本帖最后由 kbteh 于 2014-10-23 12:54 AM 编辑
Schwarzkopf Professional Hair Care Products
德國Schwarzkopf Professional 施華蔻專業美髮

Repair Rescue:-任選4樣只需RM100
Shampoo/Conditioner/Spray Conditioner/Treatment/Spray Treatment/Sealed Ends

Color Freeze:-任選4樣只需RM100Shampoo/Conditioner/Treatment/Colored Ends/Silver Shampoo

Moisture Kick:-任選4樣只需RM100Shampoo/Spray Conditioner/Recharger

Smooth Shine:-任選4樣只需RM100Shampoo/Conditioner/Treatment

Q10 Time Restore:-任選4樣只需RM120
Shampoo/Conditioner/Treatment/Satin Spray
Hair Shampoo / 洗髮精
BC Bonacure Curl Bounce Shampoo
250ml RM38
Color Freeze Shampoo
250ml RM34 /
1250ml RM88
Fibre Force Shampoo
200ml RM38 /
1250ml RM98
Hair and Scalp (Dandruff Control) Shampoo
250ml RM34
Hair and Scalp Deep Cleansing Shampoo
250ml RM34 /
1250ml RM88
Hair Growth (Daily Maintenance Regime) Shampoo
250ml RM34
Moisture Kick Shampoo
250ml RM34 /
1250ml RM88
Oil Miracle Shampoo
200ml RM40
Q10 Time Restore Shampoo
250ml RM38 /
1250ml RM98
Repair Rescue Shampoo
250ml RM34 /
1250ml RM88
Scalp Therapy Dandruff Control Shampoo
Scalp Therapy Deep Cleansing Shampoo
200ml RM38 /
1000ml RM98
Scalp Therapy Sensitive Soothe Shampoo
200ml RM38 /
1000ml RM98
Smooth Shine Shampoo
250ml RM34
Hair Conditioner / 潤髮乳
BC Bonacure Oil Miracle Gold Shimmer Conditioner
150ml RM40
Color Freeze Conditioner
200ml RM34 /
1000ml RM88
Fibre Force Rinse Out Conditioner
150ml RM38 /
1000ml RM98
Q10 Time Restore Conditioner
200ml RM40 /
1000ml RM100
Repair Rescue Conditioner
200ml RM34 /
1000ml RM88
Smooth Shine Conditioner
200ml RM34
Hair Treatment / 護髮素
Color Freeze Teatment Mask
200ml RM36 /
750ml RM88
Curl Bounce Butter Treatment
200ml RM40
Fibre Force Fortifier Treatment
150ml RM40 /
750ml RM100
Oil Miracle Gold Shimmer Treatment
150ml RM40
Q10 Time Restore Treatment Mask
750ml RM90
Repair Rescue Smooth Express
10 x 15ml RM50
Repair Rescue Treatment Mask
200ml RM36 /
750ml RM88
Smooth Shine Treatment Mask
200ml RM36
Hair leave-in / 頭髮精華液
Fibre Force Spray Conditioner
150ml RM40
BC Bonacure Q10 Time Restore Satin Spray
200ml RM38
Color Freeze Spray Conditioner
200ml RM34
Moisture Kick Spray Conditioner
200ml RM34 /
400ml RM48
Oil Miracle Finishing Treatment
100ml RM54
Oil Miracle Light Finishing Treatment
100ml RM54
Oil Miracle Liquid Oil Conditioner
150ml RM40
Repair Rescue Amino Fortifier
50ml RM34
Repair Rescue Sealed Ends
75ml RM34
Hair Tonic / 調理液
Hair Growth Fortifying Tonic
100ml RM95
Hair Growth serum: 6 weeks activating regime
7×10 ml RM80
Seborin Aktiv Hair Tonic
300ml RM40
Seborin Hair Tonic
400ml RM40
Scalp-Ampoule / 頭皮精華液
Hair & Scalp Dandruff Control Fluid
100ml RM38
Scalp Therapy Dandruff Control Fluid
100ml RM52
Scalp Therapy Dandruff Control Serum
30ml RM70
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