The Crew 2 launches early 2018, debut trailer and gameplay walkthrough
开放世界竞速游戏续作《飙酷车神 2:动力世界》即日开放测试登记
Ubisoft 今日在 E3 展上揭露了开放世界竞速系列《飙酷车神》的最新作品《飙酷车神 2》,预定 2018 年上半年在 PlayStation 4 Pro、PlayStation 4、Xbox One X、Xbox One 和 Windows PC 平台推出。 官方同时宣布即日起开放 Beta 测试登记,玩家可前往置底官方页面登记以争取参加抢先测试的机会。
距离《飙酷车神》上市已有两年多的时间,设于法国里昂的 Ubisoft 旗下 Ivory Tower 工作室 再次带来了全新一代的《飙酷车神 2》,让玩家来到以美国为蓝本彻底重新打造的游戏世界、体验美国动力竞速精神。 官方表示,《飙酷车神 2:动力世界》挑战了物理机制的极限,让竞速游戏迷和喜爱开放世界的玩家能独自或与好友一起考验自身本事,驾驭各式各样的车辆、机车、船只和飞机,享受无止境的竞争、无限制的探索,并且成为最伟大的动力竞速冠军。
「现今的美国动力竞速环境是我们孵化全新计划的绝佳温床」,Ivory Tower 工作室总经理 Ahmed Boukhelifa 表示:「我们团队为《飙酷车神》系列提出了大胆且令人兴奋的全新愿景,我们期盼《飙酷车神 2》能继续挑战此类型游戏的极限,并且真正实现无边无际驾驶体验的美梦。 」
在白雪覆盖的落基山脉上空、于云雾之中飞翔与翻滚;在纽约市的偏僻街道上高速奔驰、在水流湍急的密西西比河中奋勇突进;或将大峡谷的美丽风光尽收眼底。 驾驶豪华超跑、骑乘最具代表性的美式重机、操控最快速敏捷的特技飞机或动力船,玩家有无穷机会参与各种刺激挑战。 《飙酷车神 2》针对陆上、水上和空中的各种竞争性游戏内容,将美国重新设计成一个为竞速而存在的国度,并且带来各种全新的视觉效果,例如栩栩如生的苍翠植物、3D 容积云雾以及逼真的水流水波表现。
在这个竞速国度内,玩家会遇到 4 个不同的竞速动力家族:街头赛车手、职业赛车手、越野探险家、自由式竞速者。 每个家族各自有独特的文化与行为准则。 每个家族也有专属的总部,方便玩家会面以及购买、收集与自定义竞速载具。 透过竞赛以及各种偶然机会,玩家将可以找到及精进自己的竞速风格、收藏及改装梦寐以求的竞速载具,然后在全美动力竞速史上写下崭新一页。
此外,Ubisoft 还同时宣布了《飙酷车神》老玩家回馈方案:为答谢《飙酷车神》现有玩家长期以来的大力支持,拥有一代的玩家将可在《飙酷车神 2》中获得高达 18 款额外载具展开一段全新的竞速旅程。
《飙酷车神 2》预定将于 2018 年上半年在 PlayStation 4 Pro、PlayStation 4、Xbox One X、Xbox One 和 Windows PC 平台推出。
The Crew 2 will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in early 2018, Ubisoft announced during its E3 2017 press conference.
Here’s an overview of the game, via Ubisoft:
Having previously created an open-world playground for four-wheeled vehicles that spanned the roadways and off-roadways of the USA, the developers at Ivory Tower set their sights on the sky and the sea. Enter The Crew 2, the next iteration of the open-world driving playground, which will introduce bikes, boats, and airplanes to a fully redesigned map of the USA. The Crew 2 is scheduled to release early next year for Xbox One, PS4, and PC, with enhancements for the PS4 Pro and Scorpio.
In order to optimize the open world for land, sea, and air vehicles, The Crew 2 will feature a completely redesigned map. Now you won’t just be able to drive across the Rocky Mountains – you’ll be able to soar through the clouds high above their majestic peaks. You won’t just off-road alongside the mighty Mississippi River, you’ll also speed down its waterways in a powerboat. The ability to switch between vehicle types on the fly opens up whole new realms of exploration, whether you’re flying through the Grand Canyon or motorbiking through the man-made canyons of New York City.
All throughout Motornation, as this land of vehicular freedom is officially called, you’ll find competitions and challenges waiting to test your skills. Furthermore, you’ll be able to capture and share your accomplishments with the press of a button, so you can throw down the gauntlet for your friends or just show off the cool stuff you’ve done.
It’s not just friends you’ll want to impress, however. There are four different motorsports families that you’ll meet and interact with, including street racers, pro racers, off-road experts, and freestylers. You’ll visit each group’s headquarters, where you’ll be able to acquire new rides and customize them. New rides and customization items can also be gained through competition or chance encounters, and you can take your time tweaking them any way you like in your own personal HQ.
Players who have spent time cruising the country in The Crew will be eligible for the Crew Rewards Program, a dedicated program to thank them for their support by offering up to 18 vehicles for their future journey in The Crew 2.
The Crew 2 is slated for release in early 2018 for Xbox One, PS4, and PC, with enhancements for the PS4 Pro and Scorpio.
Users can register now for access to an upcoming beta at the game’s official website.