我刚收到录取信~那里写说“If you accept the offer,please complete and return the attached items in Appendix A and Appendix B to this office lastese by 4th May 2012 enclosing a Bank In slip/Postal Order/Money Order/Bank Draft of RM 1550.00,made payble to"University Telekon Sdn. Bhd."as your regstration fee.”
registration day 在五月二十七号~
什么是Appendix A和Appendix B?是指里面那些表格吗?我只懂钱要在五月四号前汇进去~那么里面那些表格呢?也是在五月四号前要寄过去吗?还是可以registration当天才直接交给他们?
还有我想问~那张borang jaminan kewangan是写父亲或母亲可以吗?还是要找其他人才能呢?