SISTAR’s member Dasom will be the MC for January 2013 Golden Disk Awards. Accordingto the official parties, Dasom will be the MC for the upcoming Golden Disk Awards that will be held at Malaysia in Mid- January 2013. This arrangement is expected to draw attention of both of the domestic and international KPOP fans.
Due to the experiences Dasom gain while being the daily MC for MBC’s “Music Core”, the progress of the Golden Disk Awards will seem to be safe as well. However, the male MC that will partner with Dasom for this Award has yet to be confirmed.
Before this, in December 2010 the host for Golden Disk Awards was Choi Song Hyunand Park Kyu Ri was the female MC for Golden Disk Awards held in Japan at January 2012.
On the other hand, Dasom was currently cast in KBS’s daily sitcom ‘Shut Up Family’ has broaden the range as an actor.
Kpop idol 们要来马咯!
话说我也不是很清楚这个颁奖典礼 , 看了wikipedia也不是很清楚 .....