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2015-9-15 05:59 PM
【TGS 15】ATLUS X Vanillaware 新作《十三机兵防卫圏》正式公布

  打造出全球销量上百万片热门作品《魔龙宝冠(ドラゴンズクラウン)》的 ATLUS X Vanillaware 组合今日在 SCEJA 2015 东京电玩展展前记者会,公开了合作计划最新作《十三机兵防卫圈》。


  在记者会结束后,《十三机兵防卫圈》形象官网随即开放,并预定将会在 PS4 与 PS Vita 两平台推出,上市日期未定。官方网站 - http://atlus-vanillaware.jp/13/

2017-6-15 07:46 PM
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim E3 2017 teaser trailer
《十三机兵防卫圈》E3预告片 确认本作还在做




Atlus has released the E3 2017 teaser trailer for 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, its upcoming title from VanillaWare that takes place in a modern setting highlighted by giant mechs.

A release window for both the Japanese and western releases have yet to be announced. In Japan, the game is confirmed for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita. In the west, Atlus has yet to officially confirm platforms, but a previous slip-up suggests it will be the same as Japan.
2017-9-19 07:16 PM
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim launches 2018 in Japan
《十三机兵防卫圈》释出最新影片 2018 年内发售

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/152703.html

  由过去创作《魔龙宝冠(ドラゴンズクラウン)》的 ATLUS X Vanillaware 所制作的全新游戏《十三机兵防卫圈》,官方于今日的 PlayStation 东京电玩展展前发表会上,释出了最新宣传影片,并公布游戏将于 2018 年发售的消息。

  《十三机兵防卫圈》过去是于 2015 年的 PlayStation 东京电玩展展前发表会上公开的游戏作品,但在游戏及首部宣传影片公开后,便沉寂了一阵子,没有关于游戏的更详细信息曝光。 但就在今日由 SCEJA 所举办的 PlayStation 东京电玩展展前发表会上,官方释出了最新的宣传影片,并且公开游戏预定将于 2018 年内发售的消息。

  在这次释出的宣传影片中,可看见更多关于《十三机兵防卫圈》的相关信息,也可以看见一些关于游戏的画面情报。 游戏制作也是由过去玩家熟悉的组合,神谷盛治担任游戏总监、崎元仁负责音乐监制。 目前游戏预定将于 2018 年发售,对于作品有兴趣的人,可注意后续相关报导。


13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim will launch for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita in 2018 in Japan, Atlus and VanillaWare announced at the 2017 PlayStation Press Conference in Japan.

The game, directed by George Kamitani, is a “dramatic adventure” that follows 13 protagonists made up of boys and girls who pilot robots to fight against their fate of unavoidable destruction.

Visit the official website http://13sar.jp/

2017-9-29 10:34 PM
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim details atmosphere

Following a new trailer at Tokyo Game Show 2017 last week, Atlus and VanillaWare have released a new set of details and screenshots for 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim.

Get the information below.

■ A New Atlus x VanillaWare Challenge

Odin Sphere‘s scenario, which plays out through the perspectives of five protagonists, received high praise. And now, the same director, George Kamitani, is taking on the challenge of a dramatic adventure with “13” protagonists in 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. Set in the 1980s, boys and girls will pilot robots called “Sentinels” and fight against their fate of unavoidable destruction.

■ The End of a Regular Everyday

—A train station illuminated by the evening sun. A familiar scene everyone has become acquainted with.

—VanillaWare, which has previously focused on creating fantasy titles, finally builds a world set in modern day Japan in this title. The expression of light is detailed and beautiful in every scene.

—“That day” came without warning. The people who had lived peaceful lives run about trying to escape. Regardless of age or sex, there is no means to overcome the wave of despair. However, a boy named Juurou Anbu appeared to fight against that wave.

—The cityscape dyed in the twilight. Several smokes and fires hang over the city. Just what has happened in this world?

■ 13 Intersecting Perspectives

The story develops by going back and forth between each of the 13 protagonists’ perspectives. In a world on the verge of despair, they are each searching for the truth. All 13 protagonists hold the key to the story.

—A girl characterized by a cold expression and a ponytail walks along the school rooftop. The story starts from mundane, everyday scenery such as this.

—One of the protagonists, a boy characterized by his pompadour style hairdo. He’ll explore various places, including school, the train station, shopping district, and an office.

—Iori Fuyuzaka walks forward while checking her surroundings. Many students are gathered in the cafeteria, but who is she looking for?

—A girl stretching in her gym clothes after leaving the schoolyard. The state of the students around her suggests that they are doing club activities. The vividly drawn characters add to the already shimmering world.

■ Decisions Left to Us

Decisions and outcomes will change with each passing moment. When to do something, who to do it to, and what to do depends on you.

—A lone woman lies down on the floor beneath one of the protagonists. What exactly happened here? Could she be dead?

—One of the protagonists, a female high school student with braided hair. She stands with her friend Miwako Sado in a ruined building. She seems to be able to take some sort of action in response to Sado, and several keywords such as “distress” float about.

—A huge robot called a “Sentinel” walks outside the window. Yet another protagonist is piloting the robot. She seems to be communicating with someone.

—Is there no means outside of battle to survive their fate of destruction?

■ A Boys and Girls Sci-Fi Group Performance

A city and its people realistically depicted. The protagonists who live in that city. The mysteries that fill that world, and the crisis that approaches. A grand group performance where regular, everyday life changes into the extraordinary… The currently revealed protagonists are a high school boy named Juurou Anbu and a high school girl named Iori Fuyuzaka. Thirteen boys and girls, Juurou and Iori included, will pilot robots called “Sentinels” and fight against their fate of unavoidable destruction.

Second Generation Type-1 Sentinel No. 13

The robots piloted by the protagonists are called “Sentinels.” Among them is this Sentinel, which is called “Second Generation Type-1 Sentinel No. 13.” There seem to be several other types of Sentinels.

Sentinel Battle Scenes

The protagonists will pilot the Sentinels and fight in desperate battles. In order to protect the city, it seems that it is necessary to combine the power of several Sentinels.

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim will launch for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita in Japan in 2018. A western release is also planned, but has not yet been dated.
2017-9-29 10:36 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-3 06:17 PM 编辑

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/0/153390.html

  由 ATLUS X Vanillaware 合作的 PS4 / PS Vita《十三机兵防卫圈》,预定在 2018 年内发售。 在 2017 年 9 月 19 日举办的东京电玩展 2017 PlayStation 展前发表会「2017 PlayStation Press Conference in Japan」上,也公开了《十三机兵防卫圈》第二波宣传影片, 以下就配合影片内容和大家介绍游戏世界观。

  本作游戏类型份类为戏剧性冒险游戏,是在 2016 年推出重制作品《奥丁领域:里普特拉西尔(オーディンスフィア レイヴスラシル)》(PS4 / PS3 / PS Vita),以及才刚发表 PS4 重制版的《魔龙宝冠(ドラゴンズクラウン)》 (PS3 / PS Vita)等等,以奇幻风格作品为中心的 Vanillaware 工作室,挑战以现代日本作为舞台的全新作品。

  游戏总监是 Vanillaware 工作室的神谷盛治,角色设定由同样隶属于 Vanillaware 工作室的平井有纪子担任,音效总监则是 Basiscape 的崎元仁。

  将会由十三名主角各自视点开始发展的故事,会让玩家决定「什么时候,由谁,去做什么事」,玩家做出的选择会造成什么结果,将会随着游戏时间进展而产生变化。 当然似乎也有在游戏名称当中也有出现的「机兵」之战斗场面。

  但不论是冒险游戏部份,还是机兵作战的部份,目前都还尚未明朗。 也只能在仔细观察目前已经公开的情报以及宣传影片,来确认游戏世界观的同时,耐心等待后续报导。

ATLUS X Vanillaware 的全新挑战!

《奥丁领域》以五个各有特色的主角,所描绘出来的故事,受到玩家极高评价。 游戏总监神谷盛治,这次将要挑战以「十三名」主角描绘的戏剧性冒险游戏!

以 80 年代的世界为舞台,少年少女要搭上称为「机兵」的巨大机器人,反抗无法回避的毁灭命运!

充满谜题的壮阔群戏,即将在 PlayStation 4 & PlayStation Vita 上登场!



「那一天」就这样毫无预警地来临。 原本过着和平生活的众人慌乱奔逃。

被夕阳染成一片橘红色的街道。 里面似乎可以发现有黑烟和火光。

过去大部份都是推出奇幻风格作品的 Vanillaware 工作室,
在本作当中将会以现代日本作为游戏舞台。 每一幕的光影表现都是纤细又美丽。


故事将会在「十三」名主角的视点之间互相切换。 在面临绝望的世界,他们将会找出各个面对的真相。 故事的关键,就掌握在这一共十三名主角手上。






随着时展流逝,选项和结果都会发生变化! 什么时候,由谁,去做什么事,全都由你来决定。

到底是发生了什么事? 这名女性已经身亡了吗?

搭乘这名机兵的是另外一名主角。 似乎正在和别人通讯。

十三名主角之一绑着辫子的女高中生。 她和朋友佐渡美和子一起待在被破坏的大楼里。



描写得十分真实的城市与人群,以及生活在其中的众多主角。 还有关于这世界的许多谜题,跟即将来临的危机。 壮阔的群戏将会让日常逐渐变为非日常......


第 2 世代 1 型 13 号机兵

会由主角们搭乘的巨大机器人「机兵」。 这一台机兵被称为「第 2 世代 1 型 13 号机兵」。 似乎还有其他复数机型的机兵存在。


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