一 LCCI level 1 Certificate in Book keeping
- the accounting equation - Accounting for Payroll - Double enrtry bookkeeping -The purpose and preparation of Control -Books of Original Entry - Account for Depreciation Costs -Bank transactions -Adjustments for Accruals and prepayments - Calculation of Payroll using Time Rates and incentive Schemes - Adjustments for Irrecoverable Debts
- Payroll Deductions - Accounting Concepts - Calculation of Wages - Prepare the Financial Statements.
二 LCCI level 2 Preparatory Course For Pearson LCCI Level 2 Diploma In Bookkeeping And Accounting Part time course
课程内容,如下 (课程内容是根据新加坡LCCI总公司规定和妥协的)
- The principle of Double entry accounting - Accounting concept - Limited Liability Companies - The preparation of Control Accounts - Accounting for Depreciation -Incomplete records of a sole trader - Reconciliation of Control Accounts - Accounting for Irrecoverable Debts and Allowance for Doubful Debts - Manufacturing Businesses
- Correction of Errors affecting the Trial Balance - Accounting for Accruals for prepayments - Non profit Making Organizations - The Calculation and interpretation of Accounting Ratios - Partnerships - The journal.
三 LCCI level 3 Preparatory Course For Peason LCCI Level 3 Diploma In Accounting And Finance Part time course
学制6个月,level 3的政府考试内容都在这个课程里,不及格就是自己的问题了。特别优待分期付款5个月。
- The Financial Accounting - Acoount For Inventory - Preparation of Accounting records from incomplete records - Types of Business organization - Account for Tangible and intangible Non current Assets - The calculation and Interpretation of Accounting Ratios - Budgets - Short term Decision Making - Long term Decision Making - Accounting for Groups of Companies - Introduction to Ethical Behaviour in Accounting Practices - How financial statement contribute towards meeting the Needs of different Stake holders and Users - Accounting for Groups of Companies - Partnership - The preparation of the Extended Trial Balance
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