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[活动] Mythic Saga红蓝宝石活动卷土重来

2014-5-14 02:52 PM
Get Free Elemental Rubies and Sapphires to Upgrade Your Five Origins!

红蓝宝石大方送!Mythic Saga红蓝宝石活动卷土重来!您可以在活动期间享有超值优惠!游戏商城提供100颗E Ruby (每颗20黄金),100颗灵魂石(Spirit Stone)(每颗10黄金)以及超值黄金包(888黄金)供选择!另外,只要购买100颗灵魂石,额外送您300颗100颗灵魂石!!!


Time: 10:00 May 12th, 2014 - 9:59 May 14th, 2014 (GMT + 8)
Scope: All servers

During this event, you can buy 100 E Rubies (20 Gold for each),
100 Spirit Stones (10 Gold for each) and a Super Discount Pack (880 Gold) at the Time-Limited Shop in Treasury only once. Anyone who buys all the 100 Spirit Stones will get an extra 300 Spirit Stone FREE.

E Ruby: Use it with E Sapphire to infuse the Elemental Balls.
Super Discount Pack: Contains 12 Mount Orbs, 12 Feather Orbs, 12 Relic Shards and 12 Skyblades Orbs.

2014-5-19 04:53 PM
Collect Skyfires to Boost your Elemental Damage!

Mythic Saga为您精心策划一连串活动,让您度过一个愉快的周末!别迟疑,马上参与吧!

Time: 10:00 May 16th, 2014 - 9:59 May 18th, 2014(GMT + 8)
Scope: All servers

Free Events:
Event 1:
Description: During this event, you can buy 50 Imprint Stones (20 Gold for each) and 10 Discount Shop Coupons (8 Gold for each) at the Time-Limited Shop. Anyone who buys all the 50 Imprint Stones from Time-Limited Shop (Not from common shop or Discount Pack shop) can get 10 Pearl Essence Rank 8 Upgrade Stones FREE. You can get it only once.

Pearl Essence Rank 8 Upgrade Stone: Use the Pearl Essence Rank 8 Upgrade Stone and Pearl Essence Rank 7 at the upgrade board to obtain Pearl Essence Rank 8.

Discount Shop Coupon: Used to purchase items at the Lucky Discount Shop with 30% off discount.

The first purchase costs you only one Discount Shop Coupon. Afterwards, each time you buy an item, it will cost you twice the amount of the Coupons you consumed last time.

Event 2:
Description: During this event, Golden Seal opens! Now, you can enter the sealed shop which sells great discount-price items.

For more details, please logon: http://www.voomga.com/news_center/news_view/6693
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