- 单层排屋
- 3房
- 2厕所 (附热水器)
- 厨房扩建/干湿厨房/灶头壁橱
- 4个冷气机
- 刚粉刷完毕
- 装修、全地砖
- 部分家私/壁橱
- 对屋主 免中介费
- 往返CIQ 少于3分钟驾驶
月租 RM1800 (长期可商量)
Single Storey - Taman Century Johor Bahru
Location: Taman Century JB (Opposite Omega Tuition School)
- Single Storey
- 3 Rooms
- 2 toilets (with water heater)
- Extended kitchen / wet & dry separated / built-in kitchen furniture
- 4 units of air-con
- Just re-paint
- Renovated condition / full floor tile
- Partial furniture with built-ins
- Direct owner / without agent fee
- Less than 3 min driving from CIQ exit
monthly rental RM1800 (negotiable for long term)
Direct Owner H/P 0167864294