Master Luang Por Nian come to Johor Bahru branch temple on 1st March
下午四點抵達舊廟 (Will arrive the old Temple on evening 4pm)
晚上八點於新廟為善信們誦經加持 (will start chanting on 8pm at the new temple)
-内容是點小蠟燭,念大經,繞行轉廟三圈 (light up candle, chanting, walk around temple 3 time)
請善信們踴躍出席法會 (Welcome to join this religious assembly)
在Google map可以用“Wat Phrabuddha Srithep Phetchabun Johor Bahru Malaysia”查詢到正確位置。 ... MALAYSIA/@1.5782619,103.7519302,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xc3aeedd8121050b4!8m2!3d1.5782619!4d103.7519302?sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjqp8XY-cnZAhUJKo8KHbsQC0kQ_BII2QEwHg ... ?type=3&theater