公司名称: Kuso Box (酷兽阁)
office地址 : I-Cubic ( IOI MALL)
服务性质 : 格子铺
联络号码 : 010-7600858 (alvin)
网页 :
这一次的疯狂大促销~~租格子!减租金 ~~ 所有格子一律折扣20%租金!(最低价钱低至RM48~RM144)
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为什么选择酷兽阁 ?
One of the lowest commission charged as compared with other similar concept service providers in the market.
Pay attractive rental rates for spaces in shopping malls. As low as RM2 a day or RM 60 a month per locker.
吸引的低廉租金,一天只需要 RM2 就能实现老板梦!
Zero Labour Cost,Electricity Cost,.
View real-time online transactions for all merchants at the click of mouse from 10am to 10pm daily. We will sent monthly statement for merchants on 5th and payment paid by the 7th of the following month.
Short rental commitments – end your lease by providing as short as 30 days’ notice
Say no to lengthy rental contracts!
Maximum Security with locked up display spaces
每个阁子各自配有安全锁 ,让您无需担心货物遗失
Create a physical presence for your online store
Use KUSO BOX as your choice pick up storefront for your online business
Online shop in our KUSO ONLINE SHOPPING & In even in our KUSO Apps (could download form Play Store). During promotion, we are provide this service for free!
酷兽阁网络商城成立一间网络商店, 网络买家甚至能通过手机下载KUSO Apps 直接订购您的商品。
Free advertisement on our Facebook page.
Just list the items you sell and promote your locker on our Facebook page.
免费facebook宣传您在酷兽阁所卖的商品, 甚至直接通过我们的KUSO facebook pages 购买您的商品