本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-7-24 07:02 PM 编辑

YAGER Announces Match-Based Sci-Fi FPS The Cycle
《特种战线》团队公开新作《The Cycle》 预定八月底展开 Alpha 测试

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/165839.html

  《特种战线(Spec Ops: The Line)》研发团队 Yager 公开结合 PvP 与 PvE 元素新型态射击游戏《The Cycle》,玩家在每场约 20 分钟比赛中,可以想办法与他人临时结盟来解任务,也可以在完成任务后分道扬镳, 而任何人都可以与其他人结盟,任何人也可以攻击非结盟的其他人。

  《The Cycle》游戏故事设定在 Fortuna III 这颗行星,是个美丽、充满敌意却又拥有宝藏、外星生命的世界,此处也充斥着寻找财富的玩家。 整个星系被庞大的派系势力所控制,这些势力也正争夺部分外围神秘星球的资源,这些派系需要冒险者来协助前往 Fortuna III、完成派系想要达成的肮脏任务,而玩家就是承包他们任务的一员, 要想办法为了搜集矿物资源或者猎杀野生生物而努力,同时也要小心在竞争中挂点。

  Yager 表示,玩家必须在约 20 分钟的一场比赛中想办法完成契约(任务),这个地区会有暴风来袭,如果停留太久就会被困在此处。 玩家可以 Fortuna III 星球的表面遇见其他玩家,为了任务而结成同盟,想办法致富或者面对死亡,游戏中将有众多的任务,而最厉害的冒险者将是可以执行最危险任务的人。 游戏中将有黑市设计,让玩家可以在比赛时取得众多的武器与装备,以打造个人的战斗风格,玩家甚至可以制作新的装备带到下一场比赛。

  Yager 同时宣布,《The Cycle》将于今年八月底展开 Alpha 测试,预定 12 月 1 日在 Steam 展开抢先体验。



The Cycle is a match-based FPS where you compete to fulfill contracts (quests) during a match that lasts approximately 20 mins. Staying on the planet for longer than that is bad for your health.

About The Cycle

Born from an internal pitching jam, The Cycle has been developed since the start of 2018. We saw great promise in our prototype, which captured a blend of session based FPS matches and quest objectives in an open world, a genre we have dubbed internally as a "Competitive Quester". Following our prototype, we took what we learned and started full development on The Cycle, with the goal of having closed test sessions as soon as we can. We believe that we are onto something special with The Cycle , and that our experienced team can make our vision a reality. We practice an open development culture, so you can join us on our social media channels and Discord and be part of the journey of bringing The Cycle to players. We are now actively recruiting for our Alpha tests - to sign up, visit our website here: https://thecycle.game/


YAGER is an independent developer of computer and video games based on the banks of the river Spree in Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany. Founded in 1999 by five dedicated developers and artists, our focus is the creation of vivid and meaningful gaming experiences. We are best known for the 2012 released Spec Ops: The Line and for the 2016 released Dreadnought. Today, a team of 90 developers is busy at work bringing YAGER's vision of gaming to life.

Key Features

• A new Frontier: Explore the world of Fortuna III - a hostile, beautiful new world, full of fortune, alien life, and other players looking to take its riches.

• Storm: The cycle leaves only a narrow window of opportunity - stay too long, and you will be trapped on the planet.

• Pacting: Players can meet on the surface of Fortuna III and join uneasy alliances with one another as they complete contracts

• Black Market: Players have a wide arsenal of weapons and gear available to them, all with different playstyles, that can be purchased during a match

• Crafting: Players can spend their precious credits on creating new gear to take into the next match

• Quests: Shooting may give you an edge - but the best prospectors are those who can take on dangerous jobs for factions during a match

• Customization: A wide selection of gear that players progress through, tailoring their character to their individual playstyle, with more options regularly added


Developer: YAGER Development

Release Date: Early Access release in late 2018

Platforms: Windows PC

Social: https://twitter.com/TheCycleGame - https://www.facebook.com/TheCycleGame/ - Instagram - Discord