"Shadow of The Tomb Raider is the climatic finale of Lara’s origin story. Available September 14th 2018." (Via the website's source code)
Shadow of the Tomb Raider announced for PS4, Xbox One, and PC
Square Enix has officially announced Shadow of the Tomb Raider, “the climatic finale of Lara Croft’s origin story,” for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. It will launch on September 14.
《古墓奇兵》系列最新作《古墓奇兵之影》正式发表 以中南美洲为舞台的起源最终章
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/160184.html)
SQUARE ENIX 今(15)日发表,将于 2018 年 9 月 14 日在 PS4、Xbox One 与 PC 上推出经典动作冒险游戏《古墓奇兵(Tomb Raider)》系列最新作《古墓奇兵之影(Shadow of the Tomb Raider)》,同时释出首部前导预告影片,预告将于 4 月 27 日举办正式发表活动。
Square Enix Officially Unveils Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Square Enix, Eidos-Montréal, and Crystal Dynamics today revealed the full trailer for Shadow of the Tomb Raider, the latest entry in the critically acclaimed and award-winning Tomb Raider series. Created by a team of veteran Tomb Raider developers at Eidos-Montréal, in collaboration with Crystal Dynamics, the game will be available on September 14, 2018 for the Xbox One family of devices, including Xbox One X, PlayStation 4 system and Windows PC/Steam.
In Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Lara must master a deadly jungle, overcome terrifying tombs, and persevere through her darkest hour. As she races to save the world from a Maya apocalypse, Lara will be forged into the Tomb Raider she is destined to be.
The star of the critically acclaimed 2013 Tomb Raider reboot and the award-winning Rise of the Tomb Raider, Camilla Luddington, makes her return as Lara Croft with yet another stunning performance in Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
“Thanks to their incredible expertise, knowledge of the franchise and outstanding creativity, Eidos-Montréal, in collaboration with Crystal Dynamics, is delivering a powerful experience with Shadow of the Tomb Raider,” said Yosuke Matsuda, president and representative director of Square Enix Holdings. “Shadow of the Tomb Raider will take the series to new heights and Lara Croft to new depths.”
“Shadow of the Tomb Raider will challenge Lara Croft in new and unexpected ways,” said David Anfossi, Head of Studio at Eidos-Montréal. “Our team has created a diverse set of skills, combat techniques and equipment for players to master, and they’ll certainly need them if they hope to survive the deadly jungle environments and tombs.”
Last night, Square Enix welcomed fans, community leaders, press, and industry influencers to events in Montreal, London, and Los Angeles so they could experience Lara Croft’s defining moment as she becomes the Tomb Raider. Now, a wealth of information, screenshots, and more is now available at TombRaider.com.
Fans in the New York City area will be able to enjoy a Special Preview of Shadow of the Tomb Raider at the 2018 Tribeca Film Festival on Friday, April 27. This free event will start at 4 p.m. EST, and will take place inside of the BMCC Theater at the Tribeca Performing Arts Center. Join the creative team as they discuss the evolution of Lara Croft and share in the techniques, tools and inspiration behind the series. Panel attendees will be able to witness an exclusive extended gameplay demo for the upcoming Shadow of the Tomb Raider game.
Pre-orders are available now for the Standard, Digital Deluxe, Croft, and Ultimate Editions. For full details on pre-order items, the Season Pass, key beats in the upcoming campaign, and more information on Shadow of the Tomb Raider, please visit the official website and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
Nixxes Software will handle the PC version of Shadow of the Tomb Raider, will collaborate with NVIDIA
故事叙述总监 Jason Dozois 表示,2013 年发售的《古墓奇兵》中,劳拉想要和爸爸成为不一样的古墓探险家,而在《古墓奇兵:崛起》劳拉知道了「 圣三一(Trinity)」组织的存在,并发现爸爸是被他们杀害的,因此在这部新作《古墓奇兵:暗影》中,劳拉要找寻理由、为什么他们要杀死她的父亲、并且努力保护世界。
原文名称:Shadow of the Tomb Raider
发售日:2018 年 9 月 14 日
发行商:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.
台湾发行:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Taiwan Ltd.
平台:Xbox One / Xbox One X/PS4/PS4 Pro /PC(STEAM)
2018-5-3 04:11 PM
由 Eidos 蒙特娄开发,SQUARE ENIX 预定 2018 年 9 月 14 日在 PS4、Xbox One 与 PC 上推出的动作冒险游戏《古墓奇兵(Tomb Raider)》系列最新作《古墓奇兵:暗影(Shadow of the Tomb Raider)》官方公布的游戏装备指导说明中,我们看到了新作中劳拉在游戏实机画面中的外观图,以及劳拉将在游戏中使用的装备的详细介绍展示图:
3月底的时候,世界电子游戏名人堂(World Video Game Hall of Fame)便公布了12款候选游戏,经过近一个月的选拔,最终《Spacewar》、《约翰麦登橄榄球(John Madden Football)》、《古墓丽影(Tomb Raider)》、《Final Fantasy VII》成功入选名人堂。