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【PS4】Knack 2

2016-12-4 06:08 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-12-6 07:26 AM 编辑

Knack 2 announced for PS4

  随着 PlayStation Experience 2016 活动于北美时间 12 月 3 日起正式在美国加州安那翰正式开幕,SIE 也于现场发表一款新作游戏《Knack2》登场与玩家们见面, 并同步释出收录本作协力同乐等画面的最新游戏实机宣传影片要让玩家们抢先欣赏! 附带一提,目前本作发售日还是未定。

  《Knack》为一款由 SCE Japan Studio 所开发制作,于 2014 年随着 PS4 主机上市同步推出的人气动作游戏,游戏最大特色是主打让玩家们能透过简单的动作操作,让所有玩家们都能享受到怀旧氛围乐趣的关卡过关型古典动作游戏,玩家们在游戏中可以操纵主角「Knack」前进,而且「 Knack」还可以吸收关卡上的能量结晶来作为自己的强化零件让自己不断巨大化,藉此来提升能力打倒强敌;至于在本作故事背景方面,描述原本和平的星球,却因为装备现代武器的哥布尔入侵而陷入战火,因此人类组成调查队要调查哥布尔进化的原因,而天才科学家「Dr. Vargas」与自己研发的机器人「 Knack」也同时加入这个调查队,并因此而展开一连串的冒险与战斗。

  至于在这次的二代方面,虽然官方目前并没有针对游戏内容公布太多信息,不过从这次官方所释出的影片来看,本作除了将保留前作备受好评的爽快动作要素之外,还将会有更多的伙伴角色登场,而且游戏内还将会加入双人协力同乐的要素,玩家们将可以在舞台上分别操作一只「Knack」机器人(合计共两只)来进行协力闯关,一起并肩作战挑战强敌,对喜欢《 Knack》的玩家们来说想必一定也会感到非常期待才是。


Sony Interactive Entertainment and SIE Japan Studio announced Knack 2 for PlayStation 4 during the PlayStation Experience 2016 keynote.

Here’s a brief overview of the game, via Sony:

Watch fun-filled action in Knack 2, an upcoming title exclusive to PS4 and developed by Japan Studio. Experience new moves, improved couch co-op, vibrant environments, and fun-filled combat with huge Knack! Try driving a tank, controlling a robot, or testing out your new moves on a friend.

2017-5-9 07:20 AM

2017-6-13 11:12 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-13 07:29 PM 编辑

Knack 2 launches September 5, E3 2017 trailer
与朋友一路过关斩将《Knack 2》释出最新宣传影片

  索尼互动娱乐(SIE)于 2017 年在美国洛杉矶举办的 E3 电玩展 PlayStation 展前发表会上,公开了《Knack 2(KNACK ふたりの英雄と古代兵団)》的最新宣传影片。

  《Knack 2》是过去于 PS4 平台推出的《Knack》系列最新作。 在游戏中,主角「Knack」可以藉由古代遗迹碎片自由的变化体型大小藉此过关解谜。 而在 2 代中,玩家将可以与朋友共同闯关互相协助,并且使用只有在 2 人模式下才可以使用的特殊技能过关。

  目前《Knack 2》预定将于 2017 年内发售。

Knack 2 will launch for PlayStation 4 on September 5 for $39.99, Sony Interactive Entertainment announced during their E3 2017 press conference pre-show.

Here’s an overview of the game, via Sony:


Developed by Sony Interactive Entertainment’s Japan Studio and Mark Cerny, one of gaming’s most creative minds, Knack returns bigger and better than ever in the upcoming sequel, Knack 2, exclusively for the PlayStation 4 system (PS4). Designed for both families and gamers alike, Knack 2 is a fun, pick-up-and-play adventure with an evolved and diverse set of combat, platforming and puzzle gameplay mechanics.

At the press of a button, Knack’s signature size-shifting ability can be engaged and he can shrink down to a mere two feet in order to get past tight passageways or in contrast, he can grow into an overpowering giant with bolstering moves.

Knack 2 encompasses a robust combat system with over 20 dynamic moves, where players will have a host of new abilities which include flying kicks, highly damaging body slams, and even parrying enemy attacks right back at them. Knack also takes control of tanks and robots, in order to conduct even more powerful attacks.

Players can join in on the fun together as Knack 2 will feature a highly engaging two player co-op mode, allowing them to seamlessly enter or leave the game at any moment.

Knack 2 will be available for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Pro systems on September 5, 2017.

Key Features

Classic Platformer Action – Knack’s size-shifting ways comes into play with classic platforming action, allowing players to take advantage of his abilities in order to move past revolving platforming sequences.

Dynamic and Robust Combat System – With over 20 moves including flying kicks, boomerang attacks, powerful body slams, a barrage of multi-punches, and even parrying enemy attacks right back at them; Knack will continue to expand his skillset as players progress throughout the game.

Engaging Puzzles – Challenging and diverse puzzles will force players to take advantage of Knack’s various ever-moving parts; whether it’s utilizing his size-shifting abilities or implementing the right move at the perfect time.

Co-Op Mode– Join in on the fun with an engaging two player co-op mode, which offers a variety of special two-person combo moves. Co-Op mode also allows players to seamlessly enter or leave the game at any given moment.

Family-Friendly Adventure – From longtime nostalgic platform era enthusiasts to newcomers alike, Knack 2 features accessible and vibrant gameplay for players of any skill level.


2017-6-15 07:43 PM
2017-6-22 07:19 AM

2017-6-24 07:26 AM

2017-7-4 06:12 PM
Knack 2 launches September 28 in Japan

Knack 2 will launch for PlayStation 4 as Knack: The Two Heroes and the Ancient Army in Japan on September 28, the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reveals.

In North America and Europe, Knack 2 has been previously announced for release on September 5.

Knack 2 joins a crowded day of releases in Japan. Also launching on September 28 are Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain, Genkai Tokki: Castle Panzers, The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III, and Maitetsu for PlayStation 4, Fire Emblem Warriors for Switch and New 3DS, and Occultic;Nine for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PS Vita.
2017-7-28 07:11 PM
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