory effect (GREENHOUSE EFFECT)is going to destroy our natural environment . that's cause of a lot weather problems were brought many trouble to bothering all human being in the whole universal(EXACTLY many malaysian were really faced to flood affair in those recently years )all these matters were due with many factors, but those factors cause by human with too depended to industrial &contemporary technology &be wilful to wasted our natural resources in earth(indeed , all MALAYSIAN should more on the alert to made any decisions ,when we were concern with wasted those priceless natural substances .Especially when tried to changed ours modern handphone to another new model ,we must be really thoughtfully to decided its , thought of some those new model were not really expensive untill we can't afforded ,but we were not really need to bought its)...that's can exert to protected our environmental from destroy with beside than more save ours natural resources ,that is also decrease those technology production were brought contaminate to affected at our environment ...(when we are face to the greenhouse effect matters, sometime we shall abandon our sub-requirement and sub-desire . that's all human obligate for our self-profit!!!The natural environmental and the natural ecosystem wereshown the grace and blessed from lord-----jahveh!!!)[ 而且我觉得世界之所以那么多自然灾害都是那些苹果或微软这些电子工业公司有份破坏的!泰国水灾土耳其地震应该要他们捐点钱!(因为地震会引发次污染!而地球的污染一直多半都是工业导致的!!所以尤其次污染需要用钱解决!他们应该出钱!)我要写那两个椰壳头富豪还有烂苹果公司了!!想起他们就讨厌!!叫他们捐钱!!要不然抵制他们商品!!!绝对不买!他们UP DATE 的什么I-PAD I-PHONE 再好也不买! 其实有些做测试的人知道拥有左右脑较为聪慧!(因为我有“认识我的直到我常说的内容的人”在这网上!————多数就是狡猾的小白开始吹牛的啦!所以他们会假装看见顺与逆时!但是全世界不多人同时运用双脑!哈哈哈哈!但是大家都不想丢脸!尤其某些认识我的人!很肯定我很可能就是测试里面160以上的人!因为我常说自己用双脑! 其实不是所有知识我都可以如此轻易做更为科学的推论式解释!(因为这方面的知识我比较具备!具备得足以让我拼凑出合理既合乎科学的解释!) 当男人爱的美貌满随处可见。。。。那么真正的爱情就更难寻找了。。。。。。 也许我们这些长得还不错的女人该感谢上天。。。我们不会在年轻貌美时遇上肤浅的男人,为了我们的表皮甜言蜜语欺骗我们,我们可以轻易看透他们的心。。。。 嘻嘻嘻!小丽丽狂人经济学! ———————————————— 目前全世界正面对金融危机!!可是小丽丽知道一个必杀技!轻易解决各国老百姓的财务问题! 这个必杀技其实非常简单!只要国际刑警选择一个超贪钱、超易被贿赂和很怕死很怕威胁的或者严重智障的————国际伪钞调查总长!!! 全世界就没有金融危机了! 然后全世界每个人手上都会有一大堆钱。。。可是虽是伪钞!!可是大家全都当作是真的来用!!那么尤其希腊和其他欧洲的人民就完全不缺钱了!金融危机也不会蔓延全球了!!!尤其全世界人人口袋几乎都有伪钞!!绝对就不会有人要国际政府调查。。。全都会假假不知道!!谁去抓伪钞就先被打扁!!! 其实伪钞只要不拿去银行,就不会有问题了!哈哈哈哈哈! 威廉王子当然是我幻想的对象!!哈哈哈哈哈!哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!哈哈哈哈!讲了都很爽哦!!越想越爽。。。。。。。。。什么姿势都可以!!没问题!绝对没问题!尤其和种类不一样的白人!特别刺激!!我喜欢!嘿嘿嘿嘿! 有问题也是我的脑袋本来就有问题!!! 哈哈哈哈哈哈! 遇上色狼要冷静!先看看他帅不帅!问他有没有随身带套! 然后看看能不能扁他一顿逃。。。。不能的话再对他微笑。。。 最近很多人发神经觉得私人考生————考试证要去学校上课才会有!!! 其实我自己打过电话去考试局问过!他们说该从我报名电脑户口打印出来!不信的话??打电话去考试局问吧!这是考试局电话号码: 03-61369663 不必背后乱猜!也不要在网上四周围乱讲!别人不知道还以为你们说的是真的!反过来误会我! 记得是在办公时间打去问哦!!! 可惜我打算明年才去考了!!今年发生太多事我的功课很多没准备好!(只怕有些精神病患者没有打去问就幻想考试局的回答!————他们会幻想考试局说私人考生要去学校读书才能有考试证) 考试局————MPM majlis peperiksaan malaysia 我觉得很多在网上认识他们的人有时被他们说的话弄得很糊涂!甚至发现他们是乱说的而觉得很尴尬!!!下次和那个什么阳X舞子的人聊天要小心!我体谅他们团长最近精神压力可能太大!他最近才无故说自己车祸撞死。。。。精神很紧张!上次我和他开玩笑他紧张得跑去报警呀!! 后来过不久他就更严重。。。。现在他整个人都变了!他其实也很可怜!他还很年轻!也许他怕被人指责他把我的考试证打印了出来所以逃避现实!其实我不会怪他!我都算了!反正今年我也没有准备好!只是我必须解释清楚!要不然别人误会我!嘻嘻嘻嘻! 我又来语法升级版!这是第四版!我不断改进哦!!叫我“改变世界的Jobs吧!!the /b]没时间检查文法是这样的啦~今天才看到ARE-were 和 waste-wasted!!!!!hahaha!!!Billy!!!Sky Tan & IVY always attack mine language grammar,because i had told him i going to improve it !!!! THAT'S WHY I NOT HAMBLE at his front !he is really ignoble ________________________________________________________________________ jahveh这个词汇???哈哈哈!很多人不会!他是JEHOVAH的异体字!!jahveh也是指上帝或耶和华的意思!至于belive这个词汇也是believe的异体 belive(by~ belifan "remain," intrans. form of belæfan (see beleave); general Gmc. (cf. Goth. beleiban, O.H.G. biliban, Ger. bleiben, Du. blijven); confused in early M.E. with beleave and merged into it, which gave beleave a double and conflicting meaning ("to leave," also EXPAND"to remain") which might be why the compound word, the cognate of important verbs in other Germanic languages, was abandoned in English and only leave (v.) remains. 其实BELIVE这个词汇在英语只剩下坚持或保持的含义!所以这个词汇如果我用形容对上帝坚定的相信也可用BELIEVE或BELIEF或CONVICTION取代————BELIVE。。。。 你们误以为写错了??嘻嘻嘻嘻!其实我有时只是TYPE错!例如~SCHEME变成SHCEME!!那是我故意留下来证明是用手TYPE的证明不是来自翻译网COPY的! 至于我说自己需要提升英文,那当然是因我不能配合某些语文程度永远都停留在小学程度的那些人呀!我在接近大学范围的程度当然要更努力!SOON是指瞬间!COMING SOON是指瞬间来临!!不是戏院即将推出!just now i read the summary of <A TALE OF TWO CITIES>it'S so excellent! but i got not much time to finish the whole story!furthermore, I STILL NEED TO READ IN CHINESE TRANSLATE COPY!so, my English still has to be find a way to improve!#其实我的语法没有错!!READ 这个词汇没有过去式!READED才是错的!!看英文报章不是因为华文不好,而是提升英文需要日常生活中多用英文,明白了吗?!someone‘s fight for their benefit, I'm fight too!but we are in different way! fortitude can bring us to catch ours dream!brighten future wait for people are never easy to give up! i belive once day in future i shall obtain my prize!confidence is my potential to catch my plan&further&sake! anything at my plan... certainly! coming soon to be the FACTS! Even I from the government secondary,North Lake secondary school——TASEK UTARA(TEKUN usaha JAYA..........)but by the scheme of my life is plan from jahveh,so I'm belive that's sure will come TRUE!That's an exclusive scheme,only for me! a surpassing STPM result wait for me, because i rely with jahveh |
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